IMPORTANT NOTICE –Electronic W-2 Forms Deadline: Monday, January 20, 2014

TO:         RCUH Employees Who Have Not Yet Consented to Receive Electronic W-2 Forms




Electronic W-2:  The RCUH provides our employees with an electronic W-2 form for your 2013 tax filing.  Once you sign-up for the electronic W-2, you will be able to obtain your current and past year’s W-2 on the RCUH Employee Self-Service (ESS) system.  RCUH’s ESS/Electronic W-2 application provides you with a secure and convenient way to receive your 2013 Wage and Tax Statement.  This notice complies with applicable IRS disclosure requirements relating to electronic W-2 forms.




Electronic W-2 – Prevents Identity Theft:


Identity Theft is on the rise and if it happens to you it can be a horrible and costly nightmare.  Our #1 concern is the security of your personal information.  Your W-2 form contains enough personal identifiable information which, in the wrong hands, could lead to identity theft.  Having an electronic W-2 greatly reduces the chance that your personal identifiable information is secure from malicious use.




Interested in receiving an Electronic W-2?  Follow these instructions: 


Please submit your consent to the RCUH Electronic W-2 form today and receive an electronic W-2 form:




1)      If you have already submitted your consent in previous years, you do not need to submit again.If you do not consent by January 20, 2014, or have withdrawn your consent, a paper W-2 form will be mailed to your mailing address on record




2)      Provide consent on the RCUH Employee Self-Service (ESS) system:


(a)    Click, or control-click on the link https://LinktoConsent      OR


(b)   Access the RCUH ESS system at  and click on the Employee Self-Service link  > Payroll and Compensation > W-2/W-2c Consent Form




3)      Confirmation of your consent or withdrawal of consent will be sent to your primary email address on record.


4)      We will notify you by email when your electronic W-2 form is available (currently scheduled for Friday, January 24, 2014).




If you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll staff at [email protected].





Payment Approval Deadline on December 24 and 31, 2013 – 12:00 noon

TO:    Principal Investigators, Fiscal Administrators/Designated UH Officials



The deadline for fiscal administrators’ approval of on-line payment transactions on December 24 and December 31 is 12:00 noon in order to be included in the daily check run.



The last check run for the calendar year will be on Tuesday, December 31, 2013.  Month-end processing will commence at 12:00 noon on December 31, 2013.  During this period, on-line payment and purchasing transactions can be initiated, but fiscal administrators will NOT have the ability to approve transactions.  Transactions approved after 12:00 noon on December 31 will NOT be included in the project reports for the month of December.



Should you have any questions please contact Doug Tonokawa at 956-9244 or [email protected].


RCUH Timesheet for December 16-31, 2013 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.


Click here for the December 16-31, 2013 Timesheet

PAYROLL Deadline is December 31, 2013 noon

Payday for this timesheet is January 7, 2014


Next Announcement: January 2 (January 1-15)


Updated E-verify Posters Available

TO:                  All Principal Investigators and Project Administrators


FROM:            Nelson Sakamoto

                        Director of Human Resources


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released an updated E-verify Participation and Right to Work Posters.  Please update the printed notices at your location.  Refer to the below link for the two (2) updated posters (E-verify Participation Poster and Right to Work Poster).


RCUH Policy 3.920 RCUH Federal and State Posting Requirements states each Principal Investigator shall be responsible for posting printed notices at work sites as prescribed by State and Federal laws and regulations.  These notices shall be displayed in prominent locations readily accessible to all employees.



2013 and 2014 RCUH Payroll Deadlines

TO:          RCUH Principal Investigators and Fiscal Officers

The remaining RCUH Payroll Deadlines for 2013 are as follows:

Pay Period Ending 12/01 – 12/15/13:                     Monday, December 16, 2013 at 12:00 noon

Pay Period Ending 12/16 – 12/31/13:                     Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 12:00 noon

For 2014:

Please note that the payroll deadline days have been moved up for the following 2014 pay periods due to holidays:

Pay Period Ending

Payroll Deadline Day (12:00 noon)

Holiday in Pay Period


1/01/14 – 1/15/14


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (1/20/14)


2/01/14 – 2/15/14


President’s Day (2/17/14)


4/01/14 – 4/15/14


Good Friday (4/18/14)


6/16/14 – 6/30/14


Independence Day (7/04/14)


8/16/14 – 8/31/14


Labor Day (9/01/14)


10/16/14 – 10/31/14


General Election Day (11/04/14)


12/16/14 – 12/31/14


New Year’s Day (1/01/15)


Should you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll Staff at [email protected].

