Update to RCUH’s Micro-Purchase Threshold and Simplified Acquisition Threshold for Federal Contract Funds

Effective October 23, 2020, RCUH’s micro-purchase threshold (MPT) for purchases made using federal contract funds is increasing from $3,500 to $10,000. The MPT for federal contract funds is being raised to meet the $10,000 MPT for all other funds (e.g., federal grant and cooperative agreement funds, non-federal funds), because the $10,000 threshold was recently adopted by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). The $10,000 MPT amount now applies to all types of funds.

Revisions to the MPT have been made in the following policies/documents:
• Policy 2.103 Request for Quotation (Sections I.A.; I.B.)
• Policy 2.106 Sole Source Purchase (Introduction; Section I.D.1.)
• Policy 2.107 Exempt Purchase (Introduction)
• Policy 2.110 Cost or Price Reasonableness (Sections II.A.; II.B.1.)
• Policy 2.201 Purchase Orders (Sections II.D.)
• Attachment 28 Procurement Checklist

Also effective October 23, 2020, the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT) for requirements in Policy 2.111, is being increased from $150,000 to $250,000 for federal contract funds, as the $250,000 amount has also been adopted by the FAR. The policy is now entitled, “2.111 Purchases Over $250,000 (Federal Funds)”. The $250,000 SAT amount now applies to all types of federal funds.

Questions may be directed to Erin Yoda, RCUH Procurement and Disbursing Manager, at [email protected].

eSign Added Features

In cooperation with the State of Hawai‘i Office of Enterprise Technology Services, we are pleased to announce two (2) added features. Effective September 22, 2020:

• Multiple files uploaded (before sending) will be automatically merged into a single document (Important: Load files in the sequence you wish them to appear in the final)

• Audit Report/History will be automatically attached as the last page when the PDF document is fully signed and filed (applicable to users with eSign accounts)

We hope these added features will improve efficiencies in your workflow.

Should you have any questions, please contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected].

RCUH Financial Portal Down

The RCUH Financial Portal is currently down due to a system error. We are working to resolve the issue, and we will post a message when the Financial Portal is back in operation. Until the problem is resolved, the Financial Portal cannot be accessed. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Thank you.

Nominations Open for 2020 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards

The 2020 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project during the past fiscal year (July 2019–June 2020) or years.


Three award categories are available:

  1. Researcher/Project Manager/Professional (exempt status position)
  2. Project Support Staff (non-exempt status position)
  3. Team (2–5 staff in exempt and/or non-exempt Regular-status positions) 


  • $1,000 to the first place awardee in each category
  • $500 to the second place awardee in each category
  • Team awards for first and second place will be shared equally among team members

All nominees and awardees will be announced in the fall. (We have suspended the nominee videos and awards luncheon for this year.)


A Principal Investigator may submit one nomination. PIs may re-nominate an employee who did not place first or second in a previous year. Team nominations are limited to no more than five individuals.


The deadline to submit a nomination is Tuesday, September 8, 2020.  Email your nomination to RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected]. Click here for the nomination form.

For more information, please refer to policy 3.450 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards or contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected] or 808-988-8314.

