RCUH HR IMPORTANT: Effective October 1, 2022: Changes to Regular-Status, Student Assistant, and Non-Recruited Employees Pay Schedules (Adjusted in Relation to Hawai‘i State Minimum Wage Increase)

TO: Principal Investigators, Project Staff, and Fiscal Administrators

Effective October 1, 2022, the Hawai‘i State Minimum Wage will increase from $10.10 per hour to $12.00

per hour. There will also be subsequent increases to the minimum wage through the year 2028 as outlined below:

Effective DateMinimum Wage
January 1, 2024$14.00 per hour
January 1, 2026$16.00 per hour
January 1, 2028$18.00 per hour

As a result, RCUH will implement the below changes to remain in compliance and maintain labor market competitiveness.

Student Assistant Pay Schedule and Non-Recruited Employees (Intermittent and Temporary status):

Historically, the RCUH Student Assistant Pay Schedule aligns with the University of Hawai‘i (UH) Student Pay Schedule. The new minimum pay rate at the entry level (A1-1) is $12.50/hour.

Effective October 1, 2022, RCUH will adjust pay rates for all active Student Assistants, in accordance with their current pay grade and step. No action is needed from the PIs/projects. The pay schedule also accounts for subsequent changes in 2024, 2026, and 2028. Similar notices and actions regarding the pay adjustment process will be communicated and initiated to comply with the pay schedule. 

All Non-Recruited employees (Intermittent and Temporary status) must be compensated at least $12.50 per hour, consistent with the minimum pay rate for Regular-Status employees and Student Assistants.

RCUH Human Resources will identify current Non-Recruited employees who are making below $12.50 per hour and work with the Principal Investigators to implement the October 1, 2022 pay rate adjustments.

Regular-Status Non-Exempt Pay Schedule:

Pay ranges N05 through N09 will be eliminated. The Non-Exempt pay ranges will start at N10, up through N36. The new minimum pay rate starts at $12.50 per hour (minimum of pay range N10). This change also affects any pending recruitments and new hires. All new hires must be paid at the new minimums of the applicable job’s pay range.

RCUH Human Resources will identify affected employees and work directly with Principal Investigators to adjust pay rates and re-evaluate jobs (e.g., current employees in pay ranges N05-N09) as appropriate, which may also include equity adjustments for the employee(s) in the same or similar position. In the meantime, we recommend that budgets be reviewed in preparation for the change. Compliance with the updated Non-Exempt Pay Schedule will be implemented in two phases:

  1. Effective October 1, 2022: All Regular-Status employees earning less than $12.50 per hour must receive a pay adjustment to meet the new minimum pay rate on the pay schedule.

  2. Effective no later than January 31, 2023: Principal Investigators of all Regular-Status employees who earn $12.50 or more, but do not currently meet the new minimum of their job’s applicable pay range will have up until January 31, 2023 to adjust the pay rate as appropriate. Should Principal Investigators have budgetary constraints, they may request that the employee’s job description be re-evaluated to a lower pay range.

RCUH Human Resources plans to review and adjust the Non-Exempt and Exempt Pay Schedule in relation to the January 1, 2024 minimum wage increase (more information to be announced at a later date).

The Exempt Pay Schedule remains the same, with updates to the Midpoint values (no changes to the Minimum and Maximum values).

Please contact the staff below if you have any questions:
