RCUH Timesheet for July 1-15 pay period


In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.




Click Here for the July 1-15 Timesheet




Payroll Deadline is July 16, 2012, 12noon


Payday for this timesheet is July 20, 2012




Next Announcement:  July 16 (July 16-31 pay period).


Changes to the RCUH HRAMP Portal for KUALI


The RCUH Human Resources Administrative Management Portal will be down from 12:00 noon today, Tuesday, July 3rd through 8:00am on July 4th to implement changes required for the University of Hawaii’s new Kuali Financial System (KFS).




RCUH Accounting has already provided guidance as to the changes which will take place on the Financial Portal (see April 12th Current News Article “Upcoming Modification to the RCUH Financial System”).   The changes below are those which will occur on the RCUH Human Resources Portal:




(1)              Project numbers will be converted from 6 digits to 7 digits by duplicating the first digit (e.g. 612345 à 6612345; 001234 à 0001234).




(2)              New KFS fields can be entered in all HR AMP applications (e.g. Initiate Position Request, Initiate Employee Changes, Electronic Journal Voucher system).  The new fields are:




a.       Campus Code


b.      Sub Project Number (Sub-Account Number)


c.       Sub Budget Categories (Sub-Object Codes)




(3)              The Preview and Project Dist/Leave Bal panels of the RCUH Online Timesheet will now display each unique combination of project number – campus code – sub project number – budget category – sub budget category assigned to an employee.




(4)              Project allocations will no longer be limited to 4 different allocations.






Please also note that the following will not be available until Monday, July 9, 2012 due to the RCUH Financial Portal being down:




(1)              Payroll and fringe charges for pay period ending 6/30/12


(2)              eJ/V transactions approved between 6/28 – 7/08/12


(3)              Payroll Report for pay period ending 6/30/12


(4)              Vacation Reports for pay period ending 6/30/12


(5)              Attachment B




We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time of transition.


Financial System Unavailable June 30 through July 9, 2012

The RCUH Financial Portal was disabled on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 6:00 pm (Hawaii Standard Time) and will be unavailable through Monday, July 9, 2012, 8:00 am, due to system modifications related to the implementation of the UH’s Kuali Financial System. 


Accordingly, the following applications will not be available during this time:


  • Purchasing
  • Payments
  • UH-FMIS Fast-Track
  • Accounting/Reporting


We expect all financial portal applications to be operational on Monday, July 9, 2012, by 8:00 am.


We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please contact Maile Brooks at (808) 988-8340 or [email protected] if you have any questions.


Annual Performance Evaluations and Pending Pay Award Guidelines

                                                                                                                        July 2, 2012


TO:                 Principal Investigators with RCUH Employees


FROM:          Nelson Sakamoto

                       Director of Human Resources


SUBJECT:   Annual Performance Evaluations & Pending Pay Award Guidelines


June 29, 2012 – Deadline for Annual Performance Evaluations:  Annual Performance Evaluations for RCUH employees should be submitted to the RCUH Human Resources Department as soon as possible.  The deadline for submission was on June 29, 2012.  For PIs who have not turned in your evaluations, you are encouraged to conduct annual performance evaluation meetings with your employees and to submit them to the RCUH Human Resources Department.  Please email me at [email protected] if you need an extension to turn in your project’s Annual Performance Evaluation.


Pending 2012 Pay Award Guidelines:  The RCUH has not published its 2012 Pay Award Guidelines.  This remains pending review and I will inform you as soon as these guidelines are ready for publication.


Personnel Action Forms (PAFs): Do not submit Personnel Action Forms for pay awards until we publish our 2012 Pay Award Guidelines.  For those PIs who may have already submitted personnel action forms, please be aware that no action will be taken on any personnel action form requesting a pay award until the RCUH publishes the 2012 Pay Award Guidelines. These PAFs will also be reviewed in accordance to our published guidelines.


Questions & Concerns:  Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns.


KUALI changes will have “No Disruption” on pending RCUH Human Resources Personnel and Hiring Actions


On July 1, 2012, the University of Hawaii will be implementing a new financial/accounting information system, the Kuali Financial System (KFS). Despite the modifications to the project account structure that will be implemented, the Human Resources system will be able to accommodate all changes due to the implementation of the KFS system. As such, there will be no disruptions to pending personnel and hiring actions initiated through the Human Resources Administrative Management Portal. All outstanding personnel and hiring actions will be automatically converted from the current six-digit project account number to the new seven-digit account structure; which will simply add the first number to the front of the account structure (i.e. If current account number is 123456, account number will be automatically converted to 1123456). Deadlines to process all personnel and hiring actions will remain as scheduled (i.e. PAF deadline on July 9, 2012).




Should you have any questions, please contact Renee Doi at [email protected] or (808) 956-7241.


REMINDER: June 28, 2012 Deadline to Submit Attachment B due to Temporary Unavailability of RCUH Financial System from June 30 – July 8, 2012




TO:                 UH Principal Investigators


FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                        Director of Human Resources


SUBJECT:  tReminder:  June 28, 2012 Deadline to Submit Attachment B due to Temporary Unavailability of RCUH Financial System from June 30-July 8, 2012



As previously announced on the RCUH website’s Kuali News, the Attachment B process located on the RCUH Financial System’s Fast Track system will not be available from June 30 through possibly July 8.  During this period, Attachment B to establish a new position with RCUH will not be available.  Therefore, please submit requests for new positions no later than Thursday, June 28, 2012 to allow UH OHR an opportunity to review and approve your Attachment B by Friday, June 29, 2012.  If not, you will need to wait until July 9, 2012 to initiate a new Attachment B.


