November 2, 2010 – General Election & Voting Time




                                                                                                           November 1, 2010



TO:                 All Principal Investigators & Project Administrators


FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                        Director of Human Resources

SUBJECT:   November 2, 2010 – General Election & Voting Time



November 2, 2010 is the General Election Day.  The majority of RCUH employees should be observing this as a paid State Holiday.  However, there may be some RCUH employees who are required to work on November 2, 2010.


Voting Time – Time Off From Work:  Employees who are registered voters and who normally do not have a free two-hour period, excluding lunch and rest breaks, must be given two hours paid leave in order to vote in the General Election while the voting polls are open (7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).


This provision does not apply to any employee whose hours of work are such that he/she has a period of two consecutive hours, excluding lunch and rest breaks, prior to or before the voting polls close (i.e., 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).  Therefore you do not need to provide the employee any time off if his/her work schedule begins at 9:00 a.m. or ends at 4:00 p.m.


If the employee is allowed two paid hours for voting, then the employee must present a “voter’s receipt” as proof of voting.  Failure to provide a “voter’s receipt” will result in the employee being charged vacation time or leave without pay (whichever is applicable) for the time off for voting.