RCUH Leave Training – Family Leave Policy Clarification

For those individuals that attended RCUH’s Leave Training, we indicated that we would follow up on clarifying the holiday administration while on Family Leave. Please see below for clarification of the change effective January 1, 2014:


Old Policy (up until 12/31/2013)

New Policy (effective 1/1/2014)

Holidays which occur during an employee’s paid family leave period are paid as a holiday and not charged to the family leave period.  Holidays occurring when an employee is on unpaid leave shall not be entitled to a paid holiday.

When a holiday falls during a week in which an employee is taking the full week of paid FMLA leave, employee is paid for the holiday (i.e. Holiday Pay) but the entire week is counted towards employee’s FMLA leave entitlement.

When a holiday falls during a week when an employee is taking less than the full week of paid FMLA leave, employee is paid for the holiday (i.e. Holiday Pay) but the holiday is not counted towards employee’s FMLA leave entitlement, unless the employee was scheduled and expected to work on the holiday and used FMLA leave for that day.


As of January 1, 2014, we have made the following changes in our Family Leave Policy:


  • Twelve (12) month period: Calendar Year


  •  Administration of Sick Leave/Vacation/Intermittent Leave for specific situations


  • Revised Forms


  • Requirement for Fitness for Duty Certification upon return to work for an employee own Serious Health Condition.


For employees who are not able to attend RCUH’s Leave Training, please see the materials here.


Please refer to Policy 3.660 Family Leave for more information. If you have any questions on Family Leave, please email RCUH Benefits at [email protected].