(FINAL REMINDER) Flexible Spending Plan Accounts – Use or Lose It

TO: All Regular-Status Employees who are enrolled in Flexible Spending Plan Accounts


There is approximately one (1) month left to utilize your current Flexible Spending Plan Accounts (Medical Expense Reimbursement & Dependent Care Expense Accounts).  The end of the current Flexible Spending Plan Year is quickly approaching (June 30, 2014).  Services must be incurred during the plan year ending June 30, 2014.  Unused contributions will be forfeited at the end of the plan year (NO EXCEPTIONS).


All employees should submit their reimbursement forms to National Benefit Services (NBS) in a timely manner.  Services MUST be incurred by June 30, 2014. However, you have ninety (90) days after this date to submit your reimbursement forms with ALL supporting documentation (i.e. receipts, contracts) required. 

In order to claim/submit for reimbursements, you need to complete the NBS reimbursement form and submit it along with a copy of your receipt(s) to National Benefits Services via fax, mail, or email:

  • Toll Free Fax: (800) 478‐1528
  • Mail: National Benefit Services, LLC P.O. Box 6980, West Jordan, UT 84084
  • Email: claims@NBSbenefits.com (PDF, TIFF or JPEG files only)


If you have any questions or need additional reimbursement forms, please call (800) 274-0503 or download forms from the NBS website.