RCUH HR IMPORTANT – Update: Resolution of Technical Issue and RCUH Human Resources Portal/Employee Self-Service New System Launch Date

We are pleased to share that the technical issues for the RCUH Human Resources Portal/Employee Self-Service system have been resolved and the upgrade is ready for implementation.

Resolution of Technical Issue:

Our team has been working diligently to address and resolve the technical challenges that led to the delay of the system upgrade on August 28, 2023. After thorough analysis and testing, we are confident that the issues have been fully resolved. We appreciate your patience and support throughout this process.

New System Launch Date: 9/11/23

We are excited to announce that the new launch date for the RCUH Human Resources Portal/Employee Self-Service system upgrade is set for September 11, 2023. The extra time taken to address the technical issues ensures that we will be able to provide you with a seamless and enhanced experience when using the system.

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Friday, September 8, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. (HST): The RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down during this time to prepare for our new website and system upgrade. This will include:
    • Human Resources Portal
    • Employee-Self Service (ESS)
    • Careers/Recruiting
    • New Hire Documents (EHS)
  • Monday, September 11, 2023: New launch date for the upgraded system. Effective Monday, September 11, 2023, the links to the Human Resources Portal and Employee Self-Service will change. You will receive the new URLs the morning of September 11. You can also go to RCUH.com > Human Resources Portal and Employee Self-Service for the most up-to-date links.

We recognize the impact that this upgrade has on our operations and your work, and we are committed to making this transition as seamless as possible. We believe that the upgraded system will significantly enhance your productivity and overall experience.

Your feedback is invaluable to us. As you start using the new RCUH Human Resources Portal/Employee Self-Service system, please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and insights with us. We are here to provide any support you may need during this transition.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems via phone (808-956-8900) or email ([email protected]).

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 07/29/23 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 07/29/23 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

Please see below for the tentative System Down Schedule for 2023:

July 29, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
August 19, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
September 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
October 28, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
November 25, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
December 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. This schedule is subject to change and a current announcement will be posted when the downtime is scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

RCUH HR IMPORTANT: Administrative Leave for RCUH Employees on July 19, 2023 (County of Hawai‘i)

TO: All Principal Investigators employing RCUH Regular Salaried Employees working physically on Hawai‘i Island ONLY

Governor Josh Green issued a notice that State offices in the County of Hawai‘i will be closed on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 due to severe weather conditions. Non-emergency employees located on Hawai‘i Island shall be granted administrative leave. This notice provides Principal Investigators guidance for time reporting for your RCUH employees who work in the County of Hawai‘i.   

The following information is provided in order to clarify the work or leave status of employees:

  1. Employees who work on WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2023, shall be considered as having worked their normal day of work and shall not be granted equivalent time off at a later date.
  2. Employees who are on their scheduled day off shall not be granted equivalent time off at a later date.
  3. Employees who are on approved leaves should be continued on leave status without any adjustment to their leave records and shall not be granted equivalent time off at a later date.
  4. Hourly paid employees shall not be entitled to Administrative Leave.

Please refer to RCUH’s memo with further guidance for unforeseen disruptions in work schedules.

Time Reporting: On the RCUH eTimesheet, please report Administrative Leave hours using the Administrative Leave with Pay Code “ADM” available as a drop-down option on the “Leave/Other Codes” row.

Any questions regarding this memo may be addressed to Director of Human Resources Kira Higa at [email protected].

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY – Washington State Long Term Care Tax (WA Care Fund) – Collecting Premiums starting 06/30/2023 PPE

TO:  RCUH Employees working/residing in Washington State

Please be advised that commencing July 1, 2023, all RCUH employees who are residents of Washington State will be required to contribute into the Washington State Long Term Care Tax (WA Cares Fund) unless an exemption notification has been provided to RCUH Human Resources. This will appear as a payroll deduction starting with the 06/16/2023-06/30/2023 pay period (pay day on 07/07/2023).

For more information please refer to the following links: 

Previous RCUH Announcements regarding WA State Long Term Care Tax:

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or (808) 956-8900.

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 06/24/23 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 06/24/23 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

Please see below for the tentative System Down Schedule for 2023:

June 24, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
July 29, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
August 26, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
September 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
October 28, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
November 25, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
December 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. This schedule is subject to change and a current announcement will be posted when the downtime is scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

Hurricane Season (June 1 – November 30): Guidance Related to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules

To: Principal Investigators, Supervisors, Project Staff, and Employees

Hurricane season takes place from June 1 to November 30. In preparation, please reference the memo with guidance related to unforeseen disruption in work schedules (e.g., prolonged power outages, natural disasters).

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RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 04/29/2023 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 04/29/23 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

Please see below for the tentative System Down Schedule for 2023:

April 29, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
May 27, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
June 24, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
July 29, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
August 26, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
September 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
October 28, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
November 25, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)
December 30, 2023 (Saturday)5:00 AM (HST) – 10:00 AM (HST)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. This schedule is subject to change and a current announcement will be posted when the downtime is scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

RCUH HR IMPORTANT: FY 2024 Benefits Open Enrollment Election Period Starts Today!

The RCUH Employee Benefit Open Enrollment (OE) Election Period starts today, April 26 through May 17, 2023. All changes will be effective July 1, 2023.