Thank you,

RCUH Payroll Staff

Paid Administrative Leave for Either December 24 or 31, 2013

TO:  tAll Principal Investigators Employing RCUH Regular Status Employees


FROM:  tNelson Sakamoto

ttDirector of Human Resources


Governor Abercrombie has authorized State agencies to allow all Regular, full-time salaried employees a day off (8 hours with pay) on either December 24 or December 31, 2013.  The leave must be taken all at one time on either day and shall not be split in any manner. Pursuant to the Governor’s directive, Michael Hamnett, RCUH Executive Director has authorized the following:

1. All regular, full-time, salaried/hourly employees that can be spared will be given administrative leave with pay (a total of 8 hours) on either December 24 or 31, 2013.  The leave must be taken all at one time on either day and shall not be split in any manner.

2. Any employee required to work during this period shall not be entitled to overtime, but shall be given equivalent administrative time off at some other date determined by the Principal Investigator.

3. Employees on personal leaves of absence, or those on disciplinary suspension are not entitled to this administrative leave.

4. Less than full-time, regular, salaried/hourly employees will be granted a proportionate amount of administrative leave from their scheduled work time.

5. Regular status employees on vacation or sick leave on December 24 or 31 should charge only the hours in excess of their applicable administrative leave.

The Governor reminds all agencies to comply with Chapter 80, Hawaii Revised Statutes, which state, “offices…. shall be open for the transaction of public business between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m….” Principal Investigators whose projects service the public should take appropriate steps to ensure compliance with this requirement.


Time Reporting Issues: On the RCUH Timesheet form you should indicate the Holiday Administrative Leave with Pay as “ADM”. Enter “ADM” on the RCUH online timesheet noting number of hours to be charged as paid administrative leave.


Contact me at 956-7055 ([email protected]) if you have questions concerning this memo.


Please remember, the RCUH Core Offices will be closed all day on Wednesday, December 25, 2013. RCUH will be open for business on December 24 and 31, 2013.


RCUH Timesheet for December 1-15, 2013 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.



Click here for the December 1-15, 2013 Timesheet


PAYROLL Deadline is December 16, 2013 noon


Payday for this timesheet is December 20, 2013



Next Announcement: December 16 (December 16-31)


IMPORTANT REMINDER! – Review and Update Your Personal Information on the RCUH Employee Self-Service System

 To:            All RCUH Employees


Believe it or not, we are already at the end of the year!  A few reminders:

(1) Update Contact Information

All RCUH employees are responsible to keep their personal contact information updated at all times via Employee Self Service (ESS). This includes the following information:

  • Home and Mailing Address
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Emergency Contact Information

It is important to keep this information updated at all times as we often send out important notices and emails to all employees, such as information regarding our electronic W-2 forms. Please log in to ESS to ensure that your contact information is current.

(2) Electronic W-2 Forms

The most efficient and secure way to obtain your W-2 is electronically.  We have been offering this service to our employees for the last few years.  Employees who use the electronic W-2 find it convenient, easy to access at any time, and secure.  Your electronic W-2 will be stored on your personal Employee Self-Service (ESS) site.  Therefore, you will be able to review, print, and store your electronic W-2 for this year and all future years.

Your personal confidential information will be safe and secure, and only accessible by you.    Please be on the lookout for instructions on how to give consent to an electronic W-2 form shortly or contact the RCUH Human Resources Payroll Office at [email protected] for more information.

(3) Review 2013 Pay and Tax Information

Review pay and tax information on your pay advices NOW to make sure that they are correct.  All corrections or adjustments must be posted by the 12/01 – 12/15/13 pay period (last pay period in 2013) to be reflected on your 2013 W-2 form.  Please report any discrepancies to your Principal Investigator or Project Administrator immediately.

(4) 2014 Tax Withholdings

Review marital status and withholding allowances on your W-4 (federal) and HW-4 (state) Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificates for the upcoming 2014 tax year.  Changes to tax withholdings may be completed at any time during the year, but too little withholdings during the year may result in large out-of-pocket payments, often with penalties, come April.

(5) 2014 Tax Form Renewals


Employees with special tax situations must renew tax documents for 2014 (e.g. W-4 exemptions, tax treaty exemptions).  Notification will be sent to applicable employees by email within the next week or two.

Required Vendor File W-9s

As previously announced, RCUH is currently involved in an extensive effort to obtain IRS Form W-9s from its vendors in order to ensure accurate federal income tax reporting.  We thank those of you who have assisted us in obtaining W-9s from vendors. 


With your continued assistance, it is anticipated that this effort will slow in late 2014.  It is expected, however, that the need to collect W-9s will be ongoing in the near term due to the many vendor records created prior to October 21, 2013 where there is no W-9 on file with RCUH.


