About Us
Who We Are

The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi (RCUH) was established by the Hawaiʻi State Legislature in 1965 as a public instrumentality and is attached to the University of Hawaiʻi for administrative purposes. It is managed by an eight-member Board of Directors which currently consists of:

  • David Karl, Chair
  • Taryn Salmon, Vice Chair
  • William Haning III
  • Jaret KC Leong
  • Vassilis Syrmos
  • Ernest Wilson
  • Vacant – Non-UH Research Organization Appointee
Our Mission

To support and enhance research, development, and training in Hawaiʻi, with a focus on the University of Hawaiʻi.

What We Do

To fulfill its mission, RCUH is exempt from certain state procurement and personnel laws. This allows RCUH to provide rapid and efficient financial and human resources services which enable its clients to be more productive and to meet their research and training objectives in a timely manner. For more info about RCUH, view our “Introduction to RCUH” presentation.

Who We Serve

The large majority of RCUH’s volume of business is from research and training projects supported by extramural contracts and grants to University of Hawaiʻi faculty. Other projects, generally supported by federal and private funds, are task ordered to RCUH by state departments, county agencies, and national and international entities. These projects focus on the study of outer space, the vast ocean, and the interactions between air and sea. They also protect Hawaiʻi’s environment, contribute to family and children’s healthy development, increase knowledge of climate change, educate students, and bring other benefits to Hawaiʻi.

Our Plan for the Future

The 2022-2026 RCUH Strategic Plan was created by the RCUH Leadership Team and adopted by the RCUH Board of Directors on December 14, 2021. It serves as the basis of a living document to be reviewed annually. Although the primary goals will remain relatively constant, additions and revisions may be made to the objectives and benchmarks as conditions change.

How We’re Managed

Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr., Executive Director, provides leadership and manages the daily affairs of RCUH. Kira Higa serves as the Director of the Human Resources Department, Glenn Yee is the Director of the Finance Department, and Kaylee Hull is the Director of the Corporate Services Department.

How to Contact Us

Mailing Address:
1601 East-West Road
Burns Hall 4th Floor, Makai Wing
Honolulu, HI 96848

Executive Director’s Office
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (808) 956-0503

Corporate Services Department
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (808) 956-0504

Finance Department
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (808) 956-0500

Human Resources Department
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (808) 956-3100