RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
1.340 Revolving Account Sales Agreement
When an agreement is required for services or goods being provided by a revolving account, the agreement shall be between the purchaser and RCUH/Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Manager (PM). The agreement shall be signed by the purchaser, PI/PM, and RCUH. Reference Sales Agreement Template 1 and Sales Agreement Template 2.
I. Procedure
A. The draft agreement shall be routed to RCUH Project Administration for RCUH’s review.
B. Comments, if any, will be provided to the FA of the account for the purchaser’s and PI/PM’s review.
C. Once the agreement has been finalized, after purchaser and PI/PM have signed off, the agreement must be forwarded to RCUH Project Administration for RCUH director of finance’s signature.
D. The fully executed agreement will be returned to FA of the account for distribution.
II. Relevant Document
Revolving Account Sales Agreement Template 1
Revolving Account Sales Agreement Template 2
Date Revised: 01/16/2018