RCUH Policies and Procedures
University of Hawaii
Revolving Account Service Order Request
Project #: Check One:
Service Order #:
Initial Request:
Modification (fill out Modification section below):
Close Out:
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement between the University of Hawaii (UH) and The Research
Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH), the UH hereby authorizes RCUH to establish/amend the revolving account as
Project Title: Time Period:
UH College/Unit: UH Department:
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Email: Phone:
Designated UH Official (FA):
Email: Phone:
Complete and attach pages 2 – 5 (MANDATORY FOR INITIAL REQUESTS and UPDATES).
Reason for modification:
refer to UH AP 12.204 Section III.C.1. for limitation on use of revolving accounts.
Requested by: Date:
Principal Investigator/Project Manager
Approved by: Date:
Department Chair
Dean/Director or Designee
Reviewed by: Date:
Fiscal Administrator/Designated UH Official
Vice President for Research/Vice Chancellor for Research or Designee
Approved by: Date:
RCUH Executive Director or Designee
Special Condition: The RCUH board has limited the advance funding of revolving fund and SSF accounts to a maximum of two
months of operating expenses; and further, the advance funding is applicable only to the start-up of a project. Refer to RCUH Policy
1.300 University of Hawaii Revolving Accounts.
FOR UH: The PI/PM, Chair, FA/DUO, & Dean/Director must certify that the revolving account activity and
management plan complies with UH AP 12.204 Section III.C. and III.D. Signature constitutes certification.
AP 12.204
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NOTE: Please scan/email signed service orders to [email protected]
The Principal Investigator/Project Manager, in conjunction with the designated University official, shall
prepare and attach the following prior to processing the Revolving Account Service Order Request. Add
more sheets as necessary.
A. Activity: Select appropriate activity per AP 12.204 Section III.D.4.
Project involves procurement of goods and services on a cost reimbursable “user fee
basis,” which could not otherwise be provided due to the uneconomical cost of specialist
facilities, personnel, equipment and maintenance (e.g., research vessel and technical
shop-type operations).
Workshop or conference projects without direct extramural sponsorship involving
non-university, out-of-state and international participants, such as for faculty or staff
professional organizations.
Project involving the reprinting of monographs, journals, and conference materials;
providing access to research data, including maps for purchase or via subscription; or
production of limited quantities of commodities developed under research project for use
by other organizations or institutions to further research or non-research activities.
B. Description: Set forth a comprehensive description, including the purpose of the proposed revolving account
and its relationship to research and training.
C. Anticipated Users: Identify present and/or prospective users, including user fund sources
(e.g. federal, state, or private sponsored agreements, etc.) if known.
AP 12.204
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D. Distribution Base: Set forth proposed unit basis for charging using projects for goods provided or
services rendered, such as units of goods produced or time allocated (e.g. hour, day, or month) for
respective job orders.
E. Annual/Biennial Operating Budget: Provide an annual/biennial operating budget by major
expenditure category which estimates the projected annual/biennial operating requirement of the
proposed revolving fund activity. SEE ATTACHED (NOTE: If annual renewal, submit a one-year budget.
If biennial renewal, submit a two-year budget.)
F. Annual Recharge Rate(s): Establish an biennium user recharge rate which will usually equate to the
annual operating budget divided by the total anticipated base units of goods or services to be
provided, adjusted to amortize any variance (deficits/surpluses) from prior periods when applicable.
AP 12.204
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G. Variance Adjustments: Renewal request notifications shall include an updated schedule which
includes the amortization of prior period deficits and/or surpluses as a part of setting a recharge rate(s)
for the next rate year. Attach a print out of the current RCUH Budget Status Report.
Project Deficit as of (date)_______________ = $ ____________________________
Amortization plan for deficit:
Project Surplus as of (date) _______________ =$ ___________________________ Include in recharge
rate for next rate year (section F). Sixty (60) day working capital is allowable per AP 12.204.
AP 12.204
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Income: (list category)
Category Description
0001 Salary
0002 Fringe Benefits
0003 Controlled Property
0004 Materials and Supplies
0005 Employee Domestic Travel
0006 Consultant/Fee for Service
0007 Printing/Publication
0008 Communication
0011 Non-Employee Travel – Domestic
0012 Non-Employee Travel – Foreign
0013 Equipment
0014 Utilities
0015 Employee Foreign Travel
0016 Rentals – Equipment/Other
0017 Repairs & Maintenance
0018 Rental-Space
0019 Stipends & Tuition
0020 Other Current Expenditures
RCUH management fee (Required)
Net Income/Loss
Carryforward balance
(Not to exceed 60 days working capital)
E. Annual/Biennial Operating Budget:
Provide an annual/biennial operating budget by major expenditure category which estimates the projected
annual operating requirement of the proposed revolving fund activity. RCUH management fee will be charged.
AP 12.204
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