Early PAF Deadline and Extended ESS Blackout Period for 4/30/15 PPE and 5/15/15 PPE

In an effort to test the upcoming ePersonnel Action Form (ePAF) in the RCUH HR system, there will be an earlier PAF Deadline and an extended ESS Blackout Period for the 4/30/15 and 5/15/15 pay period endings. Below are the details of the changes:

4/30/15 PPE Original New
PAF Deadline 4/24/15 4/23/15
Extended Blackout Period 4/13/15-4/20/15 4/13/15-4/23/15


5/15/15 PPE Original New
PAF Deadline 5/11/15 5/8/15
Extended Blackout Period 4/28/15-5/5/15 4/28/15-5/8/15

We are sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kellye Yamamoto at [email protected].