*New* Policy 2.111 Purchases Over $250,000 Using Federal Funds – Effective July 1, 2018
It was previously announced that the Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (“Uniform Guidance”) would begin imposing new requirements for purchases above $150,000. The threshold was since increased to $250,000 and, following several initial grace periods, the new requirements will be effective on July 1, 2018.
Effective July 1, 2018, all purchases over $250,000 made using federal funds will be subject to Policy 2.111 Purchases Over $250,000 Using Federal Funds, which will require the following:
- An independent cost/price estimate for all purchases above $250,000 obtained via any procurement method (e.g., RFQ, RFP, IFB, exempt, sole source), must be completed before receiving proposals, bids, or quotes.
- For purchases above $250,000 obtained via RFQ or IFB, the solicitation must be publicly advertised. For this purpose, RCUH collaborated with CommercePoint, Inc. to provide a new RCUH Buyer account on SuperQUOTE. Alternatively, you may advertise in a publication of regular and widespread circulation, such as the Honolulu Star Advertiser.
a. If SuperQUOTE is utilized, the “Sealed Bid (IFB/RFQ)” option must be selected (this will conceal all information submitted by the bidder, with the exception of the bidder’s name). A list of each bidder and their bid amount will be available for public viewing on the SuperQUOTE website at the time of bid closure.
b. If the IFB/RFQ is advertised in a publication of regular and widespread circulation, each quote/bid must be sealed and stored in a secure place until the quotes/bids are publicly opened by the project at the time, date, and place designated in the IFB/RFQ.
NOTE: If it is unknown at the time of solicitation whether the purchase price will be above or below $250,000, projects should follow the above requirements when soliciting for quotes/bids as a safety precaution. If projects choose not to follow the above requirements, and the low bid amount is over $250,000, the IFB/RFQ will need to be cancelled and resolicited following the above requirements.
RCUH collaborated with SuperQUOTE to create a new account for users to register as “RCUH Buyers”. Buyers under the RCUH account will have the ability to select a new solicitation type called “Sealed Bid (IFB/RFQ)”. When “Sealed Bid (IFB/RFQ)” is selected, all bid amounts submitted will not be viewable by anyone (i.e., buyer, bidders, public), until the solicitation closes, at which time the bidders’ names and amounts will be publicly posted on the SuperQUOTE webpage. Click here for a user guide on the new features.
Both new users, and users who already have an existing UH Buyer account, can sign up for an RCUH Buyer account. Click here for registration instructions.
Although the “Sealed Bid (IFB/RFQ)” process is not required until July 1, 2018, we encourage users who make purchases through RCUH to start registering now under the RCUH account, to become familiar with the system.
For UH users who make purchases through RCUH, we also encourage you to make your other “non-sealed bid” SuperQUOTE purchases using the RCUH account, as links to RCUH’s terms and conditions will be on the RCUH account, and RCUH is currently in the process of developing a direct feed from SuperQUOTE to the RCUH Financial Portal. Details on the feed will be announced later in the year.
Questions may be directed to Erin Yoda, RCUH Procurement and Disbursing Manager, at 808-956-3969 or eyoda@rcuh.com.