2012 RCUH Outstanding Employee of the Year Awards Luncheon

You are cordially invited to a luncheon to honor the nominees of the 2012 RCUH Outstanding Employee of the Year Awards on Friday, February 8, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. The award luncheon will be held in the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, Manoa Grand Ballroom.  Please join us in giving special recognition to the nominees who represent the many hard working employees of the RCUH.  Please share this information and invitation with all of your project staff.


Click here for a list of the 2012 Outstanding Employee of the Year Nominees


If you would like to attend the luncheon please submit payment with the rsvp form by December 28, 2012.


Inquiries? Contact Linda Watanabe at lwatanabe@rcuh.com or 808-956-7055


Click here to rsvp form




RCUH Timesheet for November 16-30 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the November 16-30 Timesheet

Payroll Deadline is December 3, 2012, noon

Payday for this timesheet is December 7, 2012

Next announcement:  December 16 (December 1-15 pay period)

TRAINING: RCUH Financial Portal (Purchasing and Payment System) November 2012

The RCUH Purchasing and Payments System training will assist NEW users or those needing a “refresher course”.  This training is designed to equip project support staff with the basic knowledge and skills to initiate Purchasing and Payment actions via the RCUH Web System. During this 3-hour Purchasing and Payment training session, hands-on instruction will be provided for the following transactions:

  • Introduction to the RCUH Purchasing and Payment System
  • Navigating the RCUH Web Purchasing and Payment System
  • Purchase Orders (POs)
  • Purchase Order Change Forms (POCFs)
  • Searching/Adding New Vendors
  • Authorization for Payments (AFPs)
  • Reimbursements for Cash Purchases
  • Personal Automobile Mileage Reimbursements
  • Travel Requests and Travel Completion Reports (Same-Day Interisland Travel)

Training Schedule



Friday, November 16, 2012

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

UH Manoa Campus, Shidler College of Business Room E-102

 RSVP by November 12



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

UH Hilo Library Computer Room LRC 359

RSVP by November 14

Seating is limited.  Please RSVP your attendance to Leah Taylor at ltaylor@rcuh.com.  Please provide your name, title, program name, e-mail address, and which session you want to attend.  Training materials will be emailed to attendees prior to the session. 

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, email ltaylor@rcuh.com at least one week prior to the meeting.

TRAINING: RCUH Human Resources Portal (HR AMP) November 2012

RCUH Human Resources will be conducting our monthly Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (HR AMP) training to assist NEW users or those needing a “refresher course”. This training is designed to equip project support staff with the basic knowledge and skills to initiate Human Resources actions via the RCUH Web System. During this 3-hour HR AMP training session, hands-on instruction will be provided for the following transactions:

  • Introduction to the RCUH HR AMP System
  • Navigating the RCUH HR AMP System
  • Initiating Non-Recruited (Temporary, Student, Specialized Services, & Intermittent) Employees
  • Initiating Position Requests (Regular Employees)
  • Processing Payroll/Time Reporting
  • Project Number Changes & Vacation Transfer/Payout Actions
  • Changing Employee’s Full-Time/Part-Time Status (FTE Changes)
  • Terminating Employees


Training Schedule



Friday, November 16, 2012

1:00 – 4:00 pm

UH Manoa Campus, Shidler College of Business Room E-102

 RSVP by November 12



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1:00 – 4:00 pm

UH Hilo Library Computer Room LRC 359

RSVP by November 14

Seating is limited.  Please RSVP your attendance to Leah Taylor at ltaylor@rcuh.com.  Please provide your name, title, program name, e-mail address, and which session you want to attend.  Training materials will be emailed to attendees prior to the session. 

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, email ltaylor@rcuh.com at least one week prior to the meeting.

Flow Down of Applicable Federal Provisions

TO: UH Principal Investigators / Designated University Officials / Other Project Personnel

As a result of FAR 52.232-99, Providing Accelerated Payment to Small Business Subcontractors (AUG 2012), the federal provisions on Attachments 32b, 32c, and 32d have been revised and updated.  The revised attachments may be found in the Attachments Index of the Procurement section of our Policies & Procedures.  Please ensure the revised (November 2012) attachments are utilized in future procurement actions involving Federal contracts.


Workplace Violence Prevention Training on Oahu

RCUH will be conducting Workplace Violence Prevention Training on:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

John A. Burns School of Medicine, 651 Ilalo St. (Kakaako), MEB Auditorium 315

8:00 am -12:00 pm

Everyone (including non-RCUH employees) is welcome to attend.  Seating is limited and priority for seating will be given to RCUH employees and supervisors of RCUH employees.  Additional Workplace Violence Prevention Training sessions are being scheduled for February and March 2013 for Oahu, Maui, Big Island and Kauai.  An announcement will be posted soon.

