Approaching Storm Information

Please see below for a notice that UH announced this morning in regards to the storms approaching the islands:

The National Weather Service and State officials are monitoring Hurricane Madeline and Hurricane Lester. The effects of Hurricane Madeline may start impacting Hawaii Island as early as tomorrow (8/30). Lester is still too far away to predict what effects it will have on the state.

Please follow the National Weather Service (, other official agencies and local media for the latest weather news.

Stay informed

UH students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up for UH Alert to be informed via text message about emergency situations affecting our 10 campuses affecting UH campuses will be posted at

Be prepared

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency ( recommends residents and visitors take the following actions to prepare for any possible hurricane or tropical cyclone:

Talk with family members about what you plan to do if a hurricane or tropical storm threatens.

Make an action plan that includes details such as whether or not your family plans to evacuate.

Download the Ready Hawaii app from the iTunes or Google Play store. This app can aid in your emergency planning and will list shelters if they are opened for evacuation.

Walk your property and check for potential flood threats. If time and conditions permit, clear your gutters and other drainage systems.

Identify small outdoor items that could be picked up by high winds.

Make a plan to bring these items indoors if a hurricane/tropical storm watch or warning is issued.

Prepare your pets by checking or purchasing a carrier and other preparedness items. A pet carrier is necessary for your pet’s safety if you plan to evacuate to a pet-friendly shelter.

Don’t forget seven days of food and water for your furry family members.

Set aside an emergency supply of any needed medication and keep a copy of your prescriptions in case you run out of medication after a disaster.

Visitors should download and read the Hawaii Tourism Authority’s Travel Safety Brochure at

This message was sent on behalf of UH System.

2015-2016 Performance Evaluations Due on September 12, 2016 for October 1, 2016 Pay Adjustments/Awards via Online PA/PAF

TO:  All Principal Investigators Who Did Not Turn In Their Employees’ 2015-2016 Performance Evaluations 

The RCUH will provide Principal Investigators with a final chance to turn in all employees’ 2016 Annual Performance Evaluations in order to be eligible for the 2016 pay awards/adjustments. The deadline to turn in the Performance Evaluations is September 12, 2016.

We will open up the Online Pay Award/Personnel Action Form (PA/PAF) on September 22, 2016 via the Human Resources Portal. The PA/PAF will allow for the following options:

  • Pay Increase to Base Salary and/or One-Time Payment effective October 1, 2016
  • Retroactive One-Time Payment for the duration of July 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016 (only if a percent increase to base is provided)

All PA/PAF’s must be initiated and approved via the PA/PAF on the Human Resources Portal no later than October 11, 2016. 

If you have any questions, please email Stacie Kondo at [email protected].

RCUH Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 8/31/16 is 12:00 noon on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2016

The RCUH payroll deadline for the 8/16-8/31/16 pay period is 12:00 noon on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2016.   The deadline has been moved up one day due to the Labor Day holiday.


  • Online timesheets will be available starting Monday, August 29, 2016.
  • Online timesheets must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon, Wednesday, August 31, 2016.
  • Be sure to check for verification of your electronic submission (name, date, time and confirmation number) and that the correct number of timesheets were submitted (x of x).
  • Supporting documentation must be submitted to RCUH Payroll by 12:00 noon, Wednesday, August 31, 2016.
  • RCUH employees will NOT be paid if the online timesheets are not submitted by the RCUH payroll deadline.
  • Late timesheets will be processed retroactively with the next scheduled payroll processing.

For your convenience, click here to view the 2016 Human Resources Personnel Action & Payroll Calendar.

Should you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll Staff at [email protected].

Thank you,
RCUH Payroll Staff

General Ethics Training Class for State Employees: September 14, 2016

The Hawaii State Ethics Commission will be offering a general ethics training class on Oahu for state employees.

Please see below for ethics training announcement:

The Hawaii State Ethics Commission is offering an ethics training class for state employees on September 14, 2016 (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.), at Mission Memorial Auditorium.  The class is open to all state employees and will provide an overview of the State Ethics Code, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 84.  Topics will include conflicts of interest; gifts and the reporting of gifts; confidential information; misuse of official position; and post-employment restrictions.  There is no fee for this class, but early registration is encouraged as seating is limited.

Here is the link to register:

Please encourage anyone who has not received ethics training to register for this class.

Thank you for your support of ethics education!

Hawaii State Ethics Commission
1001 Bishop Street, Suite 970
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Telephone: (808) 587-0460

RCUH Timesheet for August 16-31, 2016 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the August 16-31, 2016 Timesheet
Payroll Deadline is August 31, 2016 noon (Advanced Deadline)
Payday for this timesheet is September 7, 2016

Next Announcement: August 31, 2016 (September 1-15)

Notice to All Employees Relating to Hepatitis A in Hawai‘i (Hawai’i Employers Council FAQ)

The Hawaii Employers Council has prepared for employers a FAQ sheet to share with our employees regarding the Hepatitis A virus. We recommend you contact your doctor if you have any further questions about the Hepatitis A virus, vaccination or related concerns.

For your information, both HMSA and Kaiser medical plans do cover the Hepatitis A vaccination, with the following conditions:

HMSA Members:  You must see your doctor for a prescription.  If not you may be responsible for the entire cost of the vaccination.

Kaiser Members:  You must go to a Kaiser Medical Clinic to receive the vaccination.

RCUH Advanced Payroll Deadline for the Pay Period Ending 8/15/16

RCUH Advanced Payroll Deadline for Pay Period Ending 8/15/16 is 12:00 noon on MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2016

The RCUH payroll deadline for the 8/1-8/15/16 pay period is 12:00 noon on MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2016.The deadline has been moved up one day due to the Statehood Day holiday.


  • Online timesheets will be available starting Thursday, August 11, 2016.
  • Online timesheets must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon, Monday, August 15, 2016.
  • Be sure to check for verification of your electronic submission (name, date, time and confirmation number) and that the correct number of timesheets were submitted (x of x).
  • Supporting documentation must be submitted to RCUH Payroll by 12:00 noon, Monday, August 15, 2016.
  • RCUH employees will NOT be paid if the online timesheets are not submitted by the RCUH payroll deadline.
  • Late timesheets will be processed retroactively with the next scheduled payroll processing.

For your convenience, click here to view the 2016 Human Resources Personnel Action & Payroll Calendar.

Should you have any questions, please contact the RCUH Payroll Staff at [email protected].

RCUH Timesheet for August 1-15, 2016 pay period

In order to minimize searching for the RCUH timesheets each pay period, we will have the current RCUH timesheet available in the Current News section of the RCUH website on the first working day of each pay period.

Click here for the August 1-15, 2016 Timesheet

Payroll Deadline is August 15, 2016 noon

Payday for this timesheet is August 22, 2016

Next Announcement: August 15, 2016 (August 16-31)

Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standard Act

On July 26, 2016, the Federal Department of Labor (“DOL”) released revisions to the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). A major change to the poster is the removal of the maximum amount of fines and penalties which may be assessed for violations. The FLSA poster also includes language outlining the rights of nursing mothers.

Click here for poster copy of New Federal Employment Law Poster.