RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 3 – User Guide and Training Videos

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. The design of the modernized user interface is based on existing forms and business processes, so users familiar with the current system should not require extensive user training.

The User Guide and Training Videos provide highlights on the new features of each major function in the modernized system.

Training videos for each function can be found by clicking on the links below:
Main Menu & Delegation (2:30 minutes)
Create PO (3:05 minutes)
PO Change (2:25 minutes)
PO Payment (2:09 minutes)
Authorization for Payment (3:09 minutes)
Non-Employee Expenses (4:25 minutes)
Personal Automobile Mileage (3:05 minutes)
Petty Cash Summary Sheet (2:59 minutes)
Travel Request (4:23 minutes)
Travel Completion (4:38 minutes)
Travel Completion from a Travel Request (4:43 minutes)
RCUH Reports (1:08 minutes)
UH Reports (1:03 minutes)
Attachment B (1:43 minutes)

All training videos combined together (a playlist):


Existing training videos will remain in the Using RCUH.com Help page. These videos reflect the previous design version of www.rcuh.com, and focus on the business process and basic workflow of submitting POs, Payments, Travel Requests, etc.

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 UPDATE – Webinar Materials

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. To prepare for the release, we hosted a webinar on Tuesday, November 10. This presentation provided an overview of the modernized Financial Portal and was geared toward users already familiar with the RCUH financial system and business processes. Here are the materials from the session, including the recorded webinar, presentation slides, and Q&A for your reference.

Recorded Webinar (50 minutes): https://vimeo.com/145322196

If these materials do not provide enough details to meet your needs, we will also be providing a User Guide and Training Videos for each major function.Please continue to check the RCUH website for News and Announcements.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or 988-8340.

RCUH Timesheet for November 16-30, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the November 16-30, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is December 1, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is December 7, 2015

Next Announcement: December 1 (December 1-15)

REMINDER – RCUH Financial System Modernized User Interface Implementation on 11/23/2015

As previously announced, RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface on Monday, November 23, 2015. The old system will be disabled on Friday, November 20 at 4:00 PM.

Friday, November 20 4:00 PM – Payment and PO approval deadline
Pending and Disapproved documents will be deleted
Friday, November 20 to Sunday, November 22 RCUH Financial System disabled
Monday, November 23 RCUH Financial System OPEN
New URL for Financial Portal: https://fis.rcuh.com

All pending documents that are NOT approved by Friday, November 20 at 4:00 PM will be deleted. Please plan accordingly.

For additional background, please refer to the earlier notice posted on:
October 23, 2015 – RCUH Financial System Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 1

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or 988-8340.

RCUH Timesheet for November 1-15, 2015 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the November 1-15, 2015 Timesheet
PAYROLL Deadline is November 16, 2015 noon
Payday for this timesheet is November 20, 2015

Next Announcement: November 16 (November 16-30)

RCUH Employee Self Service and HR Portal Working at 3:00 PM and Extended ePAF Deadline Tomorrow (11/10/15) at 10:00 AM

The Employee Self Service (ESS) and Human Resources Portal are now accessible again. Thank you for your patience while the issue was being resolved, and we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.

Because of the unforeseen system downtime, we will be extending our ePAF Deadline to tomorrow, November 10, 2015 at 10:00 AM. Please make sure to have all ePAF approvals in the system well before the extended deadline if you would like the action to be approved in the 11/15/15 pay period.

If you continue to have difficulty logging in to our systems or have any questions, please contact Kellye Yamamoto at [email protected].

