2025 RCUH Financial Portal V2.1.0 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of an enhanced version of the RCUH Financial Portal on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Release Schedule

  • Deployment Date: Sunday, March 2, from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. HST
  • Please be aware that users may experience issues with the Search All Documents functionality during the deployment period. However, there will be no system downtime. Fiscal Administrators may approve online purchasing, payment, and travel transactions in the Financial Portal during the deployment period.

Key Enhancements

  • Default message during End of Day processing or system maintenance
  • Default query timeframe for listing screens
  • Ability to search by Payment Request Number in PO listing screen
  • Ability to search by Travel PO Number in Travel listing screen
  • PI Name added to project dropdown list
  • Automatic update of project period for pending PO documents
  • Enhanced Calendar behavior in the Service Date or Trip Itinerary date fields
  • Ability to mouse right click to paste project number in Reporting functions

Please refer to the release note for details.

Support & Help

If you have any questions or comments, please use the Help Widget at the bottom right portion of the Financial Portal screen or contact RCUH Accounting at [email protected].

Important Notice: Kaiser Medical Insurance: Issues with RCUH Enrollment file (January 30, 2025) – RESOLVED Jan 30 – 2:00 pm

UPDATE (January 30 – 2:00 pm) All employee accounts have been corrected by Kaiser so employees should not have issues obtaining services. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Original Post:

Please be aware that we have just received notice (January 30, 2025) that there was an issue with Kaiser’s processing of RCUH’s electronic enrollment file.

If you received a notice from Kaiser that your medical coverage has ended, please note this was sent in error and you are currently showing active coverage in the RCUH system. Kaiser is currently working on correcting this error on their end and has committed to resolving these enrollments no later than tomorrow, Friday, January 31st.

If you require immediate services today (e.g., medical appointments, prescriptions), please contact the Employee Benefits section to put you on the RUSH/EXPEDITED list with Kaiser:

RCUH Employee Benefits Section Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-7055 or (808) 956-2326

We sincerely apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused.

RCUH Vacation Forfeiture – Coming Soon – December 31, 2024

Applicability: All regular-status RCUH employees with a vacation leave balance and Principal Investigators

During payroll processing for the pay period ending December 31, 2024 (including the hours accrued during the pay period), any hours exceeding the total maximum carry-over hours will be forfeited.  

Maximum Carry-Over Hours Depends on the Employee’s Vacation Plan. *Accrued and carry-over vacation hours are prorated by an employee’s FTE (full time equivalency) status.

Vacation Plan A: Up to a total maximum carry-over of 10 workdays (*80 hours based on 100% FTE)

Vacation Plan B: Each plan year you may carry-over not more 15 workdays (*120 hours based on 100% FTE), but may carry-over a total maximum accumulated total or 45 workdays (*360 hours based on 100% FTE)

2024 Holiday Season: Administrative Leave Announcement

For Employees:

To avoid forfeiture, please work with your Principal Investigator/Supervisor to coordinate your vacation time for the remainder of the calendar year (through December 31, 2024).

To calculate your potential vacation forfeiture amount, please reference your last pay statement (RCUH Employee Self-Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Pay Statement) and use the RCUH Vacation Forfeiture Calculator.

For Principal Investigators/Supervisors and Project Administrative Staff:

It is recommended that Principal Investigators meet with employees who may be forfeiting vacation hours to plan ahead and map out the work load and expectations for the end of the year. 

Forfeiture Reports were provided to all Principal Investigators (and individuals with HR Portal Supervisory Access) for the pay period ending 09/30/2024 and will be provided another report in November. Additional reports may be furnished upon request. Please note regular-status employees who reduced their FTE below 50% will not show up on the Forfeiture Report, so an email will be sent directly to the Principal Investigator/Supervisor with forfeiture information.

Vacation Plan A is the default plan for all new projects and its employees. Vacation Plan B is a legacy project setup. No new projects can be transitioned to Vacation Plan B.

Vacation payouts (while actively employed) in lieu of forfeitures are not allowed.