As detailed in our notice of November 5, 2013, vendors paid in 2013 that have not responded to RCUH’s multiple requests for a Form W-9 can be viewed on the RCUH website.   On November 30 2013, additional non-responsive vendors were added to this list.  These are vendors that had an existing RCUH vendor record without a W-9 on file that were used during the August-October timeframe and received a Form 1099 tax reportable payment. 


We again ask for your assistance in contacting non-responsive vendors to obtain their Form W-9.  We recommend you check the non-responsive vendor list for vendors that you pay.  The list of non-responsive vendors can be viewed by clicking on the “NR Vendors” action tab (top right corner) of the RCUH website page after logging into the Financial Portal.  A list of non-responsive vendors as of November 30, 2013 can also be found here (click here). 


You can facilitate timely payments to your vendors by contacting them before payment is due to let them know that they need to provide a Form W-9 in order to receive any future payments.  Some projects and departments may have W-9s and/or WH-1s in their files for non-responsive vendors.  Please forward these documents to [email protected].


Beginning December 11, 2013, any remaining non-responsive vendors will either (i) be deactivated if they do not have an active RCUH PO encumbrance, or (ii) be flagged even if there is an active PO encumbrance so you will be unable to submit a payment for a flagged vendor. 


Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this effort to ensure that RCUH complies with its IRS tax reporting requirements and continues to provide the service that you expect and deserve.




The Resource

Volume 16, Issue 10

December 3, 2013


There is a limit to the amount of vacation that may be carried forward each calendar year (Dec. 31st to Jan. 1st). The amount of vacation you are allowed to carry forward is dependent upon the specific Vacation Plan authorized by your project. Your online Pay Statement (via Employee Self-Service System) indicates whether you are in Vacation Plan A or B.  It also lists your current vacation hours balances at the bottom left of the statement. RCUH will also send email notices if we feel you may be at risk of forfeiting your vacation. Please plan your vacation accordingly for the remainder of the year to ensure that you do NOT lose any well-deserved vacation leave.

Summary: Regular employees 50-100% are eligible for vacation under RCUH Policy 3.620 Vacation Leave. Vacation is calculated and accrued on a semi-monthly basis. There are two vacation plans administered by the RCUH:


1) Vacation Plan A (RCUH Standard Vacation Policy): Under Plan A, employees may not carry forward more than 10 workdays* of vacation in a calendar year. The maximum accumulation/carryover shall not exceed 10 workdays*.

2) Vacation Plan B (Non-Standard Vacation Policy): Under Plan B, employees may carry forward 15 workdays* of current year accruals, and total accumulation (current year accruals and previous year carry over) shall not exceed 45 workdays*.

*1 workday equals 8 hours multiplied by your FTE (i.e., 1 workday equals 4 hours for a 50% FTE employee).




Payroll Deadline Noon

12/5/13 – 12/9/13

HR AMP Web Time Preview #1


Pay Day


PAF Deadline


HR AMP Deadline

12/10/13 – 12/11/13

HR AMP Web Time Preview #2

12/11/13 – 12/18/13

ESS Black-Out Period

12/12/13 – 12/16/13

HR AMP Web Time Reporting Period


Payroll Deadline Noon

12/19/13 – 12/23/13

HR AMP Web Time Preview #1


Pay Day


PAF Deadline


HR AMP Deadline

12/24/13 – 12/26/13

HR AMP Web Time Preview #2


Holiday – Christmas Day

12/26/13 – 1/3/14

ESS Black-Out Period

12/27/13 – 12/31/13

HR AMP Web Time Reporting Period


Payroll Deadline Noon









Holiday – New Year’s Day

1/6/14 – 1/8/14

HR AMP Web Time Preview #1


Pay Day


PAF Deadline


HR AMP Deadline

1/9/14 – 1/12/14

HR AMP Web Time Preview #2

1/10/14 – 1/17/14

ESS Black-Out Period

1/13/14 – 1/15/14

HR AMP Web Time Reporting Period


Payroll Deadline Noon


Holiday – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Pay Day

1/23/14 – 1/27/14

HR AMP Web Time Preview #1


PAF Deadline


HR AMP Deadline

1/28/14 – 1/29/14

HR AMP Web Time Preview #2

1/29/14 – 2/5/14

ESS Black-Out Period

1/30/14 – 2/3/14

HR AMP Web Time Reporting Period






















December 1-15, 2013

December 16-31, 2013

January 1-15, 2014

January 16-31, 2014



RCUH IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT opportunity/affirmative action employer.  It is the policy of RCUH to afford equal employment opportunity to all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, arrest and court record, handicap, marital status, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era.  RCUH’s Affirmation Action Plan describes the programs/procedures developed to ensure employment opportunities for women, minorities, handicapped, disabled, and Vietnam era veterans.  The Plan is available for inspection at the RCUH Human Resources Department.