Updated (6/16): RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY – REVISED RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule – Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021

To: All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators

On behalf of Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources, please see the attached memorandum.

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Policy 3.510 Fringe Benefits
Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 Fringe Benefits Schedule

RCUH HR URGENT [ACTION NEEDED] – RCUH 2020 Open Enrollment Voluntary Benefits Confirmation

 To:     All RCUH Regular-status (50-100%) FTE Employees

The RCUH 2020 Benefits Open Enrollment Period has ended.  Please review your benefits  summary in the Employee Self-Service (ESS) system to ensure that any  benefit changes  you made are reflected.  See attached instructions on how to access your summary of benefits to view your changes effective July 1, 2020.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] no later than Tuesday, June 9, 2020.

The following Open Enrollment Benefits and updated rates are currently viewable in the Benefits Summary for changes effective 7/1/20:

  • Medical Enrollment Changes/Cancellation
  • Dental Enrollment Changes/Cancellation
  • Flex Spending Enrollments: Healthcare and/or Dependent Care only

Please note that the following NON-Open Enrollment Benefits changes with an effective date of 7/1/20 will NOT be viewable until on or after 7/13:

  • SRA Elections
  • Flex Spending Enrollments: Parking and Transit Expense Reimbursement
  • Supplemental LTC Rate Changes, if applicable (effective July 1)

NOT available to view in the Benefits Summary:

  • Life Insurance benefit/beneficiary

Attachment: Instructions to Review RCUH 2020 Open Enrollment Benefits

NEW! RCUH Human Resources Information Systems Email Address

Effective May 1, 2019, the RCUH Human Resources Department Information System Section will change their email address from [email protected] to [email protected]. Please use this email address for any correspondence regarding the HR Portal, Employee Self-Service, and changes to HR records.

Please contact Taylor Sumi at 956-6318 or [email protected] if you have any questions or require additional information.

2019 Annual Performance Evaluation Training

Attention Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Administrative Staff: Annual Performance Evaluations will be required soon.  Below is the schedule of upcoming training sessions:

O‘ahu UH Manoa, East-West Center

Burns Hall

Room: 4005/4009

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:00am – 10:30am
Maui UH Maui College

Room: Laulima 103

Friday, April 26, 2019 9:00am – 10:30am
O‘ahu UH John A. Burns School of Medicine

Room: MEB 301

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 9:00am – 10:30am
All Islands (HITS) UH Manoa, Kuykendall 201
(See other locations below)
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Hawai‘i UH Hilo

Room: UCB 114

Friday, May 3, 2019 9:00am – 10:30am
Kaua‘i Kaua‘i Community College (CANCELED)

Room: OCET 106

Friday, May 10, 2019 9:00am – 10:30am

The May 1st HITS training will be streamed to:

  • Windward Community College, Akoakoa Room 113A
  • Kaua‘i Community College, Learning Resource Center, Room 122B
  • UH Maui College, Ka‘aike Room 105
  • UH Hilo, Media Services Room 358
  • CANCELED – Honolulu Community College, Building 7, Room 305
  • CANCELED – Kapi‘olani Community College, Lama Building, Room 111A
  • CANCELED – Leeward Community College, Learning Commons Room 108B
  • CANCELED – UH West O‘ahu, Library Room 157

PIs, supervisors and administrative staff may register for the training through the RCUH Training Portal. As a reminder to those who have already registered, your username is your email address. If you need to request access as a new user, please complete the registration form.

Please contact RCUH Corporate Services at (808) 988-8314/8315 or [email protected] if you need assistance with registration.

Relevant RCUH Policy
3.410 RCUH 12-Month/Needs-Based Performance Evaluations

Annual Performance Evaluation Forms: 

Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled meeting.

Act 108: Prohibits Employers from Inquiring about a Job Applicant’s Salary History

To: Principal Investigators, Project Administrators, and Individuals Involved in the Hiring Process (Regular-Status and Non-Recruited)

From: Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources

Please find the attached memorandum regarding Act 108 which prohibits employers from inquiring about a job applicant’s salary history effective January 1, 2019.

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Revised FY2018-19 Fringe Benefits Schedule – FICA Adjustments

TO:                      Principal Investigators, Fiscal Administrators, Project Administrators

FROM:                  Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources

Effective January 1, 2019, the Social Security/OASDI maximum wage base will increase to $132,900 up from $128,400 in 2018. Earnings above the Social Security wage base in a given payroll year are not subject to the 6.2% Social Security taxes.  As in prior years, there is no limit to the wages subject to the Medicare tax; therefore, all covered wages are still subject to the 1.45% tax.

