No Retroactive and Late Personnel Actions starting March 1, 2013

TO:tttAll Principal Investigators


FROM:ttNelson Sakamoto

tttDirector of Human Resources


SUBJECT:tNo Retroactive and Late Personnel Actions Starting March 1, 2013


We require everyone’s cooperation to adhere to our administrative deadlines.  These deadlines are intended to maximize workflow efficiencies and to ensure accurate and timely outcomes to hiring and payroll actions.  We have accommodated numerous requests for exceptions to our deadlines, which is no longer possible since these accommodations result in time consuming manual processing.  This is not efficient and adds to our already heavy workload.  Our objective is to meet your employment and payroll needs.  However, accommodating late or retroactive actions that force my staff into manual processing jeopardizes our ability to remain efficient and to meet your needs.


Therefore, starting March 1, 2013, RCUH Human Resources will not accept the following retroactive and late personnel actions:


  • Retroactive Hiring Actions: All hiring actions and new hire paperwork must be submitted on or before the designated Personnel Action Form (PAF) deadline for the pay period. No retroactive/late hiring actions will be accepted.
  • Retroactive Pay Actions: All pay adjustments should be current and prospective. Late requests for pay adjustments will be handled as lump sum payments only. Lump sum payments should be calculated on the PAF prior to submission.
  • Late Timesheet Submission: Employees will not be paid on time by the respective payday if the RCUH online timesheets (on the Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (HRAMP)) are not processed by the applicable 12:00 noon payroll deadline. 
  • Late FTE Change Requests:  All FTE changes should be current and prospective.


All PAF’s and employee timesheets must be submitted to RCUH Human Resources in a timely manner for the current pay period in order to be approved and processed. Please click here for the 2013 Personnel Action & Payroll Calendar.


Please contact Renee Doi ([email protected]), Senior Human Resources Manager if you have any questions concerning this memo.