Effective January 1, 2024: Changes to Regular-Status, Student Assistant, and Non-Recruited Employees Pay Schedules (Adjusted in Relation to Hawai‘i State Minimum Wage Increase)

TO:                 Principal Investigators, Project Staff, and Fiscal Administrators

Effective January 1, 2024, the Hawai‘i State Minimum Wage will increase from $12.00 per hour to $14.00

per hour. There are subsequent increases to the minimum wage through the year 2028 as outlined below:

Effective DateMinimum Wage
January 1, 2026$16.00 per hour
January 1, 2028$18.00 per hour

As a result, RCUH will implement the below changes to remain in compliance and maintain labor market competitiveness.

Student Assistant Pay Schedule and Non-Recruited Employees (Intermittent and Temporary status):

Historically, the RCUH Student Assistant Pay Schedule aligns with the University of Hawai‘i (UH) Student Pay Schedule. The new minimum pay rate at the entry level (A1-1) is $14.50/hour. Effective January 1, 2024, RCUH will adjust pay rates for all active Student Assistants, in accordance with their current pay grade and step. No action is needed from the PIs/projects.

The established Student Assistant Pay Schedule reflects pay rates for subsequent changes in 2026 and 2028. Similar notices and actions regarding the pay adjustment process will be communicated and initiated to comply with the pay schedule. 

All Non-Recruited employees (Intermittent and Temporary status) must be compensated at least $14.50 per hour, consistent with the minimum pay rate for Regular-Status employees and Student Assistants.

RCUH Human Resources will identify current Non-Recruited employees who are making below $14.50 per hour and work with the Principal Investigators to adjust their pay rates to ensure compliance with the new minimum pay rate.

Regular-Status Pay Schedule (Non-Exempt and Exempt):

RCUH Human Resources has reviewed and adjusted the Regular-Status Non-Exempt and Exempt Pay Schedule in relation to the January 1, 2024 minimum wage increase. Please refer to policy 3.330 RCUH Pay Schedules for the updated pay schedule. Compliance with the updated Pay Schedule will be implemented in two phases:

  1. Effective January 1, 2024:
    1. Current employees: All Regular-Status employees earning less than $14.50 per hour must receive a pay adjustment to meet the new minimum pay rate on the pay schedule. RCUH Human Resources will identify current employees who are making below $14.50 per hour and work with the Principal Investigators to adjust their pay rates to ensure compliance with the new minimum pay rate.
    1. Pending recruitments and new hires: All new hires must conform with the new minimums of the applicable job’s pay range.
  • Principal Investigators with current employees making above minimum pay rate, but, do not currently meet the new minimum of their job’s applicable pay range will have the following options:
    • Provide equity adjustment for current employee upon recruitment for additional position (new hires will be subject to the updated pay schedule).
    • Effective no later than January 31, 2025: If no additional positions are recruited for, PIs will have until January 31, 2025 to provide a pay adjustment to employees to meet the new minimum of the pay range.
    • Should Principal Investigators have budgetary constraints, they may request that the employee’s job description be re-evaluated to a lower pay range or converted to a Non-Exempt (eligible for overtime) status.

Please contact the staff below if you have any questions:

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 12/09/23 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 12/09/23 at 7:00 AM (HST) to 1:00 PM (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems at (808) 956-8900 or [email protected].

RCUH HR Important: Administrative Leave for RCUH Regular Salaried Employees During the 2023 Holiday Season

TO:         All Principal Investigators Employing RCUH Regular Salaried Employees

Governor Josh Green has issued an Executive Memorandum authorizing eight (8) hours of administrative leave for Regular-Salaried employees on December 22 or December 29, 2023.  Pursuant to the Governor’s and UH President’s memo, RCUH Executive Director Leonard Gouveia has authorized the following:

