RCUH Moving MIC Offices To East-West Center’s Burns Hall in February 2023

RCUH’s Executive Office, Corporate Services, and Finance departments will be relocating from the Mānoa Innovation Center to East-West Center’s Burns Hall (4th Floor Makai Wing) in early February 2023. We appreciate your patience during this time of transition, especially the latter half of the month, as we bring together all of RCUH under one roof for the first time in more than 25 years! 

Effective February 6, 2023, please route all RCUH correspondence to:

1601 East-West Road, Burns Hall 4th Floor, Makai Wing
Honolulu, HI 96848

RCUH’s phone numbers will also be updated during this transition. The main phone line for Accounting & Project Administration will change to (808) 956-0500. Please monitor the staff directories in the RCUH Financial Portal and HR Portal/Employee Self-Service for updated staff contact information. If you have any questions regarding the move, please contact [email protected]

RCUH Vendor Payments for December 19, 2022 – UPDATE

The RCUH Financial Portal is back in operation and you may resume approving transactions in the Financial Portal.

On Monday, December 19, 2022, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  Vendor payments (Checks and ePayments) for transactions approved on Monday, December 19 will be processed in accordance with our normal processing schedule.

RCUH transactions approved on December 19 for UH Extramural accounts will be transmitted and posted to the UH Kuali Financial System on December 20.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

RCUH Vendor Payments for November 15, 16, and 17, 2022 – UPDATE

On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing.  We are continuing to work on resolving this issue.  Vendor payments for transactions approved on Tuesday, November 15, Wednesday, November 16, and Thursday, November 17 will be processed when the issue is resolved.

The Financial Portal will remain open and online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions can be created and approved. However, RCUH transactions approved on November 15, 16, and 17 for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted or posted to the UH Kuali Financial System, and UH Project Fiscal Reports may reflect incorrect amounts and balances until the issue is resolved.

Manual checks can be issued during this period on an emergency basis. Fiscal Administrators should contact RCUH Disbursing at [email protected].

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

2022 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year

On October 27, 2022, a gathering of nearly 100 celebrated the accomplishments of 16 exemplary RCUH employees at the newly renovated University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Campus Center Ballroom.

A selection committee comprised of Ken Hayashida, Marie Kumabe, and Clyde Shiigi selected the awardees based on the nominees’:

  • Initiative, leadership, and resourcefulness in carrying out their achievements,
  • Impact of their achievements on the project, professional field, and/or larger community, and
  • Other variables such as the significance or quality of their achievements.

RCUH proudly announces this year’s awardees:


First Place: Telecommunications and Social Informatics (TASI), UH Social Science Research Institute
Ginger Porter, Umerang Imetengel, and Alyssa Shimizu

Second Place: Cyberinfrastructure, UH Information Technology Services
Michelle Choe, Sean Cleveland, Maria Dumanlang, Jennifer Geis, and Jared McLean

Honorable Mention: Shepherd Research Lab, UH Cancer Center
Nisa Kelly and En Liu


First Place: Kelsey McBeain, Department of Oceanography, UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

Second Place: Naomi Moran, Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Honorable Mention: Joanna Norton, Cassava Improvement Project, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources


First Place: Cris Milne, Hawaiʻi Center for AIDS, UH John A. Burns School of Medicine

Second Place: Hank Oppenheimer, Plant Extinction and Prevention Program, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, UH College of Natural Sciences

Honorable Mention: Jesse Abdul, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

Each individual received a certificate and cash award. Additionally, first-place awardees received $1000 (shared equally by team members), while second-place awardees received $500 (shared equally by team members).

We wish to acknowledge and thank the following principal investigators who submitted nominations: Dominic Chow, Kyle Edwards, Jeffrey Hare & Douglas Luther, Christina Higa & Norman H. Okamura, Shaya Honarvar,  Gwen Jacobs, Satoshi Miyazaki, John Shepherd, and Sharon Wages. Congratulations to all!

UPDATE – Problem with Payments – October 7, 2022

The RCUH Financial Portal is back in operation and users may resume approving transactions in the Financial Portal.

On Friday, October 7, 2022, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing and consequently, checks could not be printed.  Checks for vendor payments approved on Friday, October 7, 2022, will be processed in accordance with our regular processing schedule.  However, ePayments for vendor payments approved on Friday, October 7, 2022, may experience a one-day delay due to the Columbus Day Federal holiday on Monday, October 10, 2022.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Problem with Payments – October 7, 2022

On Friday, October 7, 2022, we encountered a system error that affected our end-of-day business processing and consequently, checks could not be printed.  We are working to resolve this issue and will post an updated announcement when the Financial Portal is back in operation. At this time, online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions cannot be approved until the issue is resolved. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

RCUH Awards Luncheon — October 27, 2022

The awards luncheon for the 2022 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year will be held on Thursday, October 27, 2022, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the newly revitalized University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Campus Center Ballroom.

Please join us in honoring 16 exemplary employees and celebrating an in-person return to this always highly-anticipated event. We will be complying with UHM COVID-19 guidelines in effect on luncheon day, which may include masking requirements when not actively eating or drinking.

Reservations are now being taken and seating is limited. Please use this form to RSVP by October 7, 2022.

Should you have any questions, please contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected] or (808) 988-8314.

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2022 Forum Report & Recording Available

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s forum, “Pathways to Research Success: Lessons Learned.” If you were unable to attend the virtual event, please view the forum report below.

RCUH has also decided to make the recording available, but please be aware of some minor technical issues, such as video clarity, screen size. Click here to view the recording.

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