RCUH Policies and Procedures
Research Corporation
of the University of Hawai‘i
Human Resources Department
RCUH New Hire Health Insurance Waiver Form
Employee Name: RCUH Employee ID #:
In compliance with the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA), you are required (PRIOR TO YOUR OFFICIAL DATE OF HIRE) to complete this form if you have waived health care coverage with RCUH. Under the Affordable Care Act, individuals are required to obtain health insurance or pay a tax penalty, unless an exception applies. This is known as the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment. Individuals can meet their obligation to obtain coverage in many ways, including by participating in an employer-sponsored coverage, purchasing insurance in the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (HealthCare.gov), or by obtaining government health insurance such as Medicare Part A, Medicare Advantage plans, or Medicaid. More information about the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment can be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service’s website: (http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Individuals-and-Families/Questions-and-Answers-on-the-Individual-Shared- Responsibility-Provision)
I have waived coverage from RCUH’s group health care plan because:
I (and if applicable, my eligible beneficiaries) prefer not to have coverage. (I am declining health insurance entirely.)
I (and if applicable, my eligible beneficiaries) have coverage with another party (i.e. parent, spouse, domestic partner, civil
union partner, or my own coverage purchased directly from a health insurance carrier).
I (and if applicable, my eligible beneficiaries) have or will have coverage through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (HealthCare.gov). I understand that by cancelling or waiving coverage through RCUH that I (and if applicable, my eligible beneficiaries) will not be eligible for a federal subsidy if applying through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace since I was offered medical coverage through RCUH.
I (and if applicable, my eligible beneficiaries) have coverage such as Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, COBRA, Veterans Program, or other coverage recognized by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as minimum essential coverage.
By signing this waiver form I am acknowledging the following:
I understand that RCUH has given me an opportunity to enroll in RCUH’s Group Health Insurance coverage for myself and my eligible beneficiaries but I am voluntarily declining enrollment as indicated above.
I understand that by declining RCUH’s Group Health Insurance, I can only enroll during RCUH’s Open Enrollment Period or due to a Qualifying Event as defined by RCUH’s Policy 3.520 RCUH Health Plans.
I further understand that providing inaccurate information or falsifying the information contained in this form may result in disciplinary action including and up to termination of employment.
Signature of Employee: Date: / /
Why am I required to have health coverage?
The ACA requires nearly everyone have health insurance that meets minimum standards and is affordable. Under the ACA, employees and employers are subject to Shared Responsibility provisions that with some exceptions require employees and / or employers pay a penalty when health insurance coverage is not maintained.
Shared Responsibility Provisions – Effective beginning tax year 2014
Employees: Under the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision, you, your children, and anyone else that you claim as a dependent on your
taxes are required to have health insurance that meets minimum standards. Individuals who do not maintain health insurance coverage will
have to pay a penalty to the IRS.
RCUH: Under the Employer Shared Responsibility Provision, employers who do not offer affordable health coverage that provides a minimum
level of coverage to their full-time employees and their qualified dependents will have to a penalty to the IRS.
Further Information regarding the Individual Mandate:
Instructions: Provide the completed signed form to RCUH and retain a copy for yourself.
RCUH Form B-5W 08/29/15 rev 03/24/16