RCUH HR IMPORTANT — 2024 Annual Performance Evaluation Period: Updated Performance Evaluation Form and Submission via HR Portal eUpload Available

TO:                 Principal Investigators, Supervisors, and Project Administrators

The 2024 RCUH Performance Evaluation Form is now available online. Click here to access the form:

Pursuant to 3.410 RCUH 12-Month/Needs Based Performance Evaluations, all Regular-Status employees must receive an Annual Performance Evaluation.

Minor edits have been made to the Performance Evaluation Form based off valuable feedback:

  • “Merit” definition change
  • Job Competency: Safety Awareness > Safety Compliance
  • Section 2: Employee Performance/Job Competencies Narrative: included option to provide feedback on “opportunities for development”

Submission of Performance Evaluations: Please submit Performance Evaluations via the Project electronic upload (eUpload) feature in the HR Portal. Click here for Instructions for submitting the evaluations via eUpload.

Deadline to submit Performance Evaluations: June 19, 2024 (Wednesday)

Note for projects that follow the Federal fiscal year: Since the evaluation period is October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, evaluations will be due with a later deadline. A second round of the online PA/PAF application will be available in September for pay increases or one-time payments with an effective date of October 1, 2024. Additional information will be provided at a later date.

Performance management (e.g., planning, coaching, evaluating, addressing performance issues) is an essential part of a supervisor’s responsibilities.  Performance evaluations are used as a tool to measure an employee’s performance, provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement, and motivate employees for growth and/or career advancement. There is no “one size fits all” solution for effective performance management. If you’d like to discuss performance management strategies, please contact Kira Higa, Director of Human Resources at [email protected].

Please contact RCUH Human Resources if you have any questions regarding the Performance Evaluation process at (808) 956-7106 or [email protected].

Now Live! RCUH Annual Benefit Open Enrollment PowerUP! (April 24 – May 17)

PowerUP! RCUH Open Enrollment Election period is now live!

Annual Election Period:

This year’s annual benefit Open Enrollment (OE) period will be April 24, 2024 – May 17, 2024. This marks your opportunity to elect, waive, or change certain benefit elections for the upcoming plan year: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

ACTION NEEDED: Unlike previous years, we are requiring all benefits-eligible employees to complete the new electronic RCUH Open Enrollment form to confirm their elections for the new plan year.

Open Enrollment Electronic Election Form:

The all-electronic RCUH OE form will allow employees to initiate and save their elections/changes and submit when they are ready through the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024. Employees may recall their submissions and resubmit up until the deadline on May 17th. Elections/Changes will be effective July 1, 2024.

Please access the OE form via RCUH Employee Self-Service > Benefits > Open Enrollment

IMPORTANT: If you receive an error message to update your Primary Beneficiary Contact Information, then click on Life Insurance to bring up the Beneficiary Designation Section.

NOTE: The Open Enrollment form is accessed from a different location than eUpload. Please do not submit Open Enrollment elections via eUpload. All other benefit change requests may still be submitted via eUpload.

RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage:

Your one-stop location for all relevant information including:
Guide to Benefits
Open Enrollment Quick Guide
Rate Sheets
Medical Plan Comparison

RCUH Open Enrollment Office Hours: Chat with RCUH Employee Benefits staff in real time with any questions you may have.

Wednesday, April 24: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 1: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 8: 2:00pm HST
Wednesday, May 15: 2:00pm HST

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 898 1550 7464


Open Enrollment Election PeriodApril 24 – May 17, 2024
Open Enrollment Submission DeadlineMay 17, 2024
RCUH HR Personalized Confirmation Email to all benefits-eligible employees. Please report any discrepancies by June 12, 2024.No later than June 7, 2024
Effective Date for Open Enrollment Submission (enrollment and changes)July 1, 2024
First Premium Deduction for Health InsuranceJune 16 – 30, 2024 pay period (will be reflected on July 5th pay stub)
First Premium Deduction for Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and/or Dependent CareJuly 1-15, 2024 pay period (will be reflected on July 22nd pay stub)

Questions? Please contact RCUH Employee Benefits section at: [email protected] or (808) 956-7055, (808) 956-2326, (808) 956-6979.

