Face masks required indoors on UH campuses and properties (Effective May 25, 2022)

A notification was sent out from the UH Office of Communications that effective Wednesday, May 25, 2022, face masks are once again required indoors across the University of Hawai’i System, except when working alone or separated from others by 6 feet or more. Restoration of this practice, consistent with current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, was recommended by UH medical and public health experts and the State of Hawai’i Department of Health and affirmed by UH leadership.

Reinstatement of the comprehensive indoor mask requirement will help prevent further spread of the COVID-19 virus and better protect the health of everyone as every county in the state but one is currently assessed to have a “high” level of COVID-19 community transmission by the CDC. Only Hawaiʻi County is still rated “medium.” The CDC also ranks the state as 4th highest in the nation with an average 7-day case rate of 495.9 cases per 100,000 people.

The indoor face mask requirement will remain in place and be re-evaluated when the level of COVID-19 transmission in the state decreases.   

For additional information, you may visit UH COVID-19 Guidelines or State Department of Health return-to-work guidance

Mahalo for your cooperation in keeping our community safe.

RCUH HR Information Only: May 13 and May 17: Training Session – Frequently Used HR Policies

To: RCUH Principal Investigators and Project Staff

SUBJECT: RCUH Information Only – Training Session: RCUH Human Resources: Frequently Used HR Policies (May 13 via Zoom, May 17 in-person)

Please join RCUH Human Resources Director of Human Resources, Nelson Sakamoto in one of his last two training sessions, “Frequently Used HR Policies.”  These half-day sessions (4 hours total) for RCUH Principal Investigators and Project Staff will be available via Zoom (Friday, May 13th in the morning) and in-person at the UH Cancer Center Kakaako campus (Tuesday, May 17th in the afternoon). The training will cover key HR policies for RCUH projects and will be divided into four 1-hour segments. The agenda for both training sessions will be the same as stated below:

Tentative Agenda:

Hour 1:  Introduction of Kira Higa, What RCUH Human Resources Can and Cannot do for you, Changes in policies, New Hire Orientation, Probation Period, Work Schedules/Locations, eTimesheet/Time Reporting, Payroll, General overview of RCUH Employee Benefits, Vacation and Sick Leave, Protected Leaves, and Q&A.

Hour 2: RCUH Job Descriptions, Reclassifications, Recruitment, RCUH Postdoc Category, Shared Employee/Appointment, Selection, Probationary Period, Non-Recruited Hires (new process), J-1 Visa (update), Volunteers, Hiring employees in locations outside of Hawai`I, and Q&A.


Hour 3: Performance Evaluations, Updated Pay Schedule, New Pay Schedule (effective October 1, 2022), Setting new hire or reclassification Pay Rates, Performance Problems, Corrective Action,  How to avoid HR problems, Role of the Supervisor of an RCUH employee and Q&A.

Hour 4: Employee/Independent Contractor, Safety/Accident Reporting/Workers’ Comp., Light Duty/Job Physical Analysis, HIOSH Joint Employer Liabilities, EEO/complaint process, Mandatory Training, and Q&A.

Zoom Online Training
Date: Friday, May 13, 2022
Time: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Location: ZOOM link provided by Thursday, May 12
Registration via RCUH Training Portal by Thursday, May 12, 4:00pm

In-Person Training (Honolulu)
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Time: 12:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: UH Cancer Center Auditorium, 701 Ilalo St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Registration via RCUH Training Portal by Friday, May 13, 4:00pm
No walk-ins. Restricted access required pre-registration.
Individuals who require special needs accommodations are encouraged to request assistance in writing to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Registration is available in the RCUH Training Portal. If you need to request access to the RCUH Training Portal, please complete this form.

RCUH HR Director Nelson Sakamoto announces retirement

After serving as RCUH’s Director of Human Resources for more than 30 years, Nelson Sakamoto has officially announced his retirement. Director Sakamoto’s last day in office will be Friday, May 20, 2022.

“On behalf of RCUH, I’d like to congratulate Nelson on his retirement and thank him for his years of service and his commitment to serving Hawai‘i’s research community,” said Executive Director Lenny Gouveia. “RCUH has been fortunate to have had Nelson at the helm of the Human Resources Department for so many years, but now is the time for him to kick back, relax, and enjoy life outside of RCUH. Although these will be big shoes to fill, we are excited to start a new chapter with the incoming director.”

Kira Higa has been named incoming Director of Human Resources, effective May 9, 2022. She previously worked at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and has held various roles at Hawaiian Telcom for the past 13 years, most recently as HR Director. Ms. Higa also serves on the Hawaii Workforce Development Council and is a graduate of the Patsy T. Mink Wahine Leadership Cohort.

