Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 6/30/14 and other Advanced Deadlines

The payroll deadline for the 6/16 – 6/30/14 pay period is 12:00 noon on MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014.   The deadline has been moved up one day due to the Independence Day holiday.


Please note below the advanced payroll deadlines for the remainder of 2014.  All other payroll deadlines remain as usual (one working day after the end of the pay period).



Pay Period Ending

Payroll Deadline*

Holiday in Pay Period


6/16/14 – 6/30/14


12:00 noon

Independence Day (7/04/14)


8/16/14 – 8/31/14


12:00 noon

Labor Day (9/01/14)


10/16/14 – 10/31/14


12:00 noon

General Election Day (11/04/14)


12/16/14 – 12/31/14


12:00 noon

New Year’s Day (1/01/15)





*Payroll Deadline – when RCUH online timesheet submission, and supporting documentation, is due to RCUH Payroll.




Should you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll Staff at [email protected].




Thank you,


RCUH Payroll Staff

REMINDER – Deadlines for RCUH 2014-2015 Open Enrollment Benefits Discrepancy Change(s)

The RCUH 2014-2015 Benefits Open Enrollment Period has ended.



The Open Enrollment Confirmation Statements have been sent to all employees via email on Monday, June 16, 2014.  For employees who do not have an email, they were postal mailed to your mailing address we currently have on file.  Please review your Confirmation Statements to ensure correct changes/new elections have been implemented and processed effective July 1, 2014.



If you have any discrepancies/errors to your originally submitted Open Enrollment benefits election(s), this is the ONLY REMINDER provided to you to inform us of any discrepancies.



The following are the DEADLINES to contact RCUH Human Resources Benefits Department via email at [email protected] for any discrepancies to your benefit plans:




Effective July 1, 2014


Medical and Dental (Health) Plans

Monday, June 23, 2014

Flexible Spending Accounts


1.      Medical Expense Reimbursement Account


2.      Dependent Care Expense Reimbursement Account

Monday, June 30, 2014

Voluntary/Supplemental Insurance


1.      UNUM – Supplemental Long Term Care


2.      USAble – Voluntary Insurance

Wednesday, July 9, 2014





RCUH Human Resources

3.210C Policy Update: RCUH Employee Positions Affected by HIPAA Rules for Medical Records – Addendum to RCUH 3.210 Hiring Options Through RCUH

To: All Principal Investigators


Effective June 16, 2014, we have implemented an Addendum to Policy 3.210 Hiring Options Through RCUH that requires all RCUH employees that handle protected health information (PHI) protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to be in compliance with HIPAA requirements and the HIPAA policies and procedures of the agency/unit in which they work.


All Principal Investigators (PI) with RCUH employees that handle information protected under HIPAA are responsible for the following:

  • Ensure employees are required to receive and do receive training on the handling of PHI in accordance with HIPAA
  • Address and disclose the agency/unit’s HIPAA/PHI policies, required regulatory compliance, and any Business Associate or related agency/unit’s policy to the RCUH Human Resources Department
  • Provide written assurance to the RCUH Human Resources Department that the PI’s agency/unit has a HIPAA/PHI policy, training, and internal controls that meet all regulatory requirements prior to any RCUH employees being hired into a position exposing them to HIPAA/PHI


  • Disclose the contact information of the agency/unit’s Security Officer to the RCUH Human Resources Department


  • Work with the RCUH Human Resources Department to ensure all employees who work with HIPAA/PHI have the standard verbiage for HIPAA/PHI compliance in their job descriptions:

Policy and/or Regulatory Requirements:  As a condition of employment, employee will be subject to all applicable RCUH policies and procedures and, as applicable, subject to University of Hawaii’s and/or business entity’s policies and procedures.  Violation of RCUH’s, UH’s, or business entity’s policies and/or procedures or applicable State or Federal laws and/or regulations may lead to disciplinary action (including, but not limited to possible termination of employment, personal fines, civil and/or criminal penalties, etc.).


Must complete University of Hawaii’s and business entity’s training relating to HIPAA/PHI privacy and security relating training as soon as possible but not later than the first six (6) months of the new hire probation period. Must maintain a current status on University and/or business entity’s training requirements.


A post offer criminal background check.

All RCUH employees that handle information protected under HIPAA are responsible for the following:


  • Required to follow the HIPAA policies, procedures and training requirements of the agency/unit for which they are employed




NOTE: The RCUH will not employ staff in projects that do not have a policy, training or internal controls for compliance with HIPAA/PHI regulations.




Please see Policy 3.210C RCUH Employee Positions Affected by HIPAA Rules for Medical Records, Addendum to the RCUH 3.210 Hiring Options Through RCUH, effective June 16, 2014, for more details. If you have any questions regarding this policy or need to have your current employee’s job description updated, please contact the RCUH Human Resources Employment Department via email at  [email protected].