All employees and supervisors of RCUH employees are strongly advised to attend.  It is mandatory for all new supervisors and supervisors of employees that utilize firearms to attend this training.

RSVP your attendance to Linda Watanabe at lwatanabe@rcuh.com by November 15, 2012.  Please provide your name, title, program name, phone number and email address. 

Training material will be emailed to attendees prior to the session.

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, contact (808) 956-3100 or email lwatanabe@rcuh.com at least one week prior to the meeting.


RCUH Timesheet for November 1-15 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the November 1-15 Timesheet

Payroll Deadline is November 16, 2012, noon

Payday for this timesheet is November 21, 2012

Next Announcement:  November 16 (November 16-30 pay period)

REMINDER – 2012 RCUH Outstanding Employee of the Year Nominations Due 11/8/12


Reminder – RCUH is accepting nominations for its annual Outstanding Employee of the Year Awards Program.




DEADLINE to submit nomination(s):  November 8, 2012




Click here for the nomination form




For more information on the program, please refer to policy 3.450 Outstanding Employee of the Year Award.



The 2012 Outstanding Employee of the Year Awards Luncheon will be held on Friday, February 8, 2013.


2012 General Election – Guidance Relating to Voting Time for Employees working on November 6, 2012

October 30, 2012




TO:tttPrincipal Investigators and Project Administrators


FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                        Director of Human Resources


SUBJECT:t2012 General Election

tttGuidance Relating to Voting Time for Employees working on November 6, 2012


Under Hawai’i Revised Statutes § 11-95, any employee registered to vote, and who normally do not have a free two-hour period, excluding lunch/rest periods/breaks, while voting polls are open, MUST BE given two hours paid leave in order to vote in the upcoming Primary and General Elections.  This requirement is not applicable to employees whose work schedules begins after 9:00 a.m. or is finished by 4:00 p.m.  The RCUH recognizes the General Election Day as a paid holiday.  The election date and polling time is:


General Election Day

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Polling Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.


“Voting Time” – “Employees entitled to leave on election day for voting” as provided under Hawai’i Revised Statutes § 11-95:  Any voter shall on the day of the election be entitled to be absent from any service or employment in which such voter is then engaged or employed for a period of not more than two hours (excluding any lunch or rest periods) between the time of opening and closing the polls to allow two consecutive hours in which to vote. Such voter shall not because of such absence be liable to any penalty, nor shall there be any rescheduling of normal hours or any deduction made, on account of the absence, from any usual salary or wages; provided that the foregoing shall not be applicable to any employee whose hours of employment are such that the employee has a period of two consecutive hours (excluding any lunch or rest periods) between the time of opening and closing the polls when the employee is not working for the employer. If, however, any employee fails to vote after taking time off for that purpose the employer, upon verification of that fact, may make appropriate deductions from the salary or wages of the employee for the period during which the employee is hereunder entitled to be absent from employment. Presentation of a voter’s receipt by an employee to the employer shall constitute proof of voting by the employee.”


Time Reporting Procedures (Only for RCUH Required to Work on November 6, 2012): Any employee required to work on November 6, 2012 and are allowed 2.0 hours to vote, must present a “Voter’s Receipt” as proof of voting.  Report these “2.0 hour voter time allowance” as REGULAR work hours.


Any employee who fails to present a “Voter’s Receipt” when their timesheets are due should have these 2.0 hours reported as vacation or unpaid leave of absence. 


Relocation of RCUH Financial Services Office (Procurement and Disbursing)


The RCUH Financial Services Department will be relocating from Sakamaki Hall C-200 to the 4th Floor of Burns Hall, East-West Center, beginning on October 19, 2012.


The office will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 19, 2012 for the relocation. This is the last time projects will be able to deliver and pick up mail and checks from Sakamaki C-200.


During the October 22-24, 2012 period, mail delivery/pick up (including checks) will be available at Burns Hall 4012. However, staff will have very limited ability to service projects. Since phone and fax communication lines will be in transition, there is the possibility that voice messages and faxes may never be delivered. The best way to contact them is via email; they will respond to messages as soon as they are able to.


The Financial Services Office will re-open for full service on Thursday, October 25, 2012.




East-West Center


Burns Hall, 4th Floor


1601 East-West Road


(on UH Manoa Campus)


As you exit the Burns Hall elevator, turn left and walk straight to the far end of the building.


October 22-24, 2012: Will be in Conference Room 4012.


From October 25, 2012: Will be in Room 4020, the large modular build-out at the far end of the building. Mail pick up/delivery will be here.


We appreciate your patience and understanding during the relocation period.