RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY – Guidance Relating to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules

The following guidelines will apply to any unforeseen disruption to an RCUH employee’s work schedule (i.e., prolonged power outages, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, national security facility lockouts, etc.). If necessary, the RCUH will announce more detailed guidelines to address specific situations. The following applies to only employees scheduled to work on the day of the disruption.

1. Employee Notification-All Principal Investigators are responsible to notify his/her RCUH employees whether or not to report to work. We recommend all Principal Investigators develop an emergency notification process (i.e., telephone tree). Principal Investigators should provide all RCUH employees with a phone number to call if they have any questions regarding their work status/schedule.

2. Normal workplace is shutdown – If circumstances prevent the employee(s) from reporting to their normal workplace, Principal Investigators will be responsible to determine which employee(s) will be allowed to work at an alternative workplace (i.e., another office or at home). If no alternative work or workplace is available, the employee(s) may be placed on an Administrative Leave with Pay (with Sponsor Approval). Otherwise employees will be placed on vacation status (if available) or leave without pay status.

3. Administrative Leave with Pay-RCUH must receive authorization from the Governor’s Office before we can authorize Administrative Leave with Pay. There may be urgent circumstances where an Administrative Leave with Pay may be appropriate, however Principal Investigators must contact the RCUH Director of Human Resources immediately for further guidance. We advise Pl’s to check with your Fiscal Administrator to determine if your sponsor will allow paid administrative leave for emergency work disruptions. If your sponsor disallows the paid administrative leave, then employees will be placed on vacation or leave without pay status (whichever is applicable).

4. Timekeeping-For payroll and time accounting purposes, each employee will be responsible to keep accurate time records. These records must be turned into the Principal Investigator no later than the last day of the applicable pay period.

5. Disruption beyond 1-3 working days and/or no alternative work or workplace is available- Employees will be placed on vacation or leave without pay status until further notice from Principal Investigator.

6. Employees on scheduled vacation, authorized sick leave or other authorized leaves – No change in status will occur for any employee who is already on an approved/scheduled vacation, authorized sick leave or other authorized leaves. When the employee returns from their leave, they must contact the Principal Investigator for directions.