RESOLVED: Problem with RCUH Budget Status Reports for 2015

Update to earlier posting:

All RCUH Reports are now functioning properly.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your patience.

We are currently experiencing problems with the RCUH Budget Status Reports. The system is not able to retrieve reports for calendar year 2015.

All other RCUH Reports (including the Budget Category Review, Detail of Cost, Payroll Reports, and Vacation and Sick Leave Reports) and UH Project Fiscal Reports are functional.

We are working to resolve this issue and will keep you posted.We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.  Thank you.

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 6 – Post Implementation Updates

Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve the issues that have arisen on our modernization project. We sincerely apologize for the frustrations you may have experienced with the problems that have surfaced. We are working diligently to correct them and provide you with a more positive user experience. Thank you for your understanding.

Please continue to provide us with your feedback (good or bad) so we can ensure that our financial system meets your needs.

Many of the issues have been fixed; the remaining ones will be resolved shortly.

Here is an update on the issues to date:
Common Issues
NOTE:If you have documents you created prior to December 28 and received an error related to an issue below, you may need to delete the pending document and create a new document.

Issue Status
Purchase Order: Not able to process a $0 line item Fixed
Travel Completion: Not able to process a $0 travel completion Fixed
Travel Forms: M&IE Minus Days not allowing 2 digits after the decimal Fixed
Travel Forms: Arrival/Departure times changing in Trip Itinerary section In Progress
Payments: Not able to process payments for projects past termination date Fixed
Mileage: Not able to deduct miles Fixed
Mileage: Miles rounding to the nearest whole number Fixed
Direct Payments Listing: Missing check date, check number, or approved date In Progress
Equipment Inventory: Invalid error equipment cost total does not match payment line item total. Fixed
RCUH Payroll Report: Download link not working Fixed

Search Function
Based on user feedback, we are also working on an enhanced search function to:

  • Provide a Search ALL function to search all Purchasing, Payment, and Travel transactions in one place.
  • Provide functionality to search (by words, numbers, etc.) WITHIN the documents themselves.

For now, to perform a search in the system, you’ll need to know what type of document you are looking for.

  • Purchasing now includes POs, PO Changes, and PO Payments. To search for a PO Payment, search in the Purchasing section; you will no longer find it in the Payments section.
  • Direct Payments are in their own group.
  • Travel now includes Travel Requests and Travel Completions. To search for a Travel Request, search in the Travel section; you will no longer find it in the Purchasing section. To search for a Travel Completion, search in the Travel section; you will no longer find it in the Payments section.

We are offering special training sessions to ensure that all of your questions are answered.If you or your business unit would like to request a special training session, please contact Maile Brooks. It is our goal to provide a good user experience.

For additional resources, please refer to the earlier notices posted on:

  • November 18, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 – Webinar Materials
  • November 19, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 3 – User Guide and Training Videos

Questions or Need Assistance

Issue: Contact:
Enhancements or Training Requests Maile Brooks at [email protected] or (808) 988-8340
User Access Janice Sato at [email protected] or (808) 988-8345
Processing Problems Rick Fujioka at [email protected] or (808) 988-8346

Payment Approval Deadline on December 24 and 31

The payment approval deadline on December 24 and December 31 is 12:00 noon.  On-line payment transactions approved by fiscal officers by 12:00 noon on December 24 and 31 will be included in the daily check print.

The last check run for the calendar year will be on Thursday, December 31, 2015. Month-end processing will commence at 12:00 noon on December 31, 2015 During this period, on-line purchasing, payment, and travel transactions can be initiated, fiscal officers will NOT have the ability to approve transactions. Transactions approved after 12:00 noon on December 31 will NOT be included in the project reports for the month of December.

If you have any questions, please contact Maile Brooks at (808) 988-8340 or [email protected].

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 5 – Post Implementation Updates

The modernized user interface was launched two weeks ago. We hope you are finding that the modernized system is more intuitive and user friendly. THANK YOU to those who have shared their feedback and reported issues to us. Please continue to provide us with your feedback.

Some of the issues have been fixed, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to work on improving our system.

Common Issues
Following is a list of common issues and the current status (as of December 9, 2015). If you have documents you created prior to December 9 and received an error related to an issue below, you may need to delete the pending document and create a new document.

Issue Status
Purchase Order: Not able to process a $0 line item Fixed
Travel Completion: Not able to process a $0 travel completion Fixed
Travel Forms: M&IE Minus Days not allowing 2 digits after the decimal Fixed
Payments: Not able to process payments for projects past termination date Fixed
Mileage: Not able to deduct miles Fixed
Mileage: Miles rounding to the nearest whole number Fixed
Direct Payments Listing: Missing check date, check number, or approved date In Progress
Equipment Inventory: Invalid error equipment cost total does not match payment line item total. In Progress
RCUH Payroll Report: Download link not working In Progress

Search Function
Based on user feedback, we are also working on an enhanced search function to:

  • Provide a Search ALL function to search all Purchasing, Payment, and Travel transactions in one place.
  • Provide functionality to search (by words, numbers, etc.) WITHIN the documents themselves.

For now, to perform a search in the system, you’ll need to know what type of document you are looking for.

  • Purchasing now includes POs, PO Changes, and PO Payments. To search for a PO Payment, search in the Purchasing section; you will no longer find it in the Payments section.
  • Direct Payments are in their own group.  

