Mandatory Training and Employee Performance Evaluation

TO:                 Principal Investigators, Supervisory Authorities, Administrative Authorities, and RCUH Employees

The 2023 RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation Form includes a certification by the employee that all mandatory trainings and/or requirements defined in their job description have been completed. The certification appears in the employee signature block on the evaluation form.  Please reference our April 17, 2023 web announcement.

The courses mandated by RCUH are as follows:

1) RCUH EEO/Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees (or Supervisors, as appropriate)

2) RCUH Workplace Violence Prevention for Employees (or Supervisors, as appropriate)

  • Both courses above are found in the RCUH Training Portal
  • Both courses above must be completed once every two (2) years

3) Hawaii State Ethics Commission (HSEC) General Ethics Training

RCUH employees may be required to take additional training, such as the UH Information Security Awareness Training or UH Title IX Training, but employees should check their job description or talk to their Principal Investigator to verify additional training requirements. NOTE: RCUH is currently evaluating its training and policies to reduce redundancies in training requirements for those working for UH projects. 

In a recent audit, we found that many Regular-status RCUH employees did not have an RCUH Training Portal account. Effective May 30, those employees will receive a system-generated message that an RCUH Training Portal account has been created. The three (3) courses mandated by RCUH will have been assigned.

We appreciate the efforts of all employees to complete the assigned training. Should an employee have difficulty logging into their RCUH Training Portal account or uploading the ethics training certificate, please contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected].

RCUH Vendor Payments for April 18, 2023

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  Vendor payments for transactions approved on April 18 will be processed when the issue is resolved.

At this time, online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions cannot be approved in the Financial Portal until the issue is resolved.  We are working to resolve the issue and will post an updated announcement when the Financial Portal is back in operation.

RCUH transactions approved on April 18 for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted or posted to the UH Kuali Financial System, and UH Project Fiscal Reports may reflect incorrect amounts and balances until the issue is resolved.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

RCUH Mandatory Training Courses to be Updated April 21, 2023

TO: RCUH Employees, Supervisory Authorities

RCUH will be updating its EEO/Sexual Harassment Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention courses in the RCUH Training Portal on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. If you are in progress of completing either course, please complete it by April 21st, otherwise your progress may be lost. If you have not yet completed the two mandatory training courses, please wait until after April 21st to view the updated versions. NOTE: These training courses are required for all RCUH Employees once every two years.

If you have any questions about either training or your training status, please email [email protected].

REMINDER: RCUH Project Survey Released April 10

On April 10, 2023, RCUH released an online survey to all Principal Investigators, Fiscal Administrators, and project staff. We hope that you’ll participate in the survey; it should take you less than 10 minutes. Your responses are confidential and cannot be linked to an individual, unless follow up communication is requested. Responses will be accepted through April 28, 2023. Mahalo in advance for your participation!

RCUH Vendor Payments for April 6, 2023

On Thursday, April 6, 2023, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  Vendor payments for transactions approved on April 6 will be processed when the issue is resolved.

At this time, online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions cannot be approved in the Financial Portal until the issue is resolved.  We are working to resolve the issue and will post an updated announcement when the Financial Portal is back in operation.

RCUH transactions approved on April 6 for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted or posted to the UH Kuali Financial System, and UH Project Fiscal Reports may reflect incorrect amounts and balances until the issue is resolved.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Benefits Spotlight Series – Flexible Spending Accounts: Did You Know…

In this series, we will explore the benefits of enrolling in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

An FSA lets you use pretax money set aside for the year to pay for health or dependent care expenses. This could be one of the simplest solutions in saving money on everyday items you may already be purchasing. Perhaps the biggest benefit is saving money on taxes!

If you are interested in learning how you could potentially increase your take-home pay, want to know more information about FSAs, or if you are wondering if an FSA is right for you, RCUH Human Resources will be holding 45-minute virtual workshops in March.

You may register to attend a virtual workshop via the RCUH Training Portal under “Live Sessions.” Click on “Via Content Library” under “Assignment Type” and click “Apply” to view the available workshops. If you need assistance with your RCUH Training Portal login and/or password, please contact [email protected].

PIs/Admin may also request virtual workshops for their project, so that project staff may attend a session together. Please contact [email protected] or call (808) 956-6979 / (808) 956-2326.

If you are planning to enroll for an FSA this upcoming plan year (2023-2024), RCUH’s Open Enrollment will be held April 26 – May 17, 2023.

Click here to check out our Benefits Spotlight on Flexible Spending Accounts.

UPDATE — RCUH Vendor Payments for February 9, 2023

The RCUH Financial Portal is back in operation and users may resume approving transactions.

On Thursday, February 9, 2023, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  Vendor payments for transactions approved on February 9 will be processed in accordance with our normal processing schedule.

RCUH transactions approved on February 9 for UH Extramural accounts will be transmitted and posted to the UH Kuali Financial System on February 10.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

RCUH Vendor Payments for February 9, 2023

On Wednesday, February 9, 2023, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  Vendor payments for transactions approved on February 9 will be processed when the issue is resolved.

At this time, online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions cannot be approved in the Financial Portal until the issue is resolved.  We are working to resolve the issue and will post an updated announcement when the Financial Portal is back in operation.

RCUH transactions approved on February 9 for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted or posted to the UH Kuali Financial System, and UH Project Fiscal Reports may reflect incorrect amounts and balances until the issue is resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Updated Access to Burns Hall

East-West Center has implemented security enhancements at Burns Hall effective February 2, 2023. Elevators and the internal center stairwell are now locked to visitors.

  • Visitors who need to meet with RCUH staff: Please sign in using one of the iPads in the lobby. You will need to input your name, email address or mobile number, and the name of who you are meeting (please type in “RCUH” if you are unsure). Call your RCUH contact and wait to be escorted from the lobby to the 4th Floor. Upon departure, visitors must sign out using the iPad or by clicking the link “View guest instructions” in their text message/email from Verkada Guest.
  • Visitors who need to make a pick up or drop off: Schedule a meet-up in advance. We recommend that visitors have the phone number of a RCUH contact to alert them of their arrival. RCUH will then meet the visitor in the lobby or outside the front doors.

These security measures are in accordance with the East-West Center’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification requirements. We thank you for your cooperation to keep everyone safe.