It is our pleasure to announce this year’s nominees for the RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards. Congratulations to all of the nominees!
Researcher/Project Manager/Professional Category
- Fritzie Celino-Brady, Laboratory of Fish Endocrinology and Environmental Physiology, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
- Serge Chastel, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
- David Cohen, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, UH College of Natural Sciences
- Stanford Fichtman, Apprenticeship Programs, Kapi‘olani Community College
- Mark Huber, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
- Dawn Namahoe Sidman, UH Hilo Research Office
- Michael von Platen, Telehealth Research Institute, UH John A. Burns School of Medicine
Project Support Staff Category
- Yoshitake Nabeshima, Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Mary Jo Riehm, UH Hilo Research Office
- Hope Ronco, Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
- Sean Tanimoto, Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i
- Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i (Benjamin Jones, Joshua Levy, Ted Ralston, and Aricia Argyris)
- Maunakea Weather Center (Tiziana Cherubini and Ryan Lyman)
The purpose of the outstanding employees awards program is to encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project during the past fiscal year or years. Please look for our awardees announcement on November 2, 2020.