You may continue to use the RCUH online HRAMP system to initiate replacement positions and other RCUH personnel actions.  The RCUH HRAMP system will not be affected by the temporary shutdown of the RCUH Financial System.



Service Dates for On-Line Payments During June 30 – August 15, 2012 Period

To:  Designated UH Officials / Fiscal Officers 

The fiscal year-end cut-off for RCUH on-line payment transactions is 12:00 noon on Friday, June 29, 2012.   All on-line payment transactions processed after Friday, June 29, through Wednesday, August 15, will require service dates.  The service date data entry format is mm/dd/yy.

For payments of $10,000 or greater and with service dates of June 30 or prior, which will be processed and approved after Wednesday, August 15, please complete the attached worksheet and forward to Liane Murai via e-mail attachment ([email protected]) by Monday, August 20.

A service date field is provided on all payment documents and is identified with the heading “S/D”.  The service date is the date goods are received or services are performed.  For certain types of payments including travel completions, petty cash reimbursements, extended services, etc., the service date entered should be the last day of the period covered by the payment.  However if the service period covers multiple fiscal years, allocate costs in each fiscal year incurred (i.e. if the service period is from June 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012, record cost incurred from June 1 to June 30 with a 06/30/12 service date and cost from July 1 to July 31 with a 07/31/12 service date).  

This information is needed to ensure that liabilities of RCUH are properly reported as of June 30, 2012.  Our auditors, Accuity LLP, will be reviewing selected documents processed during this period as part of their audit procedures.  Accordingly, please be advised that we may be requesting copies of payment documents for review. 

Should you have any questions, please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected].  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.



Fiscal Year-End June 30, 2012

To:          Principal Investigators, Fiscal Officers/Designated UH Officials

Important Dates:

June 29        Last Check Run for FY 2012 (Payments must be approved by 12 noon)

July 9           RCUH Financial System scheduled to reopen

July 9           First Check Run for FY 2013 (4:00 PM)

The last check run for the fiscal year will be on Friday, June 29, 2012.  On-line payment transactions must be approved by fiscal officers by 12:00 noon on Friday, June 29, to be included in the check run. 

During the period June 30 through July 8, the RCUH financial system will be disabled for system conversion related to the UH Kuali Implementation.  The online Purchasing, Payment, Travel, Accounting/Reporting, and Fast Track applications will not be available during this time.   The RCUH financial system is scheduled to reopen on Monday, July 9.  The first check run for FY 2013 is scheduled for 4:00 PM on Monday, July 9.

On an emergency basis only, manual checks can be issued during this period. Fiscal Officers/Designated UH Officials should contact the RCUH Disbursing Department directly.


For more information on the UH Kuali Implementation, please refer to the UH Kuali Implementation News section on our homepage.  Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected].


New TIAA-CREF Website & Features and New TIAA-CREF Financial Management & Education Program

June 22, 2012




TO:                 All RCUH Employees in TIAA CREF Group Retirement Plan


FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                       Director of Human Resources


SUBJECT:    (1) New TIAA-CREF Website and Features

                      (2) New TIAA-CREF Financial Management & Education Program


TIAA-CREF has introduced a new participant website for all RCUH employees participating in the TIAA-CREF Group Retirement Plan.  If you have not viewed your individual account online (“My TIAA-CREF”) I encourage you to do so.  This new website provides extensive information, better navigation, and easier to understand displays.  Visit your online account page to see the new look and features.


In addition, TIAA-CREF will be launching a new “Communication, Education & Advice” (CE&A) Program.  This CE&A Program is focused on Financial Management and Education.  This free program will include online information, printed information, one-to-one meetings, use of social media and workshops.  This CE&A Program is scheduled to begin in July/August 2012.  You’ll be receiving updates on the launch of the CE&A Program directly from TIAA-CREF.

Change to RCUH’s Flexible Spending Plan-Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan Maximum For Plan Year 2012-13


In compliance with the Health Care Reform Act, the RCUH announced during our 2012-2013 Annual Benefits Open Enrollment Period that our Flexible Spending-Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan would be amended to cap the maximum salary reduction contributions to $2,500 (previously $4,500 for employees with 4 or more years of continuous service with the RCUH).  The IRS recently released guidance clarifying that the effective date for the new limit will be the first day of the first “plan” year beginning on or after January 1, 2013 (IRS Notice 2012-40).  Since RCUH’s plan year is from July 1 through June 30, we are not required to implement the plan maximum of $2,500 until the July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 plan year.




Although RCUH’s Open Enrollment period has ended, we believe it is necessary to provide our employees the ability to maximize their flexible spending contributions for this upcoming plan year.  Therefore, employees with four (4) or more years of continuous service with the RCUH and who have previously elected in Flexible Spending for the PY2012-13, who wish to increase their flexible spending plan contributions of up to $4,500 for the plan year, July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013, may complete and submit the RCUH Flexible Spending Plan – Medical Expense Reimbursement Enrollment Form. Completed forms may be faxed to (808) 956-5022, scanned/emailed to [email protected], or hand-delivered/mailed to RCUH Human Resources Department, or 2530 Dole Street, Sakamaki Hall D-100, Honolulu, HI 96822.  The deadline to submit this form is Friday, June 29, 2012. 




If you enrolled in the 2012-2013 Flexible Spending-Medical Expense Reimbursement plan and do not want to increase your contribution amount, you do NOT need to re-submit a form.




If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dayna Tsue at (808) 956-8953 or [email protected].