Presenting the 2019 RCUH Outstanding Employee Nominees

Collage of 2019 Outstanding Employee Nominees

RCUH is pleased to announce the 2019 Outstanding Employees of the Year nominees. This year we have 11 nominations in the individual and team categories, which include 29 exceptional individuals from O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i island. Congratulations to all of them for this well-deserved recognition!


  • Justin Hite, Kaua’i Forest Bird Recovery Project, UH Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit 
  • Danielle Hull, SOEST Laboratory for Analytical Biogeochemistry, UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
  • Crissy Kawamoto, Cancer Prevention in the Pacific Program, UH Cancer Center
  • Ning Li, Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System; UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
  • Kiaina Schubert, Subaru Telescope
  • Robert Weryk, Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, UH Institute for Astronomy


  • Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (Geoffrey Bower, Derek Kubo, Susan O’Neal, Peter Oshiro, Philippe Raffin)
  • East Asian Observatory (Graham Bell, Daniel Bintley, Steven Mairs, Izumi Mizuno, Harriet Parsons)
  • Mauna Kahalawai Watershed Partnership, UH Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (Kyle Alreck, John Comcowich, Kainoa Marchello, Marcus Richter, Daniel Tanaka)
  • Pacific Islands Deep Sea Coral and Sponge Initiative, UH Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (Sarah Bingo, Meagan Putts, Virginia Moriwake)
  • UH Animal and Veterinary Services Program (Diana Blanco, Tereso Dace, Jeff Hall, Robert Post, Ying Zhang)

Join us and celebrate achievements of these outstanding employees at the RCUH Awards Luncheon on Monday, October 28, 2019, at Waialae Country Club. Tickets are $35. Please download and complete the reservation form below. Email the completed form to [email protected] by Friday, October 4, 2019.  Questions? Please contact [email protected].

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Seeking Project Profiles, Photos for 2019 Annual Report

Does your project have a scientific breakthrough or significant achievement you’d like to share? Or, perhaps you want to spread the word about the great work your project is doing?  Just let us know and it could be included in the 2019 RCUH Annual Report! We’re also seeking high resolution photos that capture your project’s work and operations.

Projects are featured in the RCUH annual reports (see samples from 2018 report)  and we’d like to continue to profile projects in our 2019 report from a variety of fields, such as marine science, agriculture, medicine, astronomy and more.

Please consider submitting a project profile.  All you need to do is complete this brief form and email it to [email protected]. The deadline is Friday, September 13, 2019. While all submissions may not be featured in the 2019 RCUH Annual Report, they may be used in future publications.

Questions?  Contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected].  Thank you.

Announcing New Online Training

RCUH is pleased to present four (4) new RCUH-produced online courses:

  • Workplace Violence Prevention (mandatory for RCUH employees & supervisors)
  • Financial Portal: Financial Forecast Reports
  • Financial Portal: RCUH Fiscal Reports
  • Financial Portal: UH Project Fiscal Reports

We’re also excited to release more than 100 new personal and professional development courses in the RCUH Training Portal on a variety of topics—from leadership & management to health & wellbeing. See the list below.

If you need an account for the RCUH Training Portal, please click here to register.

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RCUH Launches Service to Track Staff Training

Principal Investigators and supervisors are now able to track their employees’ training using the RCUH Training Portal. Whether it’s project-specific training or one of RCUH’s training courses, projects can work with RCUH Corporate Services to set up and manage staff training.

With RCUH’s assistance, projects will be able to:

  • Organize their project by “Teams” and “Sub-teams” to assign required training to specific groups of people.
  • Create custom learning paths for their teams and sub-teams (e.g., Project Management Learning Path, Fiscal Administrator Learning Path).
  • Upload their own videos, manuals, or training to supplement RCUH training offerings into the Training Portal for their staff to complete.
  • Receive scheduled reports to track their employees’ training (RCUH and project courses, live and online). Employees will still be able to track their own training.
  • Allow employees to upload an external license/certificate into their profiles.

