RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Friday 07/23/21 6:00 PM to Sunday 07/25/21 12:00 Noon

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Friday 07/23/21 at 6:00 PM (HST) to Sunday 07/25/21 12:00 Noon (HST) for system maintenance.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

RCUH HR INFOMATION ONLY – July 12-14: TIAA Individual GRA/SRA Advisory Sessions (Virtual Meetings)

ATTENTION:  Principal Investigators & Regular-Status employees at 50-100% FTE

RCUH is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement (GRA/SRA) Plan Advisory Sessions with TIAA via virtual meetings July 12-14. Regardless of your current status – whether you are a long-time employee, just hired, or somewhere in between – it is never too early or too late to consider retirement planning. During these personalized sessions, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA Financial Consultant on a free and confidential basis.

Because these sessions are being held during normal business hours, all employees must notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend. We encourage Principal Investigators to allow their employees to attend the TIAA Advisory Sessions, if requested. 

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA (Supplemental Retirement Annuity) plan, please note that unlike the GRA (Group Retirement Annuity) plan, there is no 12-month waiting period and you may enroll or make changes to your election at any time during the year. The SRA plan with TIAA is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings over and above the amount being accumulated under the RCUH basic retirement plan (GRA). 

For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please review Policy 3.560 RCUH Retirement Plans.

We have reserved the following dates and times for individual sessions:

Monday, July 12Virtual
Tuesday, July 13Virtual
Wednesday, July 14Virtual


If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call TIAA’s Service and Scheduling Group at (800) 732-8353 Mon-Fri 6am – 3pm Hawaiʻi Standard Time.

Relevant Forms and Documents:
TIAA-SRA Supplemental Retirement Annuity – Agreement for Salary Reduction Form (B-6)

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled meeting.

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY: Fringe Benefits Schedule – Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022

To: All Principal Investigators and Fiscal Administrators

On behalf of Nelson Sakamoto, Director of Human Resources, please see the attached memorandum.

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Policy 3.510 Fringe Benefits

Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 Fringe Benefits Schedule

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY: Guidance Relating to Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules

Reminder: June 1-November 30 is hurricane season. For more information on Hurricane Douglas, please visit the NOAA Central Pacific Hurricane Center and take the time to review your family emergency plan. (https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes)

Employees are encouraged to sign up for UH Alert to be informed via text message about emergency situations affecting the 10 UH campuses http://hawaii.edu/alert. Notifications affecting UH campuses will be posted at https://www.hawaii.edu/emergency/.

If a project is unable to offer work to their RCUH employees due to unforeseen disruptions, please follow the guidelines provided in the Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules Memorandum.

Please contact (808) 956-3100 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 06/26/21 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 06/26/21 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

Memorandum on Juneteenth

Today, President Joe Biden signed into law legislation establishing June 19 as “Juneteenth National Independence Day”, a U.S. federal holiday, effective immediately. Federal agencies will be recognizing Friday, June 18, 2021 as “Juneteenth Day Holiday,” since June 19, 2021 falls on a Saturday.

On June 16, 2021, Governor David lge signed SB 939 – Relating to Juneteenth Day. The intent of SB 939 is to establish June 19th of each year as a day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States and to honor and recognize the significant roles and contributions of African Americans in the history of the United States. Under SB 939, June 19th is not a State Holiday.

RCUH employees working in a federal facility should check with their Principal Investigators today (June 17) regarding how the Juneteenth Day Holiday may affect their work schedules.

Principal Investigators should refer to the attached “Unforeseen Disruption in Work Schedules” for guidance, or follow how you handle the federal Columbus Day Holiday.

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RCUH INFO ONLY- June 15-18: TIAA Individual GRA/SRA Advisory Sessions (Virtual Meetings)

ATTENTION:  Principal Investigators & Regular-Status employees at 50-100% FTE

RCUH is now coordinating one-hour Individual/Employee Retirement (GRA/SRA) Plan Advisory Sessions with TIAA via virtual meetings June 15-18. Regardless of your current status – whether you are a long-time employee, just hired, or somewhere in between – it is never too early or too late to consider retirement planning. During these personalized sessions, you will be able to discuss your personal financial/retirement goals with a TIAA Financial Consultant on a free and confidential basis.

Because these sessions are being held during normal business hours, all employees must notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend. We encourage Principal Investigators to allow their employees to attend the TIAA Advisory Sessions, if requested. 

For employees unfamiliar with the SRA (Supplemental Retirement Annuity) plan, please note that unlike the GRA (Group Retirement Annuity) plan, there is no 12-month waiting period and you may enroll or make changes to your election at any time during the year. The SRA plan with TIAA is considered a 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan which allows an employee to make contributions via payroll deduction from his/her pre-tax earnings over and above the amount being accumulated under the RCUH basic retirement plan (GRA). 

For more information about the GRA and SRA plans, please review Policy 3.560 RCUH Retirement Plans.

We have reserved the following dates and times for individual sessions:

Tuesday, June 15Virtual
Wednesday, June 16Virtual
Friday, June 18Virtual

If you have questions or are unable to schedule an appointment online, please call TIAA’s Service and Scheduling Group at (800) 732-8353 Mon-Fri 7am – 1pm Hawaiʻi Standard Time.

Relevant Forms and Documents:
TIAA-SRA Supplemental Retirement Annuity – Agreement for Salary Reduction Form (B-6)

Meetings are accessible for individuals with disabilities.  Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled meeting.

RCUH IMPORTANT – Follow-up to RCUH Advisory #9 (May 14, 2021) regarding Return to the Workplace & COVID-19 Vaccinations


TO:                  All Principal Investigators employing RCUH staff

FROM:           Nelson Sakamoto

                       Director of Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Follow-up to RCUH Advisory #9 (May 14, 2021) regarding Return to the Workplace & COVID-19 Vaccinations

We are providing you with additional guidance from our May 14, 2021 RCUH Advisory #9.

Advisory #9 – Applicable to RCUH employees working for a University of Hawaii Principal Investigator in Hawaii:  On May 14, 2021, the RCUH published Advisory #9 regarding the tentative return to workplace schedule for all RCUH employees working for University of Hawaii projects.  These RCUH employees are subject to the University’s return to the workplace guidelines and schedule.  The RCUH will provide updates as needed to this return to the workplace schedule.  RCUH Advisory #9 does not apply to RCUH employees permanently working outside of Hawaii. 

COVID-19 Vaccinations are Encouraged – Not Mandatory:  On February 26, 2021, the RCUH published Advisory #8 regarding the COVID-19 Vaccinations for RCUH employees on all islands.  The RCUH and the University of Hawaii encouraged our employees to get the vaccination.  At that time, the demand for vaccinations were more than the supply of vaccines. This required scheduling and coordination. Today, the vaccine supply is greater than the demand allowing employees to schedule themselves for a vaccination.  The RCUH continues to encourage all employees to get vaccinated and we continue to authorize 2.0 hours of paid time off if their vaccination is on a workday. To date, the University has not mandated vaccinations for its employees.  However, this may change in the future, should this occur the RCUH will provide you with an Advisory guidance. Any Principal Investigator whose project has a job or safety related reason to impose a mandatory vaccination rule for their RCUH employees should contact the RCUH Director of Human Resources for guidance.

Questions or other concerns: Contact me by email ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 05/22/21 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 05/22/21 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].