ORS sub-award review and Cost or Price Reasonableness for sub-awards

TO: UH Principal Investigators / Designated University Officials / Other Project Personnel

Effective March 1, 2011, all new University of Hawaii (UH) sub-award agreements, regardless of amount, will be processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS).  All new UH sub-awards will be issued under the name of the University of Hawaii and NOT under the name of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH).  In general, the FDP sub-award agreement template should be used for all sub-awards.  The sub-award forms are posted in the UH ORS website, http://www.ors.hawaii.edu/index.php/forms .  Any exceptions must be approved by the ORS Director.  Please see http://www.ors.hawaii.edu/index.php/start-up-a-manage/project-account-set-up/81-start-up-a-manage/145 for more information on the ORS sub-award process.


If payment is to be processed by the RCUH, an electronic RCUH Purchase Order (PO) will be initiated and payment requests shall reference the UH sub-award number.  Attach a copy of the fully executed UH sub-award agreement and applicable supporting documents to the electronic PO under “Go to File Attachments”.  The RCUH PO will not be issued to the sub-recipient.  The RCUH PO will only be used to encumber the funds and facilitate payment to the sub-recipient.


The UH has determined that the UH sub-award is not a procurement action.  Therefore, a Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness Form is not required on a sub-award.  However, a Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness Form is required on a Federal Contract, not Federal Grant, sub-award.


RCUH Procurement Policies & Procedures 2.125, 2.216, 2.217, 2.430, 2.431, and Attachment #28 have been revised.  Policies & Procedures 2.435 have been deleted and replaced with the ORS Subaward Process at http://www.ors.hawaii.edu/index.php/start-up-a-manage/project-account-set-up/81-start-up-a-manage/145 .


Any future amendments to sub-awards initially processed by ORS, will be processed by ORS.  All prior sub-awards initially issued under the name of RCUH will continue to be processed by RCUH.


Should you have any questions, please contact Darcie Yoshinaga, ORS Associate Director, at [email protected] or (808) 956-4806.