RCUH Vendor Payments for Thursday, January 7, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances, RCUH will not be mailing or printing vendor checks on Thursday, January 7, 2021.  Vendor checks for payments approved on Wednesday January 6, 2021 will not be mailed until we resume business operations on Friday, January 8, 2021.  Vendor payments approved on Thursday, January 7, 2021 will be processed on Friday, January 8, 2021.

The Financial Portal will remain open and you may process and approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel.  However, RCUH transactions for UH Extramural accounts will NOT be transmitted and posted to the UH Kuali Financial System until we resume business operations.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

New Additions to RCUH Training Portal

Over the last six months, interest in our online training has grown! The new year rings in with 15 new and 39 updated courses to the RCUH Training Portal. You may want to check out the following:

  • Coaching Skills 3.0
  • Creative Problem Solving 2.0
  • Diving In 1.0
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback 2.0
  • Multitasking Myths 1.0
  • Working While Ill 1.0

Click here to view a complete list of courses. If you need access to the RCUH Training Portal, please complete the online request form. Any questions may be emailed to RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected].

Important Change to eSign URL – Coming Soon

An important change to eSign accounts (administered by RCUH through the State of Hawai‘i Office of Enterprise Technology Services) will take effect during a planned outage on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at about 5:30 p.m. HST. Any documents that are in process will NOT be affected.

Adobe Sign will be changing its domain from echosign.com to adobesign.com. For those with existing eSign accounts under RCUH, please bookmark this URL for future logins: https://stateofhawaii2.na1.adobesign.com.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

2020 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awardees

Although we are not able to celebrate these outstanding individuals at our annual awards luncheon, we hope that you will join us in recognizing their achievements with words of support and encouragement online. Before we announce the awardees, we want to give a big mahalo to the Selection Committee (Coralie Chun Matayoshi, Nelson Moku III, Ray Soon), which had the challenging task of reviewing and rating all nominations.

Without further ado, here are the awardees of the 2020 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards:


David CohenFIRST PLACE: 

David Cohen
Aquatic Invasive Species Biocontrol Specialist
Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit
UH College of Natural Sciences

Nominated by Principal Investigator Shaya Honarvar


Michael von PlatenSECOND PLACE:

Michael von Platen
TCR Systems Programmer
Telehealth Research Institute
UH John A. Burns School of Medicine

Nominated by Principal Investigator Benjamin Berg



Fritzie Celino-Brady, Laboratory of Fish Endocrinology and Environmental Physiology, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Serge Chastel, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
Stan Fichtman, Apprenticeship Programs, Kapi‘olani Community College
Mark Huber, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
Dawn Namahoe Sidman, UH Hilo Research Office



Yoshitake NabeshimaFIRST PLACE: 

Yoshitake Nabeshima
Telescope Control System Technician III
Subaru Telescope
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Nominated by Principal Investigator Michitoshi Yoshida



Hope Ronco
JIMAR PIFSC Research/Logistics Technician
Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

Nominated by Principal Investigator Douglas Luther



Mary Jo Riehm, UH Hilo Research Office
Sean Tanimoto, Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i



Maunakea Weather Station TeamFIRST PLACE: 

Maunakea Weather Center
– Tiziana Cherubini
– Ryan Lyman

Nominated by Principal Investigator Steven Businger




Applied Research Laboratory
– Benjamin Jones
– Joshua Levy
– Ted Ralston
– Aricia Argyris

Nominated by Principal Investigator Margo Edwards

New Online Training Available: Walking in the Wilderness

Most people assume that hiking is a natural activity that anyone can do without training so it’s often taken for granted and workers aren’t often aware of or focused on the hazards from slips, trips, and falls. The objective of this 40-minute training is to teach you how to stay on your feet and be more in control when walking in the wilderness. You’ll also learn what to do if you slip or fall and how to report any injuries to your supervisor and RCUH.

This online training is split up into three modules:

  • Introduction & Hiking Techniques (22 minutes)
  • Slipping & Falling Techniques (8 minutes)
  • Hazards & Injury Reporting (9 minutes)

The course is available in the RCUH Training Portal. If you need to request access to the RCUH Training Portal, please complete this form. To access transcripts for these modules, click on the “Additional References” tab in the course.

We want to give a big mahalo to the O‘ahu Army Natural Resources Program and the Ko‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership, and all of our external reviewers who guided us with their knowledge and years of wilderness experience during the creation of this course.

2020 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Nominees

It is our pleasure to announce this year’s nominees for the RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards. Congratulations to all of the nominees!

Researcher/Project Manager/Professional Category

  • Fritzie Celino-Brady, Laboratory of Fish Endocrinology and Environmental Physiology, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
  • Serge Chastel, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
  • David Cohen, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, UH College of Natural Sciences
  • Stanford Fichtman, Apprenticeship Programs, Kapi‘olani Community College
  • Mark Huber, Pan-STARRS, UH Institute for Astronomy
  • Dawn Namahoe Sidman, UH Hilo Research Office
  • Michael von Platen, Telehealth Research Institute, UH John A. Burns School of Medicine

Project Support Staff Category

  • Yoshitake Nabeshima, Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  • Mary Jo Riehm, UH Hilo Research Office
  • Hope Ronco, Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
  • Sean Tanimoto, Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i

 Team Category

  • Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawai‘i (Benjamin Jones, Joshua Levy, Ted Ralston, and Aricia Argyris)
  • Maunakea Weather Center (Tiziana Cherubini and Ryan Lyman)

The purpose of the outstanding employees awards program is to encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project during the past fiscal year or years. Please look for our awardees announcement on November 2, 2020.

UPDATE — RCUH Financial Portal System Error, September 10, 2020

The RCUH Financial Portal is open and you may resume processing transactions in the Financial Portal.

On Thursday, September 10, 2020, the RCUH Financial Portal encountered a system error and was restored from a backup of Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. Any transaction activity that occurred on September 10 has been removed from the RCUH financial system. This means that all purchase requisitions, payments and travel transactions that were created, modified, submitted or approved on September 10 must be recreated, resubmitted, or reapproved. Transactions that were in pending status are not affected, unless modifications were made on September 10.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.   If you have any questions, please contact Maile Brooks ([email protected]) at 988-8340 or Ricky Fujioka ([email protected]) at 988-8346.