Please access all Open Enrollment forms and materials (rate sheet, summary of benefits, comparison documents, FAQ, etc.) at the following link: 2023-2024 RCUH Open Enrollment Page

What’s new this year:

  1. Upgraded Benefits Webpage, including an all-new dedicated Open Enrollment Webpage
  2. Medical Rate Changes:

a. HMSA: 13.3% increase on monthly premiums on all plans from previous plan year

b. Kaiser: No rate increase

c. HDS: No rate increase

3. Medical Plan Changes:

a. HMSA: In an effort to simplify our medical insurance offerings, the HMSA Health Plan Hawaii Basic plan will no longer be a plan option effective July 1, 2023. Current enrollees have been contacted under separate cover and will be transitioned to an alternate medical plan. HMSA Health Plan Hawaii Plus has been renamed to HMSA HMO for increased transparency and at-a-glance understanding. HMSA’s new vision plan administrator will be EyeMed. This will be effective July 1, 2023 for RCUH Employees.

b. Kaiser: Kaiser Plan A has been renamed to Kaiser HMO Standard – Plan A and Kaiser Plan B has been renamed to Kaiser HMO Comprehensive – Plan B. Addition of Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, and Naturopathy to the existing Chiropractic rider (CAM+N) (Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, and Naturopathy)  

c. HDS: no changes

4. Introduction of eWaiver Form via the Employee Self-Service eUpload link

IMPORTANT: As a condition of employment or continued employment, an employee deemed eligible for the RCUH health insurance must either elect or waive health insurance coverage. All employees waiving medical coverage are required to submit an eWaiver as an acknowledgment of the offer of health insurance and agreement that they are opting to waive coverage each plan year.

What you can do during Open Enrollment:

This is your opportunity to elect, waive, or change certain benefit elections for the upcoming plan year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). Mid-year changes and enrollments are not allowable unless you experience a qualified life event (e.g., marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc.) and submit within the 30-day deadline.


  • If you are currently enrolled in health insurance and have no changes to your coverage (and will not be enrolling into FSA), no action is needed.
  • Please note that unlike health plans, you must re-enroll in a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Healthcare and Dependent Care each plan year. If you are currently enrolled in the Flexible Spending Healthcare or Dependent Care Account and you wish to continue your benefit, you must submit a new enrollment form for the new plan year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) as plan elections do not rollover.
  • 2022-2023 FSA Use or Lose reminder – If you are currently enrolled in an FSA Healthcare or FSA Dependent Care benefit, any remaining funds must be spent by June 30, 2023 or they will be forfeited. You will have until September 28, 2023 to submit any remaining receipts (of any funds spent before or on June 30, 2023) to NBS.  
  • Please ensure your mailing address is correct on the Employee Self-Service. This is where your health/FSA cards (if applicable) will be mailed. You should plan to receive your cards no later than July 1st.


Contact the RCUH Employee Benefits section to discuss your questions or concerns about Open Enrollment.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-6979

For Employee Self-Service (ESS) Password Resets and eUpload Assistance, contact RCUH HR Help Desk:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (808) 956-8900

Contact vendors directly with questions regarding specific coverage questions or current claims:

Hawaii Dental Service (HDS) Member Services: (808) 529-9248

HMSA Preferred Provider Plan & Comprehensive Medical Plans: (808) 948-6111

HMSA Health Plan Hawai’i HMO (808) 948-6372

Kaiser Member Services: (808) 432-5955

National Benefits Services (NBS) Flexible Spending Account Member Services: (855) 399-3035

Benefits Spotlight Series – Healthcare Options: PPOs or HMOs

Gas prices? Think about healthcare prices instead! On average, a person spends around 6 times more per year on healthcare (~$12,914) than on gas (~$2,150) in Hawaii.

With Open Enrollment right around the corner, this is the perfect opportunity to start thinking about your current health plan and what works best for you and your family.

This Benefits Spotlight shows the differences between the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).  When shopping around or comparing health plans, you may find yourself confused with the different terminologies. We hope that this spotlight will help you understand what all this jargon means.  Click here to check out our Benefits Spotlight on Healthcare Options: PPOs Or HMOs – Which Is Right for You?

Open Enrollment 2023 – What’s new!

HMSA Plans – We will no longer be offering the HMSA Health Plan Hawaii Basic plan this year. If you are currently enrolled in this plan, we will be contacting you directly with important information regarding your options for transitioning into a new plan. While this plan is no longer available, we anticipate there should be little to no disruption in your current healthcare services. The current Health Plan Hawai’i Plus will be our stand-alone HMO for HMSA with a new name – HMSA HMO.

Kaiser Plans – New names and addition of CAMN (Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy + Naturopathy). Kaiser Plan A will be renamed Kaiser HMO Standard and Kaiser Plan B will be renamed Kaiser HMO Comprehensive.

 e-Waiver coming soon!  For all employees who waive health coverage annually, or are opting out of health coverage this year, we will have an e-Waiver available on ESS e-Upload! It is a simple process that allows you to submit your waiver online with no extra forms or downloads!
Webpage updates – We are continually adding more information to the RCUH Benefits webpage, so please check this frequently for new items and resources.