RCUH Policies and Procedures
Direct Project (State Department/Agency) – Continuation/Extension Request
The Master Agreement between the State of Hawaii (State) and The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH) requires periodic review of projects to determine the need for continuing RCUH services. Pursuant to Section 3, Periodic Review of Projects: “State and RCUH shall jointly conduct periodic reviews of ongoing projects to ensure 1) continuing appropriateness and 2) compliance with the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement”. Accordingly, please provide the information requested below. A meeting to discuss the continuation of your project may be scheduled upon receipt of this completed request form.
Date: ____________________
Project Number: ___________ Project Title: __________________________________________
PI: ___________________________________________________________________________
Department: ___________________________________________________________________
Primary Contact: ____________________________ Title: _______________________________
Email: ____________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Reason for this request:
Extension of Project:
Current termination date: ____________________ Extension to: _________________________
*Note: maximum allowable extension period for this request is 12 months.
Additional/Decrease Funding:
Current: ______________ Addition/Decrease: _______________ Cumulative: ______________
*Attach revised budget.
Describe, if any, addition and/or change in scope of activity, including staff requirement and significant procurements: _____________________________________________________________
Justification for continued RCUH administrative services: ____________________________________
Rev July 2020
Other than stated above, all information provided on the Direct Project Request form dated ______________ remains true and correct.
Attach Governor’s approval for this request.
I certify that I am an authorized officer of the organization named above, and that the information provided on this request is true and correct.
Signature: _______________________________________________Date:_______________
Name: ____________________________________ Title: __________________________
*********************************RCUH USE ONLY*****************************
Internal comments: __________________________________________________________________
Direct Project request has been reviewed and recommended as follows:
Initials Date Comments
Director of HR Approve/Disapprove ________ __________ ____________________
Director of Finance Approve/Disapprove ________ __________ ____________________
Approve/Disapprove Direct Project request:
Executive Director Date
Rev July 2020