“We are pleased to welcome Kira to the RCUH ‘ohana and have high hopes for her in this position,” Gouveia said.

2021 Aloha United Way Campaign Update

We are pleased to share the success of RCUH’s 2021 Aloha United Way Campaign. We are very grateful for the support and contributions that RCUH made this year. Not only did we increase overall participation, but together we have committed to aiding our community through our pledges to Aloha United Way.

One of the most significant changes that occurred this year compared to past campaign years is the introduction of the AUW ePledge online giving platform, where our employees were able to donate easily and effortlessly to the agency of their choice. It is our belief that when given the opportunity to see your donation made to one of the many agencies of AUW, it feels more impactful and meaningful.

Not only have we steered our direction towards online giving, we also noticed an increase in this year’s participation. We had three times (3x) the number of total participants than last year! It seems appropriate to say that providing a convenient source to pledge and a variety of ways in which to do so has made a huge impact on RCUH’s AUW campaign.

We again would like to sincerely thank you all for your donations this year and will be looking forward to another successful campaign in 2022.

RCUH Vendor Payments for Monday, December 27, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be mailing or printing vendor checks on Monday, December 27, 2021.  Vendor checks for payments approved on Thursday, December 23, 2021 will not be mailed until we resume business operations on Tuesday, December 28, 2021.  Vendor payments approved on Monday, December 27, 2021, will be processed on Tuesday, December 28, 2021. 

The Financial Portal will remain open and you may process and approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel.  However, RCUH transactions for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted and posted to the UH Kuali Financial System until we resume business operations.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

RCUH Vendor Payments for Monday, December 20, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances, RCUH will not be mailing or printing vendor checks on Monday, December 20, 2021.  Vendor checks for payments approved on Friday, December 17, 2021 will not be mailed until Tuesday, December 21, 2021.  Vendor payments approved on Monday, December 20, 2021 will also be processed on Tuesday, December 21, 2021. 

The Financial Portal will remain open and you may process and approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel.  However, RCUH transactions for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted and posted to the UH Kuali Financial System until Tuesday, December 21, 2021.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Payment Approval Deadline for 12/23/21 and 12/30/21

The payment approval deadline on Thursday, December 23 and Thursday, December 30 is 12:00 noon.  Online payment transactions approved by Fiscal Administrators by 12:00 noon on December 23 and 30 will be included in the daily check print and ePayment file. 

The last check run for the calendar year will be on Thursday, December 30, 2021.  Month-end processing will commence at 12:00 noon on December 30, 2021.  During this period, online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions can be initiated, but Fiscal Administrators will not have the ability to approve transactions.  Transactions approved after 12:00 noon on December 30 will not be included in project reports for the month of December.

If you have any questions, please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected].

RCUH names Assistant Facility Security Officer

RCUH Director of Corporate Services, Ms. Kaylee Hull, has been named RCUH Assistant Facility Security Officer (AFSO), a new role that serves to support research projects that require security clearances. She will be assisting Executive Director Leonard Gouveia, Jr., who will continue to serve as the Facility Security Officer (FSO) for RCUH.

If you have any questions or need assistance with security matters, please feel free to call (808) 988-8311 or email [email protected].

2021 Outstanding Employee of the Year Awardees

All of this year’s nominees are well-deserving of recognition as 2021 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year! Their nominations made the Selection Committee’s work very challenging. Before we announce the nominees, we’d like to share a big mahalo with the judges who volunteered their time and pored over every nomination to determine the final awardees. They are:

  • Micah Kāne, CEO & President, Hawai‘i Community Foundation
  • Colleen McAluney, Director, Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership
  • Todd Nacapuy, Chief Information Officer, HEMIC

Without further ado, please join us in celebrating and congratulating the 2021 awardees:



  • Serge Chastel, UH Institute for Astronomy, Pan-STARRS
  • Robin Hayes, UH Institute for Astronomy, Maunakea Observatories Support Services
  • Mark Huber, UH Institute for Astronomy, Pan-STARRS
  • Melanie Hutchinson, UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
  • Howard Morrow, Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i
  • Amy Weintraub, Hawaii Academy of Science



