RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
3.211 RCUH Student Employment
I. Policy
It is the policy of the RCUH to accept into its workforce student employees attending school in a degree program. Continuation of employment is dependent upon program/operational needs, satisfactory work performance, availability of funds, and compliance with applicable federal/State laws.
II. Responsibilities
A. RCUH Employee
1. If attending a school other than the UH campuses, submit a student verification upon hire and each semester thereafter in order to qualify for continued student employment.
2. Inform Principal Investigator/Designee when you no longer are a student.
B. Principal Investigator
1. Initiate request to hire a Student Assistant using the Human Resources (HR) Portal system.
2. Ensure the employment of Student Assistants comply with these guidelines.
3. Initiate a termination action when the employee no longer qualifies as a Student Assistant under this policy.
III. Applications
This policy applies to all RCUH Student Assistants and Principal Investigators and/or Designees responsible for the hiring of student employees.
IV. Details of Policy
A. Eligibility for Student Assistant Status – The student must be attending high school or
be enrolled in college in a degree program.
B. Student Work Schedule/Hours – Student Assistants generally work part time (up to 50% FTE). If necessary (and justified by the Principal Investigator and/or Designee), Student Assistants may work up to full time (100% FTE), unless hours are limited due to applicable federal or state laws and/or other considerations (e.g., work visa/authorization status, child labor laws, etc.).
The RCUH is required by the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act or ACA) to provide any Student Assistant/Employee with an affordable medical plan if he/she meets the eligibility requirements. Student
Assistants who work at least 30 hours/week and 130 hours in a calendar month are deemed eligible for Medical Insurance benefits. RCUH must offer these eligible Student Assistants an affordable medical plan coverage, which is the lowest costing single rate coverage. If the Student Assistant decides to enroll in this affordable RCUH medical plan, then the student’s hourly pay rate must be adjusted to the prevailing ACA minimum wage to meet the ACA compliance requirements.
C. Student Assistant Pay Schedule
1. Student Assistants are paid in accordance with the Student Assistant Pay Schedule.
2. Student Assistants must be hired at Step One (1) of the designated pay grade. The pay grade must correspond to the description of work performed. However, consideration may be provided to students who held previous RCUH or University of Hawai‘i (UH) student positions where they may have earned credit to be compensated at a higher pay step. All pay rates must be approved by RCUH Human Resources.
V. Procedures
A. Submit the hire request – The Principal Investigator or Designee must submit a request to hire a Student Assistant via the HR Portal system at least 5 business days prior to the target hire date.
B. Verification of Student Status Is Needed Each Semester
1. All non-University of Hawai‘i students are responsible for submitting a student verification upon hire and each semester thereafter in order to qualify for continued student employment. Students attending any University of Hawai‘i campus (e.g., UH Mānoa, UH Hilo, Honolulu Community College, UH Maui College, etc.), need not submit verification, as RCUH has the ability to verify student status electronically through a UH database.
2. The deadline to submit a valid student verification is one week following the first day of school for the academic semester. The following are acceptable student verifications:
a. Student registration or receipt
b. Letter of student registration from the registrar or counselor
c. Validated student I.D. card
d. Current semester class schedule
e. Any other form of verification deemed acceptable by the Director of Human Resources
3. Current student employees (that have not graduated) may continue working during the summer break and are not required to submit student verification for the summer session.
4. Failure to submit a student verification for the fall or spring semester will result in termination of student employment.
C. Pay Increases – Student Assistant compensation may be increased under three options:
1. Annual Step Increase: Student Assistants are eligible for a step movement to the next pay step in the pay grade annually provided the employee has maintained satisfactory work performance, performed at least 400 hours of work in the year, and if funding is available. The annual step increase may be done on the one-year anniversary from the date of hire or the date of the last pay change, whichever comes later. RCUH Human Resources will send notifications, instructions and forms to Principal Investigators as individuals become eligible for the annual increase.
2. Merit Increase: At the discretion of the Principal Investigator, a request for merit increase may be completed for Student Assistants who consistently exceed performance expectations provided students have completed at least 6 months and 400 hours in their current pay grade and pay step. Principal Investigators must submit a Performance Evaluation Form and a Personnel Action Form to request a merit increase.
3. Reclassification: At the discretion of the Principal Investigator, a request for reclassification of a Student Assistant’s pay grade to a higher level may be submitted when the job duties have changed pursuant to the pay schedule’s description of work. Principal Investigators must submit a Personnel Action Form with justification for the reclassification and a description of the job duties and requirements.
D. Termination of Student Assistants
1. Upon graduation, the Student Assistant must be terminated unless he/she can provide evidence of acceptance into a graduate program in the following semester.
2. The Principal Investigator must initiate a termination action via the HR Portal system by the applicable ePAF deadlines, prior to the termination date.
VI. Contact
RCUH Employment: (808) 956-7307
[email protected]
VII. Relevant Documents
Student Assistant Pay Schedule Human Resources Portal (HR Portal)
Date Revised: 4/25/17