To: Principal Investigators and Supervisory Authority Users
We would like to announce that the My COVID-19 Data App report is now available on the HR Portal. This may be found under the Reports Tab, “Employee COVID Information.” Please see attached for reference. You may run this report at any time and it will provide you with up-to-date changes on the status of your active employees. As a reminder, employees are responsible for and required to update and maintain their My COVID-19 Data App information and records. As Principal Investigators, please note that you are ultimately responsible for double checking this list on a regular basis to ensure that your employees’ statuses are accurate, non-compliant employees are followed up with, and you are communicating with your employees and following any additional requirements that may be required by your project. It is also crucial to verify which employees are truly subject or not subject to the mandate. This is a self-reported determination to indicate if the employee is subject to the vaccination/testing mandate. Any employee physically reporting to a work site located in Hawai`i is subject to the vaccination and testing mandate.
RCUH will be responsible for reviewing and approving vaccination records and weekly test results. Please refer to our RCUH COVID-19 Advisory #12 for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Kristyn Fujii at [email protected] and Amber Kaneakua at [email protected] or (808) 956-8900.