RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
2.108 Emergency Purchase
I. Justification for Emergency Purchase
Emergency purchase procedures are to be used only under very unusual and rare circumstances. Normal procurement procedures may be suspended for the purchase of goods or services in emergency situations. Emergency procurement may be utilized only to purchase that which is necessary to cover the emergency; subsequent requirements shall be obtained using normal purchasing procedures. A procurement shall be considered an emergency purchase when the following conditions exist:
A. A situation of unusual or compelling urgency exists which creates an immediate threat to public health, welfare, or safety; and
B. The existence of such condition creates an immediate need for goods and/or services that cannot be met through normal procurement methods, and the lack of such goods and/or services would seriously threaten the continued function of the Project.
Prior written approval is required from the Fiscal Administrator (FA) for all purchases and from the RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager for purchases $25,000 and over before initiating an emergency purchase. If prior written approval cannot be obtained, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by the FA and, for purchases $25,000 and over, the RCUH Procurement & Disbursing manager.
The Attachment 1 Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness form is required for an emergency purchase if only one (1) quote is received.
Date Revised: 2/02/2017
II. Relevant Document
Attachment 1 Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness