Contact RCUH Employee Benefits Section
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055
Contact RCUH Employee Benefits Section
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055
To: All RCUH HMSA Medical Insurance Plan Members (and enrolled dependents)
Why did I receive a new card in the mail?
In compliance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), HMSA will be issuing updated Subscriber ID Cards to all RCUH group plan enrollees starting December 2024 through January 2025.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) established protections for consumers related to surprise billing and transparency in health care. The CAA requires health plans to include members’ in-network and out-of-network deductible (DED) and maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP) limits on ID cards. The ID cards must also include a phone number and website address where members can receive further assistance.
There have been no mid-year changes to the RCUH HMSA medical plans or coverages.
What action is needed by me?
No action needs to be taken. RCUH HMSA members can identify their most updated ID cards using the generated date on the bottom left-hand side of their card.
Applicable Link:
HMSA Transparency in Coverage (TCR) and Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) Overview
RCUH Employee Benefits Section:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-7055 or (808) 956-2326
HMSA Customer Service:
Phone: (800) 776-4672
To: Employees and Dependents enrolled in RCUH Group Medical Plans
Please see the attached notice about the prescription drug coverage provided to you under the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii group health insurance coverage. This also applies to any dependents who are 65 and older.
Why am I receiving this notice?
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (also called the Medicare Modernization Act or MMA) is a federal law enacted in 2003. The MMA requires entities whose health policies include prescription drug coverage to notify Medical eligible policyholders whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable coverage. The MMA defined credible coverage as coverage that is expected to pay on average as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug coverage.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Want more information about Medicare? Click here to register for a Medicare Workshop provided by Kaiser Permanente and HMSA.
Creating a secure future is important to all of us. The RCUH Employee Benefits section encourages individuals to take advantage of the available resources to better yourself and improve the quality of life for you and your family.
RCUH is coordinating workshops in October and November focusing on improving your financial wellness. Please consider adding one (or more) of the workshops to your schedule! We encourage employees to coordinate attendance with your supervisor/Principal Investigator.
Kaiser Permanente
Whether you’re about to retire or already enrolled in a Medicare health plan, knowing more about your Medicare benefits can give you an advantage. See Kaiser Medicare 101 Flyer.
Kaiser Medicare 101 Register here.
Attend a Medicare Workshop online or in person. Learn the basics of Medicare and ask questions and get answers in real time. Find a workshop here.
TIAA Register here.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the RCUH Employee Benefits section at [email protected] or call (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055.
RCUH is now accepting applications for Fall 2024 tuition expense reimbursements. We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible as requests will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that applications are due no later than 2 business days BEFORE the first day of instruction.
Our Benefits Spotlight: Tuition Reimbursement is now LIVE!
For more information, please visit:
RCUH Tuition Reimbursement Office Hours (optional): The RCUH Employee Benefits staff will be holding virtual office hours to answer any questions you have. These sessions will not be recorded.
The Zoom Information will be emailed to you before the session.
If you have any questions or require special assistance with the Zoom session, you may contact the RCUH Employee Benefits at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-7055, (808) 956-2326, or (808) 956-6979
All RCUH Employees who enrolled into a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Healthcare account were sent an email via MailChimp on July 8, 2024.
The RCUH Employee Benefits staff will be holding office hours for RCUH Employees who are newly enrolled or have re-enrolled into the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for Healthcare during Open Enrollment for the July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 plan year.
RCUH FSA Healthcare Office Hours (Optional): We will be holding virtual office hours to help you get started (or refreshed) and answer any questions you have. These sessions will not be recorded.
The Zoom Information will be email to you a few days before the session.
FSA Healthcare Checklist (post-Open Enrollment):
If you are unable to attend Office Hours or have a personal question, you may contact the RCUH Employee Benefits section at any time:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326, (808) 956-7055, or (808) 956-6979
The RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage is now live!
This year’s annual benefit OE period will be April 24, 2024 – May 17, 2024. The RCUH annual benefit Open Enrollment (OE) period is your opportunity to elect, waive, or change certain benefit elections for the upcoming plan year – July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.
Applicable documents (summary of benefits, rate sheets, comparison document), updates, and virtual OE office hours information will be posted on the RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage on April 24, 2024. The RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage will be updated with additional information as we approach the election period, so stay tuned!
Unlike previous years, we are requiring all benefits-eligible employees to complete the new electronic RCUH Open Enrollment form to confirm their elections for the new plan year. Starting Wednesday, April 24th, all benefits-eligible employees will see the new electronic RCUH OE form on their RCUH Employee Self-Service. The electronic RCUH OE form will allow employees to initiate and save their elections/changes and submit when they are ready through the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024. Employees may recall their submissions and resubmit up until the deadline on May 17th. Elections/Changes will be effective July 1, 2024.
DID YOU KNOW: RCUH Employee Benefit Spotlight Series was created in response to employee feedback on benefits-related topics that mattered to you. Features include: Understanding Your Pay Statement, Healthcare Options, Health Insurance: Qualifying Life Event, and more!
Please note: All employees with a email may have received an email from EUTF regarding their open enrollment period. This announcement is for State of Hawaii employees, and is not applicable to RCUH employees.
Questions or concerns? Please contact the RCUH Employee Benefits Section at [email protected] or call (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055.