  1. Regular, Full-Time, salaried employees will be given administrative leave with pay on December 22 or December 29, 2023.  Part-Time, salaried employees shall be granted a proportionate amount, based off their Full-Time Equivalency (FTE), of administrative leave from their scheduled working time.  For example, a Part-Time salaried employee at 50% FTE is entitled to four (4) hours of administrative leave.
  2. The leave must be taken all at once on either day and shall not be split in any manner.
  3. Employees paid on an hourly basis (not on a monthly salary) and employees on suspension or leave without pay status on both days are not entitled to administrative leave.
  4. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure that arrangements for administrative leave are fairly applied to all eligible employees.
  5. Eligible employees required to work on December 22 and December 29 shall be given equivalent administrative time off at some other date determined by the Principal Investigator. This leave must be used no later than January 5, 2024.
  6. Eligible employees on vacation or sick leave on December 22 and/or 29 should charge only the hours in excess of their applicable administrative leave. However, if adjustment to vacation credits would result in forfeiture, the employees should be allowed equivalent administrative leave off on other dates as determined by the Principal Investigator, not to be applied after January 5, 2024.

Despite the granting of administrative leave, the Governor reminded all Department Heads that the offices should be adequately staffed on December 22 and December 29 to provide necessary service to the public between the hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Principal Investigators whose projects service the public should take appropriate steps to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Time Reporting: On the RCUH eTimesheet, please report Administrative Leave hours using the Holiday Administrative Leave with Pay Code “ADM” available as a drop-down option on the “Leave/Other Codes” row.

Please remember, the RCUH Core Offices will be closed all day on Monday, December 25, 2023 and January 1, 2024. RCUH will reopen for business on December 26, 2023 and January 2, 2024.

Any questions regarding this memo may be addressed to Director of Human Resources Kira Higa at [email protected].


Executive Memorandum (Memo No. 2023-09)

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President Lassner’s Memo

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2023 Year-End Important Dates (For PIs/Project Staff)

In our ongoing efforts to provide our project staff with early communication, please note the following 2023 Year-End Important Dates:

ePAF Deadline: December 13, 2023 (Wednesday)Deadline for all retroactive payroll correction and adjustment requests for 2023. Pay period ending 12/15/2023 is the last payroll for the tax year 2023 and the last chance for retroactive payroll adjustments to be processed in the current payroll year. Any adjustments posted after pay period ending 12/15/2023 will be considered 2024 earnings/adjustments and will NOT be included in the employee’s W-2 form for 2023.
FINAL PAYROLL FOR THE 2023 TAX YEAR:  December 18, 2023 (Monday) at NoonPayroll deadline for the 12/01 – 15/2023 pay period.  Please ensure that ALL eTimesheets are submitted and approved by the RCUH HR payroll deadline. Any late timesheets processed after pay period ending 12/15/2023 will be considered 2024 earnings/adjustments and will NOT be included in the employee’s W-2 form for 2023.
December 25, 2023 (Monday)Christmas Holiday
December 26, 2023 (Tuesday)Deadline to consent for electronic W-2 form and mailing/email address changes.  We ask that Projects encourage all of their employees to consent to receive their W-2 electronically through the secure Employee Self-Service site.
January 1, 2023 (Monday)New Year’s Day Holiday
First payroll for the 2024 Tax Year: January 2, 2023 (Tuesday) at NoonPayroll deadline for the 12/16 – 31/2023 pay period    

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH Payroll at [email protected].

2023 Year-End Checklist for Employees

In our ongoing efforts to provide employees with early communication, please consider these Year-End Preparations as we near the end of 2023.

Important Dates:

  • December 18, 2023 at Noon: Final Payroll Deadline for Calendar Year 2023 (check with your project for internal deadline)
  • December 26, 2023: Deadline for Electronic W-2 Consent and Mailing/Email Address Changes
Checklist ItemsDetailsPath or Resources
W-2 Electronic ConsentPlease reference the Memorandum from Kira Higa, RCUH Director of Human Resources (RE: IRS From W-2 – Go Electronic: Safer and Faster Access to W-2s).Employee Self-Service> Payroll and Compensation > W-2/W-2c Consent
Review Form W-4Make any change if necessary (review personal withholding situation).You may use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator for assistance with completing your Form W-4
Review Mailing/Email AddressesUpdates to your personal information can only be submitted via ESS during non-blackout dates (please refer to the 2023 Personnel Action and Payroll Calendar for blackout dates).Employee Self-Service> Personal Information > Home and Mailing Address
Add Security Questions in RCUH Employee Self-ServiceThis feature will enable system security features such as password resets. Users will have the ability to create individualized responses to the questions.  Those who do not complete the security question(s) will need to call RCUH Human Resources for assistance with password verificationEmployee Self-Service> Personal Information > Personal Information Summary > Security Questions   [email protected] (808) 956-8900