RCUH Human Resources

2013 – 2014 Annual Performance Evaluations – REMINDER DUE TO RCUH HUMAN RESOURCES BY MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014

To:      All Principal Investigators

After much consideration, we have decided to make only minor changes to the Annual Performance Evaluation (APE) Forms. Highlighted changes to the form(s) include the following: 

·         Rating Definitions and Summary Ratings: “Competent” changed to “Satisfactory”

·         Added in Performance Competency: “Support & Contributions to Success of the Project: Factual and measurable results achieved resulting to project’s success”

·         Elimination of Project Administrative Review Signature

Please see below for the long and short performance evaluation forms:

2014 Performance Evaluation (Long Form)

2014 Performance Evaluation (Short Form)

You may use either the long form or the short form for your employee(s). After completion of the evaluation, you must meet with your employee(s) to go over their evaluation. You should also review your employee’s job description to ensure that it is up to date. If it is not up to date, you will need to submit an electronic copy (with track changes) to RCUH Human Resources at [email protected].

All Annual Performance Evaluation Forms are due to RCUH Human Resources no later than June 23, 2014. You may submit all evaluations via scan and email to [email protected]. We will not be accepting any late performance evaluations. All Annual Performance Evaluations must be turned in by June 23, 2014 in order to be eligible for the pay awards (no exceptions will be granted).

We will be announcing the pay award guidelines on the afternoon of June 3, 2014. All pay adjustments will be done through the Human Resources Administrative Management Portal (via the Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF)), which will be available on June 25, 2014 for submission. All pay adjustments must be submitted via HRAMP no later than July 9, 2014 (no exceptions). We will be providing additional details during the first week of June.

The RCUH is conducting APE training for all Principal Investigators, Supervisors and Administrative Staff. Please click here for more information.

We anticipate a revamp of the Annual Performance Evaluation Form for next year, which will include a revised rating system. If you have any questions, please contact RCUH Human Resources at [email protected].

RCUH Timesheet for June 16-30, 2014 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the June 16-30, 2014 Timesheet

PAYROLL Deadline is June 30, 2014 noon


Payday for this timesheet is July 7, 2014




Next Announcement: July 1 (July 1-15)

Policy 3.545 RCUH Group Long-Term Care – Removal of Group Long Term Care Class 2 Division (50%-74% FTE, Regular-Status Employees)

Effective July 1, 2014, the RCUH will be removing the Group Long Term Care Insurance (Class 2 Division).  This benefit is applied to RCUH 50%-74% Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) Regular-Status Employees, through our third-party administrator, UNUM Life Insurance Company of America (UNUM).  We will post the revised policy on our website on July 1, 2014.

All RCUH 50%-74% FTE Regular-Status employees currently receiving this benefit via payroll deductions will have the option to continue their Group Long Term Care Class 2 Division policy with low group rates by porting and paying their premiums on an individual billing basis directly with UNUM.  They have been notified via email and U.S. postal mail, of this change and must elect for the continued coverage within sixty (60) days from July 1, 2014 if interested (DEADLINE:  September 1, 2014).

Should you have any questions, please contact RCUH Human Resources Benefits Department at [email protected].


RCUH Human Resources

Student Assistant Pay Rate Increase – Effective July 1, 2014

All RCUH Student Assistant’s employed on July 1, 2014 will have their respective pay rates increased by 3%. This is pursuant to the September 16, 2013 announcement by the University of Hawaii that announced the new Student Assistant pay rate schedule. You do not need to submit any online or manual personnel action forms to make this change. The RCUH Human Resources Office will initiate these pay rate changes for all Student Assistants automatically. However, after July 1, 2014, your project’s office must initiate any subsequent pay rate changes associated with Step Pay Rate changes (i.e. Step A3-1 to Step A3-2).

Please review to the Student Assistant Pay Schedule posted within Policy 3.211 RCUH Student Employment. Please go the following website to reference this policy: > Policies & Procedures > Human Resources > 3.211 RCUH Student Employment.

If you have any questions, please contact Renee Doi, Assistant Director of Human Resources via email at [email protected].

2014 Pay Awards and Pay Adjustment Guidelines

TO:                 Principal Investigators & Project Administrators

FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                        Director of Human Resources



SUBJECT:    July 1, 2014 – Pay Awards & Pay Adjustment Guidelines




The RCUH Board of Directors approved our 2014 Compensation Award Guidelines.  These Award Guidelines allow for “up to a 3% Merit Pay Awards and/or a 3% General Pay Adjustments to the employee’s base pay rate or a one-time lump-sum pay award”.  A pay adjustment will increase the employee’s base pay rate, whereas a one-time lump-sum pay award will not.  Principal Investigators are reminded to ensure availability of funds prior to submitting any pay award.  Both Merit and General pay awards will be granted only if there are sufficient funds to do so and based on program/operational requirements.