Legal Professional Services Awards – Fiscal Year 2021

Project Title To provide legal services related to employment, to the RCUH Corporate Office.
Selected Consultant Barry W. Marr, Esq. (Marr Jones & Wang)
Contract Amount $50,000.00
Date of Award July 10, 2020
Consultants Considered (ranked candidates only) Richard M. Rand (Marr Jones & Wang); Sarah O. Wang (Marr Jones & Wang); Christopher J. Cole (Marr Jones & Wang); Patrick H. Jones (Marr Jones & Wang); Kristi O’Heron (Marr Jones & Wang); Newton J. Chu (Torkildson Katz Moore Hetherington Harris & Knorek); Christopher S.Y. Yeh (Marr Jones & Wang); Megumi Sakae (Marr Jones & Wang); Eileen C. Zorc (Marr Jones & Wang); Cecily D.M. Kaya (Marr Jones & Wang); Andrea L. Miyashita (Marr Jones & Wang).
Appointing Officer Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr.
Project Title To provide legal services related to maritime/admiralty, to the RCUH Corporate Office.
Selected Consultant Michael J. Nakano, Esq. (Cox Wootton Lerner Griffin & Hansen)
Contract Amount $20,000.00
Date of Award July 13, 2020
Consultants Considered (ranked candidates only) No other submissions.
Appointing Officer Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr.
Project Title To provide legal services related to immigration, to the RCUH Corporate Office.
Selected Consultant Newton J. Chu, Esq. (Torkildson Katz Moore Hetherington Harris & Knorek)
Contract Amount $15,000.00
Date of Award July 10, 2020
Consultants Considered (ranked candidates only) Vaughn G.T. Cook (Torkildson Katz Moore Hetherington Harris & Knorek)
Appointing Officer Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr.
Project Title To provide legal services related to employee benefits/taxes, to the RCUH Corporate Office.
Selected Consultant Joseph D’Amato, Esq. (D’Amato & Maloney)
Contract Amount $40,000.00
Date of Award July 10, 2020
Consultants Considered (ranked candidates only) No other applicants in the specialty area of employee benefits.  Other applicants in the general employment field included:  Barry W. Marr, Esq. (Marr Jones & Wang); Richard M. Rand (Marr Jones & Wang); Sarah O. Wang (Marr Jones & Wang); Christopher J. Cole (Marr Jones & Wang); Patrick H. Jones (Marr Jones & Wang); Kristi O’Heron (Marr Jones & Wang); Newton J. Chu (Torkildson Katz Moore Hetherington Harris & Knorek); Christopher S.Y. Yeh (Marr Jones & Wang); Megumi Sakae (Marr Jones & Wang); Eileen C. Zorc (Marr Jones & Wang); Cecily D.M. Kaya (Marr Jones & Wang); Andrea L. Miyashita (Marr Jones & Wang).
Appointing Officer Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr.
Project Title To provide legal services related to taxes and payroll, to the RCUH Corporate Office.
Selected Consultant Vaughn G.T. Cook (Torkildson Katz Moore Hetherington Harris & Knorek)
Contract Amount $15,000.00
Date of Award July 10, 2020
Consultants Considered (ranked candidates only) John J. D’Amato (D’Amato & Maloney) (employee benefits tax only)
Appointing Officer Leonard R. Gouveia, Jr.

New Finance Online Course: Vendor Records

All transactions in the RCUH Financial Portal begin with a vendor record. Searching for a vendor record, what is needed to create one, why a record is purged, and how to complete U.S. and foreign vendor registration forms are all covered in this new three-module course.

For questions on this training, please contact Charlene Gibo at [email protected] or (808) 956-3208.


The RCUH fiscal year-end processing has been completed. You may now approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel in the Financial Portal. The first check run for Fiscal Year 2021 will be on Monday, July 6, 2020 at 4:00 PM.

UH Project Fiscal Reports may reflect incorrect amounts and balances until KFS is opened for FY 2021. Until KFS is opened for FY 2021, please use the Mass Printing Reports to access the UH Project Fiscal Reports as of June 2020 and earlier.

Reminder: Service dates are required for all payment transactions through Monday, August 31. For payments approved after July 31, $100,000 or greater, and with service dates of June 30 or earlier, please complete the attached RCUH AP Worksheet. Please include estimates or projections for invoices that have not been received as of July 31. Please email your worksheet to Staci Murata at [email protected] by Monday, August 3.

Please refer to the Thursday, June 18 General Announcement on Service Dates for more information.

Service Dates for Online Payments Processed July 1 to August 31, 2020

The fiscal year-end cutoff for RCUH online payment transactions is 12:00 noon on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. All online payment transactions processed after Tuesday, June 30, through Monday, August 31, will require service dates. The service date format is MM/DD/YY.

For payments that will be processed or approved after Friday, July 31, 2020, are $100,000 or greater, and have service dates of June 30, 2020 or earlier, please complete the attached RCUH AP Worksheet. Please include estimates or projections for invoices that have not been received as of July 31. Please email your worksheet to Staci Murata at [email protected] by Monday, August 3. If there are no payments to report, please email Staci to report that there are no items by Monday, August 3.

A service date field is provided on all payment forms and is identified with the heading “S/D”. The service date is the date goods are received or services are performed. For certain types of payments, including travel completions, petty cash reimbursements, extended services, etc., the service date entered should be the last day of the period covered by the payment. However, if the service period covers multiple fiscal years, allocate costs in each fiscal year incurred (i.e., if the service period is from June 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020, record costs incurred from June 1 to June 30 with a 06/30/20 service date and costs incurred from July 1 to July 31 with a 07/31/20 service date).

This information is needed to ensure that RCUH liabilities are properly reported as of June 30, 2020. Our auditors, N&K CPAs Inc., will be reviewing selected documents processed during this period as part of their audit procedures. Accordingly, please be advised that we may be requesting copies of payment documents for review.

Please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected] if you have any questions. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.