DID YOU KNOW: The RCUH Employee Benefit Spotlight Series was created in response to employee feedback on benefits-related topics that mattered to you!. Features include: Understanding Your Pay Statement, Flexible Spending Accounts: Healthcare & Dependent Care, PreTax Transportation Benefits Plan: Parking & Transit, Healthcare Options, Health Insurance: Qualifying Life Event, Retirement Accounts, Vacation Leave: Use It or Lose It, and more!

Update: Nominations Open for 2024 RCUH Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards

Nominations for the Researcher/Project Manager/Professional and Project Support Staff categories are now accepting one (1) alternate each. The Team category—up to 4 individuals—can accept one (1) more nomination and an alternate. The alternate will be advanced only if there is a withdrawal.

Principal Investigators (PIs) may email their intent to submit a nomination to [email protected] by April 28, 2024. The intent should include the name(s) of the employee(s) and the category (i.e., Researcher/Project Manager/Professional, Project Support Staff, Team). PIs may submit only one (1) nomination.

Should you have any questions, please see Policy 3.450 or contact RCUH Corporate Services by emailing [email protected].

RCUH Annual Benefit Open Enrollment PowerUP! April 24th – May 17

The RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage is now live!

This year’s annual benefit OE period will be April 24, 2024 – May 17, 2024. The RCUH annual benefit Open Enrollment (OE) period is your opportunity to elect, waive, or change certain benefit elections for the upcoming plan year – July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

Applicable documents (summary of benefits, rate sheets, comparison document), updates, and virtual OE office hours information will be posted on the RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage on April 24, 2024. The RCUH Open Enrollment Webpage will be updated with additional information as we approach the election period, so stay tuned!

Unlike previous years, we are requiring all benefits-eligible employees to complete the new electronic RCUH Open Enrollment form to confirm their elections for the new plan year. Starting Wednesday, April 24th, all benefits-eligible employees will see the new electronic RCUH OE form on their RCUH Employee Self-Service. The electronic RCUH OE form will allow employees to initiate and save their elections/changes and submit when they are ready through the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024. Employees may recall their submissions and resubmit up until the deadline on May 17th. Elections/Changes will be effective July 1, 2024.

DID YOU KNOW: RCUH Employee Benefit Spotlight Series was created in response to employee feedback on benefits-related topics that mattered to you. Features include: Understanding Your Pay Statement, Healthcare Options, Health Insurance: Qualifying Life Event, and more!


Please note: All employees with a hawaii.edu email may have received an email from EUTF regarding their open enrollment period. This announcement is for State of Hawaii employees, and is not applicable to RCUH employees.

Questions or concerns? Please contact the RCUH Employee Benefits Section at [email protected] or call (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055.

April 25, 2024 (10:00am HST) RCUH HR Recruitment Online Training Refresher

To: RCUH Principal Investigators and Project Staff

The RCUH Human Resources Recruitment Team is hosting an informative online session on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 10:00am (HST).  Join us for some helpful tips and hear about recent updates to ensure a smooth recruitment process.  Attendees will be provided with a summarized Recruitment Reference Guide.  Topics will include:

  • General Overview of the Recruitment Process
  • How to Submit & New Features on the Recruitment Request
  • Next Steps After a Position is Posted
  • Other Recruitment Processes
  • Q&A

Principal Investigators and primary RCUH project representatives are welcome to join.  Whether you are new to the recruitment process or haven’t submitted a request in a while, this refresher will offer insights and takeaways for your next recruitment.  Over the past few years, Recruitment has focused on streamlining procedures by updating processes based on feedback from projects.  Our goals are to offer tips for a smooth recruitment, share updates on our processes, and to strengthen our project relationship. 

WEBINAR REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!  Please click this link to register.  Registration will close at 2:00pm (HST) on Monday, April 22, 2024.  

Check out our refreshed Careers page, which has replaced our previous Job Postings, Application Instructions, and FAQ’s pages, under the Work column of our RCUH home page.  Applicants can learn what it means to work at RCUH, as well as review our job listings and frequently asked questions all in one location.  

If you have any questions, please contact RCUH Recruitment at [email protected].

Nominations Open for 2024 Outstanding Employees of the Year Awards


These awards encourage, recognize, and reward RCUH employees who have made demonstrable, significant, and exemplary contributions to their project during the past fiscal year (July 2024–June 2024) or years. The nominee(s) must be in a Regular-status position, employed by the nominating program for at least one (1) year, have passed their new hire probation period, and in good standing.


