RCUH Timesheet for May 16-31 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.


Click Here for the May 16-31 Timesheet


Payroll Deadline is June 1, 2011, 12noon

Payday for this timesheet is June 7, 2011


Next Announcement:  June 1 (June 1-15 pay period).

Inspecting Rental Vehicles

TO: UH Principal Investigators / Designated University Officials / Other Project Personnel

The State of Hawaii, in conducting its business, authorizes its employees and agents to rent automobiles throughout the State.  The State advises automobile rental companies in Hawaii that the State is self-insured for automobile insurance coverage.  Employees and agents are strongly reminded that when renting vehicles, it is their responsibility to inspect the vehicles both before and after the vehicle is rented.  Any scratches or damages are to be reported to the rental agent immediately.  Failure to do so has resulted in the State becoming responsible for the damages by default.



Reminder — Assistance with Payment Problems

As we reported earlier, the web payment incident on April 15, 2011 may have caused problems for some project users to retrieve certain on-line documents, such as pending travel requests or payment documents that were in “pending FO approval” status.  If you are unable to retrieve documents or if you are encountering unexpected error messages, please complete the attached form and fax it to 956-3822.


RCUH Employees who Submit Time for their Projects

A recent incident has brought to light the importance of internal controls being practiced when submitting time on the RCUH online timesheets.


To ensure that sufficient checks and balances are being enforced, RCUH Payroll will be conducting a more extensive audit of RCUH employees submitting their own HR AMP online timesheets.


Attention –  RCUH Employee Timekeepers:


RCUH employees who approve, on behalf of their Principal Investigators, the HR AMP online timesheets that include their own timesheets, must now submit the following:


(1)        Copy of the employee’s Employee Time/Leave Certification Form approved by the Principal Investigator or designee (as stated in the HR AMP procedures)




(2)        Print screen of the Pay Earnings panel of the HR AMP online timesheet that includes their own timesheet approved by the Principal Investigator’s or designee’s signature.   If Other Earnings and Special Earnings were entered, please also include the print screen of these panels also.


Please forward the above documents for the 4/16 – 4/30/11 pay period to RCUH Payroll via scan/email to rcuh_payroll @rcuh.com or fax to 808-956-5022 by Monday, May 9.  Documents for subsequent pay periods are due by the respective paydays.


If you are not actually submitting the HR AMP online timesheets even though your electronic signature appears on the timesheets, please advise who this duty has been delegated to.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].



TRAINING – Annual Performance Evaluation Training Sessions (Maui, Hilo, Oahu, Kauai)

TO:  Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff


RCUH Human Resources will be conducting training sessions to review/discuss the process and guidelines of the 2011 Annual Performance Evaluations & Pay Adjustment.  We encourage all PIs, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff to attend this training session.  


July 1, 2011 Effective Date for General/Merit Increase:  Memos, Annual Performance Evaluations & Personnel Action Forms (PAFs) are due into the RCUH Human Resources office no later than June 15, 2011.


Training Schedule:







UH Maui College Campus,

Kaaike, Room 105c/d

Thursday, May 12, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

UH Maui College Campus,

Kaaike, Room 105c/d

Friday, May 20, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

Big Island

Institute for Astronomy (IFA) Bldg.

640 N. A’ohoku Place, Auditorium

Hilo, HI 96720

Friday, May 13, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

Institute for Astronomy (IFA) Bldg.

640 N. A’ohoku Place, Auditorium

Hilo, HI 96720

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am


UH Cancer Center

1236 Lauhala Street, Room 401

Honolulu, HI 96813

Wed., May 18, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

University of Hawaii at Manoa Campus, Kuykendall Auditorium

Thursday, May 19, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

John A. Burns School of Medicine  651 Ilalo Street, Rm. MEB 315

Honolulu, HI 96813


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am


Kauai Community College

One Stop Center Room 207

Thursday, May 19, 2011

9:00am – 11:00am

Seating is limited. RSVP your attendance to Sharon Tamanaha at [email protected] no later than 3 business days before the training session.  Provide your name, program name, phone number, e-mail address, and the location you want to attend.


Training sessions are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an accommodation due to your disability, email [email protected] by the requested deadline.

RCUH Timesheet for May 1-15 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.


Click Here for the May 1-15 Timesheet


Payroll Deadline is May 16, 2011, 12noon

Payday for this timesheet is May 20, 2011


Next Announcement:  May 16 (May 16-31 pay period).

Service Dates for On-Line Payments During June 30 – August 31, 2011 Period

To:  Designated UH Officials / Fiscal Officers 


The fiscal year-end cut-off for RCUH on-line payment transactions is 12 noon, Thursday, June 30.   All on-line payment transactions processed after Thursday, June 30 through Wednesday, August 31, will require service dates. 


For payments of $10,000 or greater and with service dates of June 30 or prior, which will be processed and approved after Wednesday, August 31, please complete the attached worksheet and forward to Liane Murai via e-mail attachment ([email protected]) by Friday, September 2, 2011.