If your project is interested in enrolling for this service, please contact the RCUH Corporate Services Department at [email protected] or call (808) 988-8315/8314 to set up an appointment. Because each project requires a high level of customization, we want to set up an initial conversation or webchat and walk you through the process and respond to any questions you may have.

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Financial System Processing Now Available

The RCUH fiscal year-end processing has been completed. You may now approve online purchase orders, payments, and travel in the Financial Portal. The first check run for Fiscal Year 2020 will be on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 4:00 PM.

Reminder: Service dates are required for all payment transactions through Friday, August 30. For payments approved after August 2, $100,000 or greater, and with service dates of June 30 or earlier, please complete the RCUH AP Worksheet. Please include estimates or projections for invoices that have not been received as of August 2.  Please email your worksheet to Staci Murata at [email protected] by Monday, August 5.

Please refer to the Wednesday, May 29 General Announcement on Service Dates for more information.

RCUH Indirect Cost Rates for FY 2020 to 2023

Effective July 1, 2019, RCUH indirect cost rates will be as follows:

Project Type Cost Base FY 2020-2023
UH Intramural Projects MTDC 2.9%
UH Revolving Account MTDC 2.9%
Direct Projects – State of Hawai‘i Departments/Agencies MTDC 3.1%
Direct Projects – Non-State of Hawai‘i Entities TDC 5.0% *

* Federally-funded projects will be 3.1% MTDC.

Please refer to RCUH policies 4.600 Indirect Costs and 4.610 Indirect Cost Rates.  These rates are based on proposed rates submitted for approval to the UH/RCUH Federal cognizant agency and are subject to change.

If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Yee at 988-8320 or [email protected].

Nominations Open for 2019 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards



Three award categories are available:

  1. Researcher/Project Manager/Professional (exempt status position)
  2. Project Support Staff (non-exempt status position)
  3. Team (2-5 staff in exempt and/or non-exempt Regular-status positions)

The awards encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project during the past fiscal year (July 2018–June 2019) or years.


  • $1,000 to the first place awardee in each category
  • $500 to the second place awardee in each category

All nominees will be recognized at the RCUH Awards Luncheon at Waialae Country Club on Monday, October 28, 2019, where the awardees will be announced.


A Principal Investigator may submit one nomination. Nomination of an employee who did not place first or second in a previous year is also acceptable. Team nominations are limited to no more than five individuals.

 Click here for the nomination form.


The deadline to submit a nomination is May 31, 2019.  Email all nominations to RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected].

For more information, please refer to policy 3.450 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards or contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected] or 808-988-8314/8315.

Hawaii State Ethics Commission Training – May 2019 (Maui, Oahu)

The Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission has scheduled ethics training classes for state employees on Maui and O‘ahu. These classes provide an overview of the state ethics laws that apply to all state employees. Topics include: Conflicts of Interests, Gifts and the Reporting of Gifts, Confidential Information, Misuse of Official Position, and Post-Employment Restrictions.

Classes are open to all state employees and there is no fee to attend.

REMINDER: RCUH also offers an online course on the Hawai‘i State Ethics Code in its Training Portal. Click here to log in or request an account.


Date Location Time
Friday, May 3, 2019



University of Hawai‘i Maui College
Ka‘aike Building, Room 105BCD
310 W Kaahumanu Avenue
Kahului, HI
See map for location and parking
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Friday, May 17, 2019



Leeward Community College
ED 201 A/B Lecture Hall
96-045 Ala Ike
Pearl City, HI
See map for location and parking
10:00 am – 11:30 am

For Hana, Lanai, and Molokai state employees, please register by contacting the Hawaii State Ethics Commission at (808) 587-0460 or send an email message to [email protected] due to very limited enrollment.  The training locations are as follows:

Hana Ed Center – UH Maui College
5101 Uakea, Room 10 and Room 12
Hana, Hawaii

Lanai Ed Center – UH Maui College
329 7th Street
Lanai City, Hawaii

Molokai Ed Center – UH Maui College
375 Kamehameha V Highway
Kaunakakai, Hawaii