Training Offered by UH Manoa Department of Public Safety

The UH Manoa Department of Public Safety (DPS) offers the following training for UH and RCUH employees.

Active Shooter Awareness & Response Training*

Participants will learn about various active shooter situations, discuss measures and options that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of victimization, and learn what to expect when DPS and law enforcement arrive on the scene.

LOCATION: Campus Center Dining Room 203E

TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


*To register for the Active Shooter Awareness & Response Training, you must have a UH email address. If you are a RCUH employee and need to request a UH email address, please click here to learn more. To schedule a group training for your project, please email


Conflict Resolution & De-Escalation Workshop

DPS also offers a workshop on Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation. Participants will learn about precipitating factors and signs of agitation, discuss verbal and non-verbal de-escalation techniques, and learn techniques for what to do when de-escalation isn’t possible. This course is only offered to groups by request with a minimum of eight participants.  To schedule a session for your project, please email