RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
4.101 RCUH Reports – Budget Status Report Summary
I. Overview
The Budget Status Report Summary is a monthly report that provides summary financial information for a specific project displaying expenditures and outstanding purchase orders classified by budget category. The information in this report is updated on a real time basis after transactions are approved in the RCUH financial system.
Principal investigators, project staff, and the designated fiscal administrator should review the Budget Status Report Summary on a timely basis to verify the accuracy of the report and to review the financial status of the program. Comparing amounts awarded and total costs by budget category yields the available balance for future commitments.
Red numbers in parentheses generally indicate a negative or deficit balance, unless otherwise indicated.
II. Procedures
A. In RCUH Reports – Project Reports, select Report Name: “Budget Status Report Summary”.
B. Enter the project number in the Project Number field (i.e. 0001234).
C. The Budget Status Report Summary defaults to report information for the current month. To review a prior month, enter the desired month as MM/YYYY (i.e. to review June 2016, enter 06/2016).
D. Click on the “Retrieve Report” button.
E. To download a data file of this report (in .csv format), click on the “Download” link that is next to the report title.
III. Contents
A. Budget Categories
Separate budget categories are assigned to account for each type of expenditure. These categories are based on standard budget categories for common expenditures and non-standard budget categories to record costs specific to the financial or program requirements of the project. Refer to Policy 4.010 Chart of Accounts.
B. Awarded
After receipt of the award or budget documents, RCUH enters the award amount for the appropriate budget category into the financial system. Program personnel and the designated fiscal administrator must review the “Awarded” column to ensure that the amount assigned to each budget category is correct.
The Budget Status Report Summary for UH Extramural projects do not display awarded amounts because the awarded amounts for UH Extramural projects are not posted to the RCUH financial system. For these award balances, refer to Policy 4.120 UH Project Fiscal Reports – KFS Budget Status Report.
C. Current Month Expended
This column provides the amount of expenditures for transactions recorded in the financial system for the current month. This information is updated on a real-time basis (i.e. when the transaction is approved by the fiscal administrator, the balance will be updated in real-time).
For Revolving accounts, the Current Month Expended Grand Total with a red number in parentheses indicates a surplus (the amount by which cash receipts exceed expenditures).
D. Total Expended
This column provides the cumulative expenditures incurred by the project since its inception. The total expenditures of the previous month’s Budget Status Report, together with the current month’s expenditures equal the amounts shown in the Total Expended column.
For Revolving accounts, the Total Expended Grand Total with a red number in parentheses indicates a surplus (the amount by which cash receipts exceed expenditures).
E. Outstanding Purchase Orders (PO)
This column provides the amount of outstanding purchase orders that have been issued but not paid.
F. Total Cost
This column provides the cumulative expenditures plus outstanding purchase orders. Total Expended amounts plus Outstanding PO equals the Total Cost.
For Revolving accounts, the Total Cost Grand Total with a red number in parentheses indicates a surplus or net income.
G. AvailableBalance
This column provides summary information of the remaining available balance. Awarded amounts less Total Cost (Total Expended plus Outstanding PO) equals the Available Balance. When analyzing the Available Balance, personnel costs, indirect costs, and other costs that have been planned but not encumbered need to be taken into consideration.
For UH Extramural projects, the RCUH Budget Status Report Summary should not be used to determine Available Balance because awarded amounts and transactions processed through UH KFS are not included in this report. For accurate available balances, refer to Policy 4.120 UH Project Fiscal Reports – KFS Budget Status Report.
IV. Relevant Documents
Policy 4.010 Chart of Accounts
Policy 4.120 UH Project Fiscal Reports – KFS Budget Status Report
Date Revised: 05/15/2017