Pre-order the 2022 RCUH Wall Calendar

RCUH is currently accepting pre-orders for its 2022 RCUH calendar! The 24″ x 19″ calendar is available on a first-come, first-served basis and quantity is limited so send in your pre-order today! If possible, please consolidate orders for your office and email [email protected] the following info:

  • Coordinator’s name
  • Coordinator’s email address
  • Project name
  • Quantity
  • Mailing address (for neighbor island orders only)

We will notify coordinators in November/December when orders can be picked up from our Manoa Innovation Center location.

Should you have any questions, please contact RCUH Corporate Services by calling 808-988-8314 or emailing [email protected].

Power Outage Affecting RCUH Offices at the Manoa Innovation Center (updated)

The Manoa Innovation Center (MIC) has experienced an unforeseen power outage, which is affecting RCUH’s Finance and Corporate Services Departments. Phones are out of service and email service may be limited. Electricians and HECO are looking into the cause of the outage, which may take several hours. An update will be provided once power is restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

1:45 p.m. Update – Power has been restored at MIC.

RCUH offices at Manoa Innovation Center without power (Updated)

Update (12:02 p.m.): Power has been restored to the building.

There is currently a power outage at the Manoa Innovation Center, which is affecting the RCUH Finance and Corporate Services departments. Phones are out of service and email service is limited. An update will be provided once power is restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Procurement Policy Updates

In an effort to increase awareness of updates to RCUH’s policies and procedures, the following changes have been made on RCUH’s website since the previous announcement (released on May 10, 2021):

Should you have any questions, please contact Erin Yoda at [email protected].

RCUH COVID-19 Advisory #11 – Mandatory Vaccinations or Weekly Testing

For Principal Investigators & RCUH Employees — Effective August 16, 2021, Mandatory Vaccinations or Weekly Testing

This advisory, the eleventh in the series of RCUH advisories, provides guidance to PIs and RCUH employees relating to Governor David Ige’s Emergency Proclamation for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination or Weekly Testing.

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2021 Forum Report Now Available

Mahalo to all who participated in RCUH’s virtual forum, “Foreign Intrusion into Academic Research & Training” on April 29, 2021. If you were unable to attend event, this report will provide a recap of the presentations and Q&A session.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Stay tuned for RCUH’s next forum in 2022!

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RCUH COVID-19 Advisory #10 – Update on Returning to the Workplace

For Principal Investigators & RCUH Employees regarding Return to the Workplace and Telework

This advisory, the tenth in the series of RCUH advisories providing guidance to PIs and RCUH employees as the University of Hawai‘i prepares to re-open for the 2021 Fall Semester. 

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Share your project photos

We are seeking visually captivating photos that exemplify your project’s mission and day-to-day operations for use in various RCUH publications, communications, videos, etc. If you’ve sent us photos in the past, feel free to share any new images you may have!

  • Ideal photos should be clear
  • Action or staged activities are preferred (no headshots)
  • Minimum size: 600 x 600 pixels. Resolution: 300 dpi.

Please complete the photo information form and send your photos to [email protected] by Friday, September 3, 2021. Photos may be sent as attachments or via UH File Drop.

Should you have any questions, please contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected] or call (808) 988-8314.

Mahalo for sharing your work with us!

Photo by Mark Sullivan (Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program)

More than 100 new, updated online courses in the RCUH Training Portal

The RCUH Training Portal now includes more than 400 general interest courses. In the July 2021 catalog, you’ll find new courses such as:

  • Active Listening
  • Best Email Practices
  • Interview Preparation
  • Realize Your Team is Your Customer
  • Tap into Their Passion, Unleash the Energy

Click here to view a complete list of courses (new/updated courses are listed in blue). If you need access to the RCUH Training Portal, please complete the online request form. You may also email [email protected] if you have any questions.