RCUH Policies and Procedures
[Project letterhead]
To: Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
Project Administration
From: ________________________________, Principal Investigator
Re: Authorized Signatures
RCUH Project#: ____________
Project Title: ________________________________________
I authorize the individual(s) below to sign and issue financial transactions (purchase order, direct payments including Authorized for Payment, mileage reimbursement, non-employee reimbursement, petty cash and travel documents including request and completion) on my behalf for the above referenced project.
Authorized Personnel
_____ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature Restrictions, if any
______ ________________________ _____
Name and Title
_____ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature Restrictions, if any
______ ________________________ _____
Name and Title
_____ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature Restrictions, if any
______ ________________________ _____
Name and Title
Signature of Principal Investigator