RCUH RFP No. CS2024-1, Response to Offeror Questions Received October 1-6, 2024

Two (2) questions were received October 1-6, 2024 about RCUH RFP No. CS2024-1, “Design and Development of RCUH Website.” Below are RCUH’s responses.

Q: [We do] not complete any design work until the agreement and deposit has been furnished and the project call has been completed. The project call is required to have an in depth discuss about the business vision, hyper define the demographic, as well as communicate the main pain point(s)/solution(s) for the project’s marketing message to be solidified.  Per the Request for Proposal item 3.1.2, bullet five “provide a rough sketch of the homepage” which is required for the bid to be accepted. Is there any flexibility with the Request for Proposal Section 3-Proposal Requirements?

A: The rough sketch of the homepage provides us a means to evaluate the Offeror’s creativity and responsiveness to our vision. It is required for acceptance of the proposal.

Q: After reviewing the RFP, I noticed it includes items that differ significantly from the current website. Are you able to share the budget range for this project? This will help ensure that (A) I have a realistic chance at the project and (B) it aligns with a budget that works for both of us.

A: The refreshed website should enhance the user’s experience with more features than currently available. We have a budget range of $15,000 to $25,000 for design and development. Offerors should present their best offer based on their understanding of our requirements.