TO: UH Principal Investigators
FROM: Nelson Sakamoto
Director of Human Resources
SUBJECT: tReminder: June 28, 2012 Deadline to Submit Attachment B due to Temporary Unavailability of RCUH Financial System from June 30-July 8, 2012
As previously announced on the RCUH website’s Kuali News, the Attachment B process located on the RCUH Financial System’s Fast Track system will not be available from June 30 through possibly July 8. During this period, Attachment B to establish a new position with RCUH will not be available. Therefore, please submit requests for new positions no later than Thursday, June 28, 2012 to allow UH OHR an opportunity to review and approve your Attachment B by Friday, June 29, 2012. If not, you will need to wait until July 9, 2012 to initiate a new Attachment B.
You may continue to use the RCUH online HRAMP system to initiate replacement positions and other RCUH personnel actions. The RCUH HRAMP system will not be affected by the temporary shutdown of the RCUH Financial System.