  • Andrea Alexander, UH Mānoa College of Education, Center on Disability Studies
  • Eva Brill, UH Mānoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Natural Resources & Environmental Management
  • Claudine Chan-Naruse, UH Mānoa John A. Burns School of Medicine, Hawaii and Pacific Basin Area Health Education Center
  • Dylan Davis, UH Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, Ko‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership
  • Elizabeth Dingeldein, UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, Center for Conservation Research & Training
  • Martin Holzgang, Kapi‘olani Community College, Title III Lawelawe Po‘okela Project
  • Rosalind Kia, UH Mānoa College of Education, Center on Disability Studies
  • Yumi Nagayoshi, UH Institute for Astronomy, Maunakea Observatories Support Services
  • Peter Oshiro, Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Vannida Phommachanh, UH Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, High Energy Physics



  • Hawai‘i Health Data Warehouse
    Katherine Benson, Jill Yamashita, Kristine Hironaka
    UH Mānoa Office of Public Health Studies

  • Sport Fish Restoration (Monitoring)
    McKenna Allen, Mia Melamed

    Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources
  • UH Cancer Center Pathology Core
    Hugh Luk, Keiko Garvin, Kyle Nishiyama, Xue Mei Zhu
    UH Cancer Center

Presenting the 2021 RCUH Outstanding Employee Nominees

The RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project. Congratulations to the 2021 nominees!

Researcher/Project Manager Category

Amber Imai-Hong
UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory
Nominated by Principal Investigator Frances Zhu

Amy Weintraub
Hawaii Academy of Science
Nominated by Principal Investigator Neal Atebara

Cassie Stelow
Pacific Disaster Center
Nominated by Principal Investigator Ray Shirkhodai

Howard Morrow
Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai’i
Nominated by Principal Investigator Margo Edwards

Mark Huber
UH Institute for Astronomy, Pan-STARRS
Nominated by Principal Investigator Kenneth Chambers

Melanie Hutchinson
UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
Nominated by Principal Investigator Douglas Luther, CIMAR Deputy Director Jeffrey Hare

Robin Hayes
UH Institute for Astronomy, Maunakea Observatories Support Services
Nominated by Principal Investigator Stewart Hunter

Serge Chastel
UH Institute for Astronomy, Pan-STARRS
Nominated by Principal Investigator Richard Wainscoat

Project Support Staff Category

Alycia Fujii
UH Mānoa College of Education, Curriculum Research & Development Group
Nominated by Principal Investigator Dean Lodes

Andrea Alexander
UH Mānoa College of Education, Center on Disability Studies
Nominated by Principal Investigator Chuan Chinn

Claudine Chan-Naruse
UH Mānoa John A. Burns School of Medicine, Hawai’i and Pacific Basin Area Health Education Center
Nominated by Principal Investigator Kelley Withy

Dylan Davis
UH Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit – Ko’olau Mountains Watershed Partnership
Nominated by Principal Investigator Clifford Morden

Elizabeth Dingeldein
UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Center for Conservation Research & Training
Nominated by Principal Investigator Kenneth Kaneshiro

Eva Brill
UH Mānoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Natural Resources & Environmental Management
Nominated by Principal Investigator J.B. Friday

Martin Holzgang
Kapi’olani Community College, Title III Lawelawe Po’okela Project
Nominated by Principal Investigator Louise Pagotto

Peter Oshiro
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Nominated by Principal Investigator Ming-Tang Chen

Rosalind Kia
UH Mānoa College of Education, Center on Disability Studies
Nominated by Principal Investigator Jennifer Tarnay

Vannida Phommachanh
UH Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, High Energy Physics
Nominated by Principal Investigator Thomas Browder

Yoshiyuki Doi
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Subaru Telescope
Nominated by Principal Investigator Michitoshi Yoshida

Yumi Nagayoshi
UH Institute for Astronomy, Maunakea Observatories Support Services
Nominated by Principal Investigator David Lonborg

Team Category

Hawai’i Health Data Warehouse
Katherine Benson, Jill Yamashita, Kristine Hironaka
UH Mānoa Office of Public Health Studies
Nominated by Principal Investigator Rebekah Rodericks

Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project
Hanna Mounce, Laura Berthold, Zachary Pezzillo
UH Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit
Nominated by Principal Investigator Shaya Honarvar

National Disaster Preparedness Training Center
Lydia Morikawa, Melissa Peneyra, Amanda Bates
UH Mānoa Social Science Research Institute
Nominated by Principal Investigator Karl Kim

Sport Fish Restoration (Monitoring)
McKenna Allen, Mia Melamed
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources
Nominated by Principal Investigator Heather Ylitalo-Ward

UH Cancer Center Pathology Core
Hugh Luk, Keiko Garvin, Kyle Nishiyama, Xue Mei Zhu
UH Cancer Center
Nominated by Principal Investigators Brenda Hernandez and Owen Chan