TO: Principal Investigators
FROM: Nelson Sakamoto
Director of Human Resources
SUBJECT: 2012 RCUH Compensation Guidelines
The following is to provide all Principal Investigators of RCUH projects guidelines relating to employee compensation:
1. Annual Pay Award Guidelines: The RCUH will not be issuing any Annual Pay Award Guidelines. There will be no Merit or General Pay Award Guidelines issued at this time.
2. Position Reclassifications: Principal Investigators may submit position reclassification proposals if an employee’s job has significantly changed (i.e., increased responsibilities, acquires/utilizes new skills on the job, or other significant changes in skills, accountability, or problem-solving). Principal Investigators will need to submit an updated job description, cover memo explaining changes and the incumbent’s qualifications or an updated CV/resume from the employee to justify the reclassification. Submit these directly to my office for review. A job evaluation will be conducted to determine if the changes to the job warrants a reclassification.
3. Retention Pay Adjustments: Principal Investigators may submit a memo requesting a retention pay adjustment to prevent an employee from leaving his/her project. Retention pay adjustments are handled on a case-by-case basis and may require additional pay adjustments within the PI’s project to maintain internal equity among that individual’s work unit.
Principal Investigators should consult with their fiscal office to determine if no-cost extensions on current funding can be done.