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY: Attention – Fiscal Administrators RE: Employees Charged to Expired Project Account(s)

RCUH Policy No. 3.232 RCUH Funding of Positions requires all RCUH employees’ payroll and fringe benefits to be charged to a valid (i.e., active/funded) project number(s). Projects are responsible for all charges incurred on an expired account which may result in a questioned cost. Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators are also responsible for ensuring that their employees are on accounts with sufficient funding.

Options for employees that are on an expired or expiring account are:

  1. Submit an ePAF to transfer the employee to a valid project number by the RCUH ePAF deadline
  2. If you have received your sponsor’s approval for additional funding or for a No-Cost Extension (NCE), provide documentation via eUpload in the HR Portal
  3. Terminate employee consistent with Policy 3.285 RCUH Termination of Employment

Effective immediately, RCUH Human Resources will no longer be sending notifications to  the projects every pay period to inform them of employees charged to an expiring project account. In the event we identify employees who have been consistently charged to an expired project account, RCUH HR will reach out to the project for corrective action as appropriate.

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems at [email protected].

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Thursday, 10/05/23 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Thursday, 10/05/23 at 8:00 PM (HST) to 11:00 PM (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. This schedule is subject to change and a current announcement will be posted when the downtime is scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems at (808) 956-8900 or [email protected].

Now Available via HR Portal: Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF): Deadline to submit is October 10, 2023

TO: Principal Investigators, Project Administrators, and Fiscal Administrators

This announcement is applicable for Principal Investigators/projects that follow the Federal fiscal year or for PIs who have missed the first round (July) of the annual performance evaluation period and have submitted performance evaluations by the deadline for their eligible employees.

The online Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF) is now available via the Human Resources Portal.  This is the second step in the October annual performance evaluation period process to elect to provide eligible employees with the pay adjustment (increase to base salary) and/or award (one-time payment) effective October 1, 2023. There will be an option to provide eligible employees with a retroactive lumpsum payment covering July 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023.

Principal Investigators must complete and submit the PA/PAF no later than 4:30 P.M. on Tuesday, October 10th. Employees will see the pay award or pay adjustment reflected on their pay statement on October 20 (pay day for the pay period October 1-15, 2023).

To access the online PA/PAF:

  1. Log in to the Human Resources Portal
  2. Click on “Manage Employees” Tab
  3. Click on “Annual Pay Awards (PA/PAF)”
  4. A copy of the October 2023 RCUH Pay Guidelines will be available for reference. You will only be able to initiate the PA/PAF for employees who meet the eligibility requirements.

If you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the PA/PAF, please contact one of the RCUH Human Resources staff via phone (808-956-3100) or email:

ACTION NEEDED – Update your URLS: New RCUH Human Resources Portal/Employee Self-Service Website is LIVE

The RCUH Human Resources Portal and Employee Self-Service (ESS) upgrade and new layout are now live!

You may now access the Human Resources Portal and ESS via the NEW links below. Please be sure to update your bookmarks. You can also go to RCUH.com > Human Resources Portal and Employee Self-Service for the most up-to-date links.

We will continue to explore ways to improve our system and the user experience. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems via phone (808-956-8900) or email ([email protected]).

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Friday, 09/08/23 6:00 PM to Sunday 09/10/23 Noon

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Friday, 09/08/23 at 6:00 PM (HST) to Sunday 09/10/23 Noon (HST) for the system upgrade. Please refer to the previous news announcement for more details.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self-Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems via phone (808-956-8900) or email ([email protected]).