RCUH HR IMPORTANT: eUpload Feature via HR Portal Available to Upload Annual Performance Evaluation Forms

The electronic upload (eUpload) feature in the HR Portal is now available for project users to upload completed Annual Performance Evaluations. We highly encourage projects to utilize eUpload to submit performance evaluations.

The eUpload feature allows Principal Investigators and project staff to submit requests, upload forms and supporting documentation for employees to RCUH Human Resources. Project users can track the real-time status of their requests and confirm the effective date of their requested change. Our goal for eUpload is to improve and streamline processes in a safe and secure manner via HR Portal. At this moment, the Annual Performance Evaluation Form is the only option available via eUpload. RCUH HR will work on enhancing options to allow for projects to submit other requests via eUpload (e.g., PAFs, reclassifications). Additional information will be announced when available.

Below are the instructions for utilizing the eUpload feature for Annual Performance Evaluation Forms:

Log in to the RCUH Human Resources Portal and click on the eUpload link (left sidebar in the Project eUpload section).

We welcome any feedback and suggestions for the eUpload feature. As a reminder, performance evaluations are due Friday, September 16, 2022. If you are having accessibility issues, RCUH will accept performance evaluations sent via email to rcuhhr@rcuh.com.

Please contact RCUH Human Resources if you have any questions regarding the Performance Evaluation/eUpload process at (808) 956-3100 or rcuhhr@rcuh.com.