All employees with a vacation leave balance are subject to the maximum carryover limits at close of business on December 31, 2024. Principal Investigators may contact the RCUH Employee Benefits Section ([email protected]) if an employee has extenuating circumstances no later than December 2, 2024.

Applicable Links:
RCUH Policy 3.620 Vacation Leave
Benefits Spotlight: Vacation Leave – Use it or Lose it (including Vacation Forfeiture Calculator)

Questions? Contact RCUH Employee Benefits Section at [email protected] or (808) 956-7055 or (808) 956-2326

RCUH Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) Updates: One-Time Payments and Terminations

To: RCUH Principal Investigators, Fiscal Administrators, and all RCUH HR Portal Users

RCUH Principal Investigators and project staff will have enhanced options for submitting electronic personnel actions involving One-Time Payments and Terminations effective August 14, 2024.

As a reminder, ePAF actions may be submitted via the RCUH HR Portal no later than the ePAF Deadline of the pay period in which the action will commence.

ONE-TIME PAYMENTS: Now available via ePAF (not all options may be available for all employee types)  

Additional Compensation – Miscellaneous
Eligibility: All employee types (Regular and Non-Recruited)
Generally utilized to pay employees for retroactive payments and will be the most commonly used to cover miscellaneous payments.

Additional Compensation – 1.5x (Exempt)
Eligibility: Exempt employees only
Pre-approved by Principal Investigator to pay exempt employees at 1.5 times for hours worked performing tasks that are above and beyond normal job duties.

Hiring Bonus
Eligibility: Regular employees
Generally utilized to pay employees a hiring bonus commonly provided as a supplement for relocating (must be pre-approved by Principal Investigator and Fiscal Administrator as part of hiring process)

Holiday Payoff
Eligibility: Regular, Non-Regular, and Relief employees
Payoff for floating holiday if the employee was not able to take the pre-requested floating holiday within 1-2 pay periods.


  • Termination Reason Simplification:
    • Voluntary terminations – Inactivation of the following reasons: “Other Job (Non-RCUH)”, “Relocation”, and “Return to School”. Appropriate reason: “Personal Reasons”
    • Involuntary terminations – Inactivation of “Discharge: Poor Performance” replaced with “Unsatisfactory Work Performance”
  • Involuntary terminations due to “Budgetary Constraints” or “Project Termination”: Fiscal Administrator approval required (UH projects only)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact RCUH Human Resources at [email protected] or (808) 956-3100.

RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule – Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

TO:                 All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators

The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi (RCUH) is announcing updates to the RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule for Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. The following fringe rates have changed:

Fringe Benefit TypeFiscal Year 23-24 Rate July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024NEW Fiscal Year 24-25 Rate July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025Change
Vacation Payout Reserve0.99%0.45%-0.54%
Unused Sick Leave Payout Reserve0.16%0.24%0.08%
Unemployment Insurance Reserve0.36%0.30%-0.06%
Life Insurance$0.137 per $1,000$0.147 per $1000 
Long Term Disability Insurance$0.221 per $100$0.179 per $100 

Please refer to the RCUH Monthly Health Insurance Premium Rate Sheet for health insurance monthly premium rates which are applicable effective July 1, 2024. Actual employee enrollment (medical plan and tier) will affect fringe rate charged to projects.

The updated Fringe Benefits Schedule is posted on the RCUH Home Page > About > Policies & Procedures > Policy 3.510 Fringe Benefits.

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RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Sunday, 05/26/24 4:00 AM to Noon HST

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Sunday, 05/26/24 at 4:00 AM (HST) to Noon (HST) for system maintenance.

The maintenance will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH HR Information Systems at (808) 956-8900 or [email protected].

Now Live! RCUH Annual Benefit Open Enrollment PowerUP! (April 24 – May 17)

PowerUP! RCUH Open Enrollment Election period is now live!

Annual Election Period:

This year’s annual benefit Open Enrollment (OE) period will be April 24, 2024 – May 17, 2024. This marks your opportunity to elect, waive, or change certain benefit elections for the upcoming plan year: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

ACTION NEEDED: Unlike previous years, we are requiring all benefits-eligible employees to complete the new electronic RCUH Open Enrollment form to confirm their elections for the new plan year.

