TO: Principal Investigators, Project Administrators/Supervisors, and Fiscal Administrators
We made several changes to the current HR AMP Employee Changes application for actions in the July 1, 2015 to July 15, 2015 pay period in order to transition to the new HR Portal and ePAF application on July 20, 2015. Please see below for the highlighted changes:
- HRAMP Transactions – ONLY July 1, 2015 – July 15, 2015 effective dates allowed. Users will have until HR AMP Deadline (July 10, 2015) to initiate and approve all actions for the July 1, 2015 to July 15, 2015 pay period. All future pay period effective dated transactions will need to be done via the new ePAF application when it is launched on July 20, 2015. If a future pay period effective dated transaction has been initiated, we will be rejecting the action and notifying you to initiate it through ePAF on July 20, 2015.
- HRAMP Employee Changes (Project Account # Changes) – No Full or Partial Vacation Payouts. The “Payout Hours” box will now be a read-only field and will not be editable. There will be no full or partial vacation payout option via ePAF for Project Account # Changes.
- HRAMP Employee Changes (Project Account # Changes) – Only Option 2 Available for Vacation Hours Transfer. Vacation hours can only be split by the project allocation (Option 1 and Option 3 are now disabled). The new ePAF application will automatically transfer an employee’s vacation hours based on the new project allocation.
- HRAMP Employee Changes (Project Account # Changes) – No Vacation Dollars Transfer. Only Vacation Hours transfers will be allowed, and the Vacation Dollars transfer option will be disabled.
- Retro Project Changes (eJV) – No “To Current” Option. An end date in a previous pay period must be selected when doing an eJV. If you would like the eJV to also update the current pay period, please initiate a separate Project Change action AFTER the eJV has been RCUH approved.
*NOTE: Our current HRAMP portal will not be available from July 17, 2015 (at 6:00 PM) through July 19, 2015 while we prepare for the cutover to our new HR Portal on July 20, 2015. You must initiate all July 16, 2015 effective date transactions via the new HR Portal starting on July 20, 2015. You will have seven (7) business days (July 20, 2015 to July 28, 2015) to approve transactions online for effective dated transactions in the July 16, 2015 to July 31, 2015 pay period).
If you have any questions about the modifications that were made to the current HRAMP Employee Changes, please contact Kellye Yamamoto at