Big Island and Maui Training – Vacation Reserve and Vacation Policy Training and NEW RCUH Supervisor Accident Report Form and General Safety Training

RCUH will be providing training on the finalized changes to the RCUH Vacation Leave Policy and the new Vacation Reserve.  We encourage all employees, PIs, Supervisors, and Fiscal Officers to attend. We will also be introducing a new Supervisor Accident Report Form during the second part of our session for PIs, Supervisors and Fiscal Officers. We will be covering the following topics during this training:

  1. Finalized changes to the RCUH Vacation Leave Policy and the new Vacation Reserve
  2. NEW RCUH Supervisor Accident Report Form
  3. Revised Policy 3.930 RCUH Safety and Accident Prevention Program
  4. Accident Prevention Program
  5. Your Responsibility as a Supervisor
  6. Light Duty/Job Physical Analysis


Hilo – IFA Auditorium
640 N. A’ohoku Place
Monday,  November 16, 2015 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Employees, PIs, Supervisors, and Fiscal Officers
3:00pm – 4:00pm
ONLY PIs, Supervisors and Fiscal Officers
Maui – UH Maui College, Pilina Multipurpose Room
310 W Kaahumanu Ave, Kahului, HI 96732
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Employees, PIs, Supervisors, and Fiscal Officers
3:00pm – 4:00pm
PIs, Supervisors and Fiscal Officers

To sign up for training, click on RCUH Training Enrollment located on the RCUH web page.  If you are a current employee, log on to the Employee Self Service to select training.
Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, contact Evelyn Moss at (808) 956-6965 or email [email protected] at least one week prior to the session.

UH Alert Emergency Notification System

TO: All RCUH Employees

FROM: Nelson Sakamoto
Director of Human Resources

SUBJECT: UH Alert Emergency Notification System

Employees interested in receiving emergency alert messages from the University of Hawaii please go to www.hawaii.edu/alert/. This link will provide you step by step instructions on how to sign up for both email and text emergency alerts affecting the various UH campuses.

UH Alert Emergency Notification
The UH Alert emergency notification system alerts the university community in the event of a natural, health or civil emergency. The information you provide will only be used in the event of an emergency that impacts the health and safety of the UH community or closures of whole campuses. It will not be shared with others or used for routine UH communications or announcements. Click below to login and:
Sign in to UH Alert

Information about UH Alert

    • Automated emergency messaging options include:
    • Email

Your @hawaii.edu email address is automatically subscribed to UH Broadcast, which sends out email for administrative and health and safety alerts.
Unsubscribing from UH Alert will not affect email sent from UH Broadcast.

  • SMS /text messages
  • Alerts can be sent via text message to student, faculty and staff mobile phones.

UH Alert Sign Up Instructions

  1. Login with your UH username and password.
  2. Tell us the campus(es) or geographic location(s) about which you want to be alerted.
  3. Submit your cell phone number.
  4. Click “Save Changes” at the end of the form.
  5. That‘s it! You may opt-out or change your information at any time.

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 — November 10, 2015 Webinar

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. To prepare for the release, we will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday, November 10 at 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  This presentation will provide an overview of the modernized Financial Portal and will be geared toward users already familiar with the RCUH financial system and business processes.

The live webinar will be provided online through GoToWebinar. To register, please click on the following link:
Webinar ID: 157-261-923

For those not able to join the live webinar, the session will be recorded and a link to the video will posted on the RCUH website.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or 988-8340.

Student Assistant Pay Rate Increase – Effective November 1, 2015

To: All Principal Investigators

Effective November 1, 2015, the RCUH will initiate pay rate increases to all active Student Assistants in order to align RCUH’s Student Assistant Pay Rate Schedule with the University of Hawaii’s Student Assistant Pay Rate Schedule.

You do not need to submit any online or manual personnel action forms to make this change. The RCUH Human Resources Office will initiate these pay rate changes for all Student Assistants automatically. However, after November 1, 2015, your office must initiate any subsequent pay rate changes associated with Step Pay Rate changes (i.e. Reclassification of Duties from Step A3-1 to Step A3-2) via a manual Personnel Action Form (PAF).

Please refer to the following information for further details:

We will also initiate a similar notice and process for Student Assistant Pay Rate increases effective July 1, 2016 & July 1, 2017.

If you have any questions, please contact Renee Doi, Assistant Director of Human Resources via email at [email protected].