  • Travel now includes Travel Requests and Travel Completions. To search for a Travel Request, search in the Travel section; you will no longer find it in the Purchasing section. To search for a Travel Completion, search in the Travel section; you will no longer find it in the Payments section.

It is our goal to provide a good user experience, and we are offering our users the option to arrange a special training session to ensure that all of your questions are answered. If you or your business unit would like to request a special training session, please contact Maile Brooks.

For additional resources, please refer to the earlier notices posted on:
November 18, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 – Webinar Materials
November 19, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 3 – User Guide and Training Videos

If you have any questions or need assistance with:

  • Enhancements or Training Requests – please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or (808) 988-8340
  • User Access – please contact Janice Sato at [email protected] or (808) 988-8345
  • Web Processing Problems – please contact Rick Fujioka at [email protected] or (808) 988-8346

Update: Tax Exemption of Certain Scientific Contracts Memorandum

Attachment 3 (Tax Exemption of Certain Scientific Contracts with the United States) in the Procurement & Disbursing Document Library has been updated to clarify the requirements and procedures vendors must follow when claiming an exemption from general excise taxes for certain scientific contracts.  Please provide the updated memo to all vendors who may qualify for the exemption.  Purchases that may qualify include those related to aerospace, agricultural, astronomical, biomedical, electronic, geophysical, oceanographic, test range, and other scientific facilities, as well as the design, construction, maintenance, operation, etc., of those scientific facilities.  Refer to Policy 2.201 Purchase Orders, Section 2, for additional information regarding the tax exemption.

Questions may be directed to Erin Yoda at (808) 956-3969 or [email protected].

Welcome to the RCUH Financial System Modernized User Interface

Welcome to the modernized user interface for the RCUH Financial System. The new website address for the Financial Portal is

Current users should have received an email from [email protected] with their new username and temporary password. This is a legit email and is NOT a phishing attempt. If you did not receive an email and need access to the Financial Portal, please submit a Financial Portal Access Form.

For additional information, please refer to the earlier notices posted on:

  • October 23, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 1
  • November 18, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 – Webinar Materials
  • November 19, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 3 – User Guide and Training Videos
  • November 20, 2015 – RCUH FS Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 4 – User Logins

If you have any questions or need assistance with:

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 4 – User Logins

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. The modernized system includes enhanced security features that will require unique user logins. All users will be required to have their own individual username and password. Group or shared logins will be eliminated.

Current Users
Current users who already have an individual login will be migrated to the modernized system and automatically assigned a new username and password. The new username format will be FirstName_LastName. Prior to Go Live on November 23, these users should receive an email with their new username and temporary password. This email will be sent to the email address on record.

Secondary users who already have an individual login will be uploaded to the modernized system and will be able to access the same PI accounts that they are currently assigned to. Secondary users who use a group or shared login will have to submit a Financial Portal Access Form to request an individual user login and to establish that the PI is designating the user as a secondary user.

Group Users
Users who currently use group or shared logins will have to submit a Financial Portal Access Form to request an individual user account.

Questions or Help
For questions on user logins, please refer to these Questions and Answers.
If you have any other questions or require assistance, please contact Janice Sato at [email protected] or (808) 988-8345.

Getting a User ID for the RCUH Financial System

Authorized users sign onto the RCUH Financial Portal with a username and password. This provides users with online access to important functions, including online Purchase Requisitions, Travel Requests, Payments and more.

To request an individual user login, please complete and submit a Financial Portal Access Form to Janice Sato at [email protected].

Secondary User Account to Access Multiple PIs
A secondary user is designated by the PI to process (initiate and submit) transactions in the financial portal on behalf of the PI (or multiple PIs). Secondary users have access to all major functions and reports, except for payroll reports and salary information.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Janice Sato at [email protected] or (808) 988-8345.

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 3 – User Guide and Training Videos

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. The design of the modernized user interface is based on existing forms and business processes, so users familiar with the current system should not require extensive user training.

The User Guide and Training Videos provide highlights on the new features of each major function in the modernized system.

Training videos for each function can be found by clicking on the links below:
Main Menu & Delegation (2:30 minutes)
Create PO (3:05 minutes)
PO Change (2:25 minutes)
PO Payment (2:09 minutes)
Authorization for Payment (3:09 minutes)
Non-Employee Expenses (4:25 minutes)
Personal Automobile Mileage (3:05 minutes)
Petty Cash Summary Sheet (2:59 minutes)
Travel Request (4:23 minutes)
Travel Completion (4:38 minutes)
Travel Completion from a Travel Request (4:43 minutes)
RCUH Reports (1:08 minutes)
UH Reports (1:03 minutes)
Attachment B (1:43 minutes)

All training videos combined together (a playlist):

Existing training videos will remain in the Using Help page. These videos reflect the previous design version of, and focus on the business process and basic workflow of submitting POs, Payments, Travel Requests, etc.

RCUH Financial System – Modernized User Interface, Announcement No. 2 UPDATE – Webinar Materials

RCUH will be releasing a modernized user interface for our financial information system on Monday, November 23, 2015. To prepare for the release, we hosted a webinar on Tuesday, November 10. This presentation provided an overview of the modernized Financial Portal and was geared toward users already familiar with the RCUH financial system and business processes. Here are the materials from the session, including the recorded webinar, presentation slides, and Q&A for your reference.

Recorded Webinar (50 minutes):

If these materials do not provide enough details to meet your needs, we will also be providing a User Guide and Training Videos for each major function.Please continue to check the RCUH website for News and Announcements.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Maile Brooks at [email protected] or 988-8340.