Open Enrollment Electronic Election Form:

The all-electronic RCUH OE form will allow employees to initiate and save their elections/changes and submit when they are ready through the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024. Employees may recall their submissions and resubmit up until the deadline on May 17th. Elections/Changes will be effective July 1, 2024.

Please access the OE form via RCUH Employee Self-Service > Benefits > Open Enrollment

IMPORTANT: If you receive an error message to update your Primary Beneficiary Contact Information, then click on Life Insurance to bring up the Beneficiary Designation Section.

NOTE: The Open Enrollment form is accessed from a different location than eUpload. Please do not submit Open Enrollment elections via eUpload. All other benefit change requests may still be submitted via eUpload.

RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage:

Your one-stop location for all relevant information including:
Guide to Benefits
Open Enrollment Quick Guide
Rate Sheets
Medical Plan Comparison

RCUH Open Enrollment Office Hours: Chat with RCUH Employee Benefits staff in real time with any questions you may have.

Wednesday, April 24: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 1: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 8: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 15: 2:00pm HST

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 898 1550 7464


Open Enrollment Election PeriodApril 24 – May 17, 2024
Open Enrollment Submission DeadlineMay 17, 2024
RCUH HR Personalized Confirmation Email to all benefits-eligible employees. Please report any discrepancies by June 12, 2024.No later than June 7, 2024
Effective Date for Open Enrollment Submission (enrollment and changes)July 1, 2024
First Premium Deduction for Health InsuranceJune 16 – 30, 2024 pay period (will be reflected on July 5th pay stub)
First Premium Deduction for Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and/or Dependent CareJuly 1-15, 2024 pay period (will be reflected on July 22nd pay stub)

Questions? Please contact RCUH Employee Benefits section at: [email protected] or (808) 956-7055, (808) 956-2326, (808) 956-6979.

DID YOU KNOW: The RCUH Employee Benefit Spotlight Series was created in response to employee feedback on benefits-related topics that mattered to you!. Features include: Understanding Your Pay Statement, Flexible Spending Accounts: Healthcare & Dependent Care, PreTax Transportation Benefits Plan: Parking & Transit, Healthcare Options, Health Insurance: Qualifying Life Event, Retirement Accounts, Vacation Leave: Use It or Lose It, and more!

MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop Series – Tuesdays 12noon in April (April 9, 16, 23, 30) – Register now!

Level Up your financial education game with the MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop! This four-part series can play a fundamental role in directing your basic financial and retirement planning.  In its 15th year, Retirewise has offered over 14,000 workshops to more than 3,000 companies in all 50 states.

A broad spectrum of financial and retirement-related issues will be covered in these one-hour sessions, including budgeting, investment principles, Social Security, and estate planning – there is something here for everyone. Each session includes different topics and employees are able to choose which session they want to learn more about. However, to make the most out of this special opportunity it is recommended to attend all sessions, as each session build on the previous week’s content and employees will also be asked to do homework to assess their own personal finances.

 This virtual series is offered (at no cost) to all RCUH employees and registration is forthcoming. The workshop will be from 12noon – 1pm HST for the following Tuesdays in April:

  • April 9: Building the Foundation: Understand your financial and retirement planning basics by creating a budget, learn about compound interest, tax diversification and inflation.
  • April 16: Creating and Managing Wealth: Review the principles of investing including how to get started, different types of investments and their common risks and strategies.
  • April 23: Establishing Your Retirement Income Stream: Learn how to examine risks, manage assets and structure a retirement income stream to address your retirement needs and wants.
  • April 30: Making the Most of What You Have: Review your employer’s benefits and how they can fit into your plan while also covering estate planning, Medicare options and life and disability income insurance.

With Retirewise, you’ll be on your way to making smarter financial decisions and creating an action plan that works for you. 

Because these sessions are being held during the middle of the day, all employees should notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend. We encourage Principal Investigators and Supervisors to allow their employees to attend these sessions, if requested.

[Spouses and partners are welcome!]

Sign up today!


Contact RCUH Employee Benefits with any questions or concerns:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055

Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled session.