All Principal Investigators must complete (and submit to the RCUH Human Resources Department) the 2014 Annual Performance Evaluation which is mandatory for all eligible Regular Status employees in order to receive a Pay Award or Pay Adjustment: Principal Investigators must complete and submit an Annual Performance Evaluation as a prerequisite for initiating a pay award or a pay adjustment.  The deadline for submission of these Annual Performance Evaluations is Monday, June 23, 2014 (no exceptions).  Once these Annual Performance Evaluations have been reviewed and processed by my office, they will be logged into our human resources information system to produce the online Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF).  You will find the online PA/PAF at your HR portal once your employees’ Annual Performance Reviews have been received and processed.  Therefore, you should turn in your completed Annual Performance Reviews as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, June 23, 2014 (no exceptions). 




Definitions and Examples




  • Eligible Employee: Regular – Status Employees in a Non-Probationary Status. If the employee is a “transfer” hire (from one project to another), s/he is still eligible for the pay award/adjustment provided that s/he is performing in at least a satisfactory or better manner.
  • One-Time Lump-Sum Pay Award:  One-time lump-sum Merit Pay Award of up to 3% and/or a One-Time lump-sum General Pay Award of 3% of the employee’s annual base pay rate.  (Example – 3% Merit Pay Award x $20,000 Annual Base Pay Rate = $600.00 one-time lump-sum payment.)
  • Pay Adjustment:  An “up to 3% merit pay adjustment to the employee’s base pay rate” and/or “3% General pay adjustment” will change the employee’s base pay rate by the percentage increase he/she is awarded. (Example – 3% merit pay adjustment x $20,000/year = $600/year pay adjustment or new pay rate of $20,600/year.)
  • Merit:  In order to qualify for a “Merit” pay adjustment or one-time lump-sum pay award, an employee must have either a “Distinguished” or “Commendable” overall rating on their Annual Performance Evaluation.  Merit pay adjustments or pay awards should be limited to your top performers who have demonstrated an overall outstanding work performance for the past 12-month period.
  • General: In order to qualify for a “General” pay adjustment or one-time lump-sum pay award, an employee must have at least a “Satisfactory” overall rating on their Annual Performance Evaluation.  A “Satisfactory” rating applies to an employee performing at least at a “satisfactory or acceptable” level of work performance over the past 12-month period. 


 Conditions for Pay Awards


  1. Merit Pay Awards can only be given to employees who score either a “Distinguished” or “Commendable” rating on their Annual Performance Evaluation.
  2. General Pay Awards can only be given to employees who score at least a “Satisfactory” rating on their Annual Performance Evaluation.
  3. A Principal Investigator may decide to award only Merit Pay Awards if project’s funding is limited.
  4. Merit Pay Awards for Distinguished performance ratings must be higher than pay awards for Commendable performance ratings.
  5. Consistency in the percentage amounts should generally be equal for the type of Pay Award.  Example:  3% for Distinguished, 2% for Commendable and 3% for General.  This means everyone scoring Distinguished should be receiving a 3% pay award. The Principal Investigator must explain why circumstances warrant a difference in the percentage awarded in a category.
  6. Principal Investigators may provide a Lump Sum Merit Pay Award and Pay Adjustment to base pay rate for General or the opposite combination.  Remember, only a Pay Adjustment will increase the employee’s base pay rate. 


Online Pay Award/Personnel Action (PA/PAF) form:  The online “Pay Award/Personnel Action” form is an online app that provides Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators a paperless personnel action form to initiate either Merit and/or General Pay Award (lump-sum payment) or Pay Adjustment (increase in base pay rate) for all employees in their respective project(s). For fiscal staff, the online personnel action/pay award forms will also calculate/display the full costs associated with the pay adjustment (both for lump sums and adjustment to base pay rate).  This online PA/PAF form is found on the RCUH HR Portal once your Annual Performance Evaluations have been received and processed by my office.




PA/PAF Deadline for Pay Awards Submission for July 1, 2014 Effective Date: Principal Investigators and Fiscal Authorities must submit their online PA/PAF no later than July 9, 2014 (no exceptions).  Your employees will receive either their Pay Adjustment or Lump Sum by the July 22, 2014 payday. 




Any questions please email me at [email protected] or call at (808) 956-6965.






June 23, 2014 – Deadline for Annual Performance Evaluations to RCUH HR


June 25, 2014 – Earliest day the Online PA/PAF is available


July 9, 2014 – Deadline for PA/PAF online submission for effective date 7/1/14