A service date field is provided on all payment documents and is identified with the heading “S/D”.  The service date is the date goods are received or services are performed.  For certain types of payments including travel completions, petty cash reimbursements, extended services, etc., the service date entered should be the last day of the period covered by the payment.  However if the service period covers multiple fiscal years, allocate costs in each fiscal year incurred (i.e. if the service period is from June 1, 2011 to July 31, 2011, record cost incurred from June 1 to June 30 with a 06/30/11 service date and from July 1 to July 31 with a 07/31/11 service date).   The service date data entry format is mm/dd/yy.


This information is needed to ensure that liabilities of RCUH are properly reported as of June 30, 2011.  Our auditors, Accuity LLP, will be reviewing selected documents processed during this period as part of their audit procedures.  Accordingly, please be advised that we may be requesting copies of payment documents for review. 


Should you have any questions, please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected].  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.




Fiscal Year-End June 30, 2011


To:          Principal Investigators, Fiscal Officers/Designated UH Officials


Important Dates:

June 30         Last Check Run for FY 2011 (Payments must be approved by 12 noon)

July 6             RCUH Financial System scheduled to reopen

July 7            First Check Run for FY 2012


The last check run for the fiscal year will be on Thursday, June 30, 2011.  On-line payment transactions approved by fiscal officers by 12 noon on Thursday, June 30, will be included in the check run. 


During the period July 1 through July 6, on-line payment and purchasing transactions can be initiated, but fiscal officers will NOT have the ability to approve transactions.  Transactions will not be posted to project accounts until the year-end processing is completed.  The financial system is scheduled to reopen on Wednesday, July 6.  The first check run is scheduled for Thursday, July 7.


On an emergency basis only, manual checks can be issued during this period. Fiscal Officers/Designated UH Officials should contact the RCUH Disbursing Department directly.


Project reports will be accessible on the RCUH website, however, until processing resumes on July 6, balances will reflect transactions posted through June 30 only.


Should you have any questions please contact Maile Brooks at 988-8340 or [email protected].



RCUH Pay Guidelines for FY 2011-2012


            All Principal Investigators & Fiscal Officers

RCUH Project Administrators


FROM:             Nelson Sakamoto

RCUH Director of Human Resources

SUBJECT:         RCUH Pay Guidelines for FY 2011-2012 & Performance Evaluation Training


For budgetary and planning purposes, this memo is being provided to you in advance, to inform you of the RCUH Pay Increase Guidelines for FY 2011-2012. 


Additional Requirement – Concurrence from Dean/Director:  Principal Investigators may need to provide salary adjustments to employees who have performed well and contributed to the project’s success, or to ensure retention of key employees. Unlike previous guidelines, this year’s guidelines will require Principal Investigators to obtain concurrence from his/her respective Deans or Directors, then Fiscal Officers before submitting any salary adjustments to the RCUH.  The RCUH will require a cover memo signed by your respective Deans and Directors attesting his/her concurrence of your proposed salary adjustments. Therefore, pay adjustments are contingent upon availability of funds and only with support and concurrence of your respective Dean/Director.


General Pay Adjustment (Lump Sum/One-Time Payment):  Principal Investigators may provide salary adjustments to employees performing at least at a Satisfactory level to ensure retention, equity or other compelling justifications.  Principal Investigators may provide eligible employees with a one-time payment (e.g., lump sum) General Adjustment of up to 3.5%, contingent upon sufficient funding and appropriate justification.  If a PI decides to provide a one-time General Adjustment, he/she must provide the same adjustment to all other eligible employees working for that project.


Merit Increase Adjustment (Lump Sum/One-Time Payment):  Principal Investigators may decide to provide “only Merit Increase adjustments” instead of providing “General Increases”.  Principal Investigators may provide a Merit Increase to employees whose performance has been consistently at a Commendable or Distinguished level and has made significant contributions to the project.  Principal Investigators may provide a one-time payment (e.g., lump sum) of up to 5% to eligible employees.

Effective Date

General Adjustment

(based on Satisfactory performance and required due to retention, equity or other compelling reasons)

Merit Increase Adjustment

(Only for sustained performance at a Commendable or Distinguished level)


One-time payment of up to 3.5%

of base salary

One-time payment of up to 5% of base salary


* Pay Adjustments are subject to approval of the Principal Investigator and Fiscal Officer.  Employees must also meet established eligibility requirements to qualify for the pay adjustments.


July 1, 2011 Effective Date for General/Merit Increase:  Memos, Annual Performance Evaluations & Personnel Action Forms (PAFs) due into the RCUH Human Resources office no later than June 15, 2011.


Pay Adjustment & Annual Performance Evaluation Training to be announced on the RCUH Website Current News.  We plan to conduct two training session on Oahu, Big Island and Maui and one training session on Kauai.   In addition more information relating to Annual Performance Evaluations will be announced on the RCUH website’s “Current News” (www.rcuh.com).

Additional Update on Payments Problem

All web payment records that resulted in checks dated Monday, April 18, 2011 have been updated with the check number, check date and final status information.   We want to reassure FO users that web payment records may be approved as usual.


RCUH Disbursing will continue to assist users who may have to re-enter web payment records that are unrecoverable.  If you are encountering unexpected error messages, are unable to retrieve travel request documents, or have any other problems, please complete the attached form and fax it to 956-3822. 


Thank you for your understanding and patience.