  1. Researcher/Project Manager/Professional (exempt status position)
  2. Project Support Staff (non-exempt status position)
  3. Team (2-4 staff in exempt and/or non-exempt positions)


  • $1,000 to the first-place awardee in each category
  • $500 to the second-place awardee in each category
  • $100 to each nominee

All nominees will be recognized at the RCUH Awards Luncheon to be held in Fall 2024.


A Principal Investigator may submit one (1) nomination. Team nominations are limited to no more than four (4) individuals per team. Please ensure that your nominee(s) is/are willing to be interviewed and filmed on camera.

Each category will be limited to five (5) nominations, which includes one (1) alternate. Due to the category limits, PIs must indicate their intent to submit a nomination by emailing [email protected] no later than April 28, 2024. (Intents are taken in the order received.) The email should include the employee’s name and nomination category. Upon eligibility verification, RCUH will provide the PI with a nomination form. The deadline to submit the completed nomination form is May 31, 2024.


Filming will occur from late June 2024 to August 2024. (ALL nominees and their PIs are interviewed and filmed.)

For more information, please refer to policy 3.450 Outstanding Employee of the Year or contact RCUH Corporate Services at [email protected] or 808-956-0504.

RCUH Service Award Program Now Quarterly

Since its inception, the RCUH Service Award Program has been administered annually. RCUH is pleased to announce that effective March 28, 2024, the program will be administered quarterly. Policy 3.440 has been updated to reflect this change.

The RCUH Service Award Program rewards and recognizes Regular-status employees, regardless of FTE, who have been continuously employed with RCUH. Eligible employees are recognized after ten (10) years of continuous service and every five (5) years thereafter.

Service award recipients will receive a certificate and monetary award. The monetary award will be processed through payroll and will be deposited to the employee’s account via direct deposit.

Should you have any questions, please email RCUH Corporate Services, [email protected].

RCUH HR INFORMATION ONLY: 2024 RCUH ePAF and Payroll Deadline Calendar Reminders

You can now add reminders to your email calendar for upcoming RCUH ePAF and Payroll Deadlines for the calendar year 2024. You may edit these calendar reminders as necessary to fit your project’s needs and deadlines. Please click on the links below for the calendar invitations:

If you need any assistance with adding these dates to your calendars, please click here for instructions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact RCUH HRIS at [email protected] or 808-956-8900.

MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop Series – Tuesdays 12noon in April (April 9, 16, 23, 30) – Register now!

Level Up your financial education game with the MetLife Retirewise Financial Wellness Workshop! This four-part series can play a fundamental role in directing your basic financial and retirement planning.  In its 15th year, Retirewise has offered over 14,000 workshops to more than 3,000 companies in all 50 states.

A broad spectrum of financial and retirement-related issues will be covered in these one-hour sessions, including budgeting, investment principles, Social Security, and estate planning – there is something here for everyone. Each session includes different topics and employees are able to choose which session they want to learn more about. However, to make the most out of this special opportunity it is recommended to attend all sessions, as each session build on the previous week’s content and employees will also be asked to do homework to assess their own personal finances.

 This virtual series is offered (at no cost) to all RCUH employees and registration is forthcoming. The workshop will be from 12noon – 1pm HST for the following Tuesdays in April:

  • April 9: Building the Foundation: Understand your financial and retirement planning basics by creating a budget, learn about compound interest, tax diversification and inflation.
  • April 16: Creating and Managing Wealth: Review the principles of investing including how to get started, different types of investments and their common risks and strategies.
  • April 23: Establishing Your Retirement Income Stream: Learn how to examine risks, manage assets and structure a retirement income stream to address your retirement needs and wants.
  • April 30: Making the Most of What You Have: Review your employer’s benefits and how they can fit into your plan while also covering estate planning, Medicare options and life and disability income insurance.

With Retirewise, you’ll be on your way to making smarter financial decisions and creating an action plan that works for you. 

Because these sessions are being held during the middle of the day, all employees should notify their PIs and supervisors if they would like to attend. We encourage Principal Investigators and Supervisors to allow their employees to attend these sessions, if requested.

[Spouses and partners are welcome!]

Sign up today!


Contact RCUH Employee Benefits with any questions or concerns:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 956-2326 or (808) 956-7055

Individuals who require special needs accommodations may request assistance in writing to [email protected] prior to the scheduled session.