The RCUH Policy 3.510 RCUH Fringe Benefits Schedule has been updated to reflect the adjustments to the FICA limit.

Please plan accordingly for these changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact RCUH Human Resources at [email protected] or (808) 956-3100.

University of Hawai’i Announcements Pertaining to New Payroll System – NOT APPLICABLE TO RCUH EMPLOYEES


To: All RCUH Employees

From: Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources

Please disregard any notice you may have received via email or other means from the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) pertaining to “Enrollment for New Payroll System Begins Today”.  This notice does NOT apply to RCUH employees (regardless of work location, agency or department).

This notice (refer to the attachment) and any similar notice in the future pertains to the conversion of the current State of Hawaiʻi Department of Accounting and General Services’ (DAGS) payroll system to a new DAGS payroll system, which the UH utilizes the DAGS payroll system for all of its employees.

The RCUH runs its own payroll system, which is not part of the University of Hawaiʻi’s or the DAGS payroll system.  If you have any questions, please call me at (808) 956-3100.

Click here to see the memo and UH announcement

Reminder: TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions (JABSOM)

ATTENTION:  Principal Investigators & Regular-status employees 50-100% FTE

Perhaps you have been contemplating enrolling in RCUH’s Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) but need more guidance? Or perhaps you already have a SRA and received a pay raise so, you are deciding whether or not you would like to increase your contributions? Regardless of your current status, we would like to invite you to attend the upcoming TIAA Individual Retirement Counseling Sessions at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.

We encourage Principal Investigators to allow their employees to attend the TIAA Counseling Sessions if requested.  All employees must notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend, as the sessions are being held during business hours.

If you are currently participating in RCUH’s Group Retirement Annuity (GRA) and/or SRA plans administered through TIAA OR if you are interested in enrolling into a TIAA SRA plan, the RCUH Human Resources Department is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement Counseling Sessions with TIAA.  During these meetings, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA Financial Consultant on a free and confidential basis.

A TIAA representative will be able to assist you with planning for your retirement goals, including:

  • Setting realistic goals for key life events and retirement
  • Reviewing your investment mix and strategy
  • Selecting your TIAA options
  • Learning about TIAA retirement income flexibility

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA plan, it is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings towards an individual retirement plan (i.e., SRA) through our third-party administrator, TIAA.  Enrolling or making changes to your SRA election may be done at any time during the year.

For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please review Policy 3.560 RCUH Retirement Plans.

We have reserved the following dates and times for individual sessions:

Dates Location Times
November 13-15, 2018 John A. Burns School of Medicine

651 Ilalo Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

Room: MEB Library Group Study Room 107A

9:00am – 4:00pm

To schedule an appointment, please use our secure website at:


If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call TIAA’s Service and Scheduling Group at (800) 732-8353 Mon-Fri 6am – 3pm Hawaiʻi Standard Time.

Relevant Forms and Documents:

TIAA-SRA Supplemental Retirement Annuity – Agreement for Salary Reduction Form (B-6)

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled meeting.

Memo from Nelson Sakamoto to RCUH Principal Investigators – National Science Foundation Article X – Notification Requirements (Effective October 21, 2018)

To: All Principal Investigators

From: Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources

Subject: National Science Foundation Article X – Notification Requirements Regarding Findings of Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault published in the Federal Register on September 21, 2018 (Effective October 21, 2018)

Effective October 21, 2018 all projects receiving funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF) will be subject to the NSF’s Article X – Notification Requirements Regarding Findings of Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault published in the Federal Register on September 21, 2018 (Attachment). The Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i (RCUH) will cooperate with the University of Hawai`i’s (UH) efforts to comply with this NSF directive.

Any RCUH Direct Project receiving funding from the NSF is also subject to the NSF Article X. Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators of applicable RCUH Direct Projects will work with the RCUH to ensure compliance with this NSF directive.

Attachment: Memorandum from Nelson Sakamoto to Principal Investigators

Link to ORS Announcement: Notice of UH Temporary Protocol to Comply With New NSF Term and Conditions


Hurricane Lane: Guidance Relating to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules

Reminder: June 1-November 30 is hurricane season. For more information on Hurricane Lane  please visit the NOAA Central Pacific Hurricane Center and take the time to review your family emergency plan.

Employees are encouraged to sign up for UH Alert to be informed via text message about emergency situations affecting the 10 UH campuses http://hawaii.edu/alert. Notifications affecting UH campuses will be posted at http://hawaii.edu/emergency.

If a project is unable to offer work to their RCUH employees due to unforeseen disruptions, please follow the guidelines provided in the Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules Memorandum.

Please contact (808) 956-3100 or [email protected] if you have any questions.