We are excited to announce that the Wednesday, February 8th Employee/Independent Contractor (EIC) Review training session will be made available via live Video Conference to several locations – Leeward Community College, UH Cancer Center, UH Hilo, UH Maui College, and Kauai Community College.
Wednesday, February 8 – Video Conference registrations available
1:00pm – 2:30pm
– UH Manoa – Kuykendall 201** Updated location (live) – session full
– Leeward Community College, Learning Commons Rm 108B (via HITS)
– UH Cancer Center, Rm 401 (via HITS)
– UH Hilo, Media Services Rm 359 (via HITS)
– UH Maui College, Ka`aike Rm 105CD (via HITS)
– Kauai CC, Learning Resource Center Rm 122 (via HITS)
Other Employee/Independent Contractor (EIC) Review Training Sessions:
Friday, February 10
10:30am – 12:00pm
– UH Hilo, `Imiloa Conference Room (live)
Thursday, February 16 – session full (wait list available)
1:00pm – 2:30pm
– UH Manoa, Burns Hall, 1601 East-West Road, Room 4012 (live)
Thursday, February 22
1:00pm – 2:30pm
– UH Manoa, Burns Hall, 1601 East-West Road, Room 4012 (live)
These training sessions are being held to provide Principal Investigators and Project Administrators with a set of guidelines on EIC Determinations. It is the policy of the RCUH to properly classify individuals providing services as an “Employee,” “Independent Contractor,” or “Non-Employee.” Misclassification of employees as independent contractors is a serious issue and could result in being held liable for employment taxes (income tax withholdings, Social Security and Medicare, unemployment) for that worker in addition to penalties and interest. Organizations are being scrutinized as never before, as federal and state agencies are ramping up enforcement efforts.
Please sign up for Video Conference and live training through Employee Self Service (ESS) and search “Oahu”, “Hawaii”, “Kauai”, or “Maui” (case-sensitive) under “Select Training Island”. If you have any trouble signing up or are interested in scheduling a separate session for your staff, please feel free to contact Tana Staub at tstaub@rcuh.com or 956-7055.
- RCUH Employee/Independent Contractor Determination Process
- Independent Contractor, Guest Speaker, and Employee relationships (How to’s)
- EIC Policy and Updated Memo Templates
- Master EIC Determinations
RCUH Policy:
3.225 RCUH Employee-Independent Contractor Review
Please contact Tana Staub at tstaub@rcuh.com or 956-7055 if you require special arrangements or accommodations at least five business days prior to the training.