RCUH INFO ONLY- Updates to Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plans: Eligible Expenses due to COVID-19

To:  Regular-Status (50-100% FTE) Employees Enrolled in Flexible Spending Plan Accounts

The Internal Revenue Service has announced changes to reimbursable items under FSA plans.

COVID-19 related expenses that can be reimbursed under health FSAs include:

  • Home testing for COVID-19
  • Personal protective equipment such as masks, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes for the primary purpose of preventing the spread of COVID-19

National Benefit Services (NBS) has updated their Expenses Flier to include COVID-19 related expenses under the RCUH FSA Healthcare plan. The updated flier may be found on NBS Summary of Benefits  (page 7).

For more information about the IRS announcement, please see IRS: Cost of home testing for COVID-19 is eligible medical expense; reimbursable under FSAs, HSAs and Announcement 2021-7.

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RCUH HR IMPORTANT: Reminder – Deadline to Submit 2021 Performance Evaluations: September 30, 2021

TO:  Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Project Administrators

This is a reminder that the 2021 Performance Evaluations are due on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Submit the completed performance evaluations via email to RCUH Human Resources Department: [email protected].

Pursuant to 3.410 RCUH 12-Month/Needs Based Performance Evaluations and 3.360 Performance Based Compensation Policy, all Regular status employees must receive an Annual Performance Evaluation. The evaluation period is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 or through September 30, 2021.  All performance evaluations must be based on the employee’s official RCUH Job Description.   RCUH Performance Evaluations may be completed using either the RCUH Long or Short evaluation formats:

RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation (Short) Form

RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation (Long) Form

Please contact RCUH Human Resources if you have any questions regarding the Performance Evaluation process at 956-3100 or [email protected].

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY: HMSA COVID-19 Support to the Hawaii Business Community – A one­-month 15% Reduction on HMSA Medical Plan Premiums for October 1-31, 2021

TO: RCUH Regular Status Employees who elected an HMSA Medical Plan

On behalf of Nelson Sakamoto, RCUH Director of Human Resources, please see Memorandum (Re: HMSA COVID-19 Support to the Hawaii Business Community – A one-month 15% Reduction on HMSA Medical Plan Premiums for October 1-31, 2021) – 2 pages.

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RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 09/25/21 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 09/25/21 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH 2021 Annual Performance Evaluation Training

Attention Principal Investigators and Supervisors: RCUH 2021 Annual Performance Evaluations Training has been scheduled for the following dates via Zoom Webcast:

  • Thursday, September 16: 10:00am – 11:30am
    • DEADLINE to request to register: Wednesday, September 15 – 12noon
  • Friday, September 24: 10:00am – 11:30am
    • DEADLINE to request to register: Thursday, September 23 – 12noon

Request for Registration: https://forms.gle/LcuFhNjUf5vZyvF1A

Attendance will be strictly limited to Principal Investigators and Supervisory staff only. It is important you request for registration at least 24 hours in advance of the training to allow time for RCUH review. All individuals requesting registration will be reviewed in advance and confirmations and details (meeting link and dial-in information) will be distributed first thing in the morning the day of training.

A Zoom waiting room will also be enabled and individuals will be allowed to join the training so it is important that your name match the name on your registration so RCUH HR staff is able to confirm your attendance.

Key Dates:

  • September 30, 2021: DEADLINE – Performance Evaluation Forms due to RCUH Human Resources Department (Email to [email protected])

Relevant RCUH Policy:

2021 Annual Performance Evaluation Forms:

Any questions regarding the Annual Performance Evaluation process may be directed to RCUH Human Resources at [email protected].

Any individual who requires special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] well in advance of the scheduled training.

RCUH HR IMPORTANT: 2021 Performance Evaluations — Deadline: September 30, 2021

TO: Principal Investigators and Individuals with Supervisory Access/Authority

SUBJECT:   2021 Performance Evaluations — Deadline: September 30, 2021

POLICIES & DEADLINE: Pursuant to 3.410 RCUH 12-Month/Needs Based Performance Evaluations and 3.360 Performance Based Compensation Policy, all Regular status employees must receive an Annual Performance. The evaluation period is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 or through September 30, 2021.  DEADLINE:  Thursday, September 30, 2021.

RCUH ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORMS:  All performance evaluations must be based on the employee’s job duties/responsibilities as specified in the employee’s RCUH Job Description.   RCUH Performance Evaluations may be completed using the RCUH Long or Short evaluation formats:

RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation (Short) Form

RCUH Annual Performance Evaluation (Long) Form

Brief Instructions:  Both forms are Excel forms, and you must complete all yellow shaded boxes.  Use the Tab key to move from one required cell to next cell.  The scoring column has a drop-down list of scores. Select the applicable rating/score, then tab to move to the next scoring cell.  The Excel form will add up the scores, then refer to the total score for the employee’s overall performance rating.


(1) Select type of evaluation form

(2) Review employee’s job description and previous Performance Evaluation.

(3) Complete evaluation (attend RCUH training on Performance Evaluation Process).

(4) Schedule private meeting with employee and conduct evaluation.

(5) Employee/PI sign evaluation form and send into RCUH Human Resources Department.

*Return forms to the RCUH Human Resources Department by September 30, 2021

Email: [email protected], or FAX: (808) 956-9423.

TRAINING:  Zoom training sessions on how to conduct a performance evaluation and how to complete the RCUH Performance Evaluation forms will be emailed to all Principal Investigators and those with Supervisory Access to the RCUH HR Portal.  Non-PIs and Non-Supervisory Access level staff will not be permitted to attend these training sessions.

Any questions please contact Nelson Sakamoto, RCUH Director of Human Resources (email: [email protected] phone: 956-6965).

RCUH HR IMPORTANT – RCUH Human Resources Online Systems Down Saturday, 08/28/21 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM

All RCUH Human Resources online systems will be down on Saturday, 08/28/21 at 5:00 AM (HST) to 10:00 AM (HST) for system maintenance.

This will include:

  • Human Resources Portal
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Careers/Recruiting
  • New Hire Documents (EHS)

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Sumi at (808) 956-6318 or [email protected].

RCUH HR URGENT: “My COVID-19 Data App” – Now Available via ESS – Update by Thursday, August 19th at 5:00 PM HST

To: All RCUH Employees, Principal Investigators, and Project Administrators with Supervisory Access

Please see the Memorandum below regarding the RCUH “My COVID-19 Data App”. This is now available via the Employee Self-Service (ESS) Portal. The deadline to update your information is Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 5:00 PM HST.

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Memo Attachment: RCUH Employee Guide to Updating your “My COVID-19 Data App” via RCUH Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal.

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RCUH HR URGENT – RCUH COVID-19 Advisory #12 – Implementation of the Emergency Proclamation

To: Principal Investigators & RCUH Employees

This advisory is intended to provide guidance to Principal Investigators and RCUH Employees on the RCUH’s implementation of Governor David Ige’s August 5, 2021 Emergency Proclamation, which requires all State and County employees to be fully vaccinated or undergo weekly tests for COVID